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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER HYRUM, UTAH The parish house of St. Agnes German Catholic church, at Bt. Paul, Mlnn was wrecked Sunday by a bomb. Five persons were in the building at the time, but all escaped Injury. Six of a family of eight were instantly killed when an automobile in which they were riding was struck by a train near Lafuyette, Ind. Lieutenant Raoul Lufbery of Wal- BRITISH MOSQUITO FLEET GOES HEAVY ARTILLERY AND QUICK REGULATIONS FOR HANDLING OP FIRERS USED WITH DEADLY COMMODITIES ISSUED BY lingford, Conn., member of the LafayINTO NORTH SEA AND DEI The News ON TAGLIAMENTO. ette EFFECT PRESIDENT WILSON. has down flying MOLISHES squadron, PATROL. HUN brought Happenings of his fifteenth German airplane, accordDays Paragraphed ing to the Paris edition of the Chicago Tribune. Teuton Raiders Believed to Have Been Aid Being Rushed to Fighting Italians Excessive Prices Are to Be Eliminated ; and Licensed Dealers Are Forbid-deby England and France In an Leo Zeigman, 10, was found not Headed for Another Exploit Like AdBack to Endeavor Turn to Sell to Retailers Isles Recent One Near Shetland guilty at Sioux City, Iowa, of the murvancing Hun Hordes. INTERMOUNTAIN. Who Overcharge. der of nis father, John Ziegman, July When They Met Surprise. Leaping from their locomotive when 24 last. The defense was that the boy it collided under full steam with was mentally Irresponsible. Ziegman London. Great Britain and France London. Eleven German ships, perWashington. Regulations for the passenger train half a mile north shot his father while the latter was are rushing to the aid of Italy in her handling of the nations food, promuone an them of auxiliary twelve, haps of Brigham, Utah, Engineer Robert engaged in a quarrel with his mother. men and lgated by President Wilson and to guns, critical hour. Not alone have take cruiser, armed with 'Kirkwood and Fireman John Conyers, battlefront sent to the been along effect immediately, were announced WASHINGTON. were sent to the bottom of the Catte-ga- t, guns both of Salt Lake Citya were Injured. the Ital- November 3 by the United States food More than a million families were the large North sea arm between the Tagliamento river, where Invaders minor added to the food passengers suffered Teutonic are the ians holding administration. They govern the British administrations a Sweden and Denmark, by bruises. of Great war brains at the but bay, of all food handlers except pledge enrollment by reports of activsome fleet time Saturday. mosquito Uniform minimum wage scales for ities to small and control the smalt the were patrol Britain and France are on their way retailers, Sunday Ten country. vessels of the sunken throughout the Pacific coast shipbuilding yards, a The Italy to consult with the Italian retailers indirectly, as officially recorded here, eraft. total, (guide for all shipyards in the country, now stands at 6,409,467. The chief objects of the regulations The Teuton fleet, it Is believed, was leaders. (Were announced November 3 by the Premier Lloyd George and General are: recent Individual be an coal will of for the like headed hoarding exploit United States shipbuilding adjustment to the First To limit the prices charged blame for any shortage of coal for one near the Shetland isles, when nine Sir William R. Robertson, chief ofheadboard. The decision effects an InBritish at staff army imperial by every license to a reasonable use. Administrator Garfield Scandinavian ships and two British crease of from 10 to 30 per cent over domestic of the British amount over expenses, and forbid leaders are the quarters, has have the such given warning that hoarding destroyers were sunk. They may 'the old scale. while Premier Painleve is acquisition of speculative profits from delegation, in seizure result redistribuwho may and same been the away raiders got When two automobiles the chief representative of the French a rising market. that time. Collided in Salt Lake all of the sixteen tion. mission. No details of the plans of the Second To keep all food commodSixty-fou- r Sixteen Liberty theatres now beprisoners were rescued by Joint mission have been announced, ities (occupants were injured, two probably moving to the consumer in as ding built by the government in the the British torpedo craft. fatally. but undoubtedly the purpose is to give irect a line and with as little delay as crew Of of Teuton various the national the auxiliary army cantonments, Six persons, whose names were are to what she requires in the way of practicable. be with one cruiser the Marie, of 8000 tons, thirty Italy aqd were an intensive conduct of arrested at Denyer by withheld, Third To limit as far as practica-abl- e were killed outright by the British material for federal authorities in connection with exception will be a part of a regularwar and also to assure her of a the contracts for future delivery and shell fire. ly organized dramatic and vaudeville (the weeks campaign to obtain signareinforcement in in future contracts. great dealings commandher circuit. Captain Lauterbach, ammunition. and tures to the national food pledge. guns Offenders May Be Prosecuted. Steps to limit the use of coal for er, and six of his men were picked forces General Cadornas ,What action will be taken regarding Meanwhile, Under food the control act, the preelectric display advertising will be tak- up by a Danish vessel and taken to are them was not divulged. the invaders along the sident has broad powers to deal with holding or more less are All In an address at Salt Lake City, en up by the fuel administration with- Copenhagen. Tagliamento by means of their heavy individual cases. This power will be' in a few days. Fuel administration seriously wounded. Thomas Marshall, of artillery and quick firers. All along freely exercised to accomplish the 4 Report Thrills England. the United States, declared : The war officials have decided that a large the front Italian aviators are dropping three purposes named. If every liOfficial announcement of the British amount of coal may be saved by dim bombs on enemy ammunition depots censee wll make those purposes the (Was inevitable. There are some con success sent a thrill through all which are unavoidable, and this ming signs and is at work now on naval and troop formations. cardinal principles of his business and Britain. It could not have come at a regulations ot be put into force. moment would Indi- obey the law and the 4s one. You, the people, are responthe What for regulations, he Conscription of industries to supply more opportune moment. A great part cate a further menace to the Italians is will be free from interference sible for this war. It is not an adminby his some an offensive begun by the enemy in the government. Violation is the cause for istration war, a Democratic or ' Re- the needs of the army was discussed of the British press, including staunchest of supthe governments Trentino region, in the zone of the publican war, but an American war, Friday by the war industries board license, as well as subporters, had just unloosed a concert- Giudicaria. Here the enemy has en- revokingtheany tend the nation is responding to the call with automobile and accessories manoffender to criminal penajecting on acof the president in a manner unex- ufacturers, who pledged their full co- ed tirade against the admiralty deavored to break through the terri- lties that may be prescribed. operation to the government in what count of the recent German raiding tory to the west of the northern shores celled in the history of the world. There are many general rules govsuccess. of Lake Garda, but was repulsed after erning all licensees, together with adThirty-sevecarloads of fine cattle, ever is necessary to win the war. The Sir Eric Geddes was the target of a last week to Omaha from plan is to divert a part of each plant heavy battle, leaving prisoners in the ditional special regulations for various Shipped criticism for his explanation hands violent to the production of war material. of the Italians. Hole section of Wyoming, trades In which there are special conIn the commons and particularly for there have been reports ditions, or specific abuses to be overFOREIGN. betted the owners $180,000. Recently charwas which border has been come. that the Austro-Swis- s Berlin announces the completion by the admiralty report, DOMESTIC. one paper as obscure and closed and that the enemy forces in acterized by Of the Germans of the withdrawal The elimination of excessive prices Nineteen bodies have been taken . the Trentino region were being reinvery unmilitary. s from the ruins of the Salvation Army their line from the charged by small retailers, who are not forced. rescue mission in Paterson, N. J. plateau. The Paris account of the AMERICANS CLASH WITH HUNS. (subject to license, will be helped by a fcvhich was destroyed by fire early Sun-tla- movement shows the German retire rule forbidding licensees to sell foods-tHUN RETREAT INDICATED. Ten men were taken to hospi ment to have extended along a thirteeThree Reported KilleiJfive Wounded any person who is taking excessive-profite front from the or speculating.. ifcals, with probably mortal Injuries, n-mile and Twelve Captured. Belgian Factories Being Dismantled An and fend many others were less seriously canal to Corbeny. Destroyed. important rule provides that Washington. Armed forces under hurt. shall import, manufacture, Great Britain and France are rush- the American flag have had their first to information London. According Dr. N. W. Connelly, health commls ing to the aid of Italy in her critical clash with German soldiers in an at- received from Belgian sources, the store, distribute, sell or otherwise hansioner at Omaha, said Sunday he was hour. Not alone have men and guns tack which the Germans made on first Germans are systematically dismant- dle any food commodities on an unconfident that polluted vaccine points been sent to the battle front along line trenches where the United States ling and destroying factories and work- just, exorbitant, unreasonable, discrimcaused the epidemic of bad arms on the Tagliamento river, where the Ital- troops had been taken for instruction shops throughout Belgium. inatory or unfair commission, profit or 400 children in the Madison grade ians are holding the Teutonic invadstorage charge. Germans the is that and three Americans were killed, five It suggested Profits to Be Reasonable. ers at bay, but the war brains of Great wounded and twelve captured or miss- are preparing for an early retreat in school. With An outbreak of the Ku Klux Klan Britain and France are on their way ing. respect to a large group of Belgium similar to that which took commodities, in France last members of the border counties of to Italy to consult with the Italian particularly nonperish-tible- s, spring. The war department made this place the regulations require that Kentucky and Ohio is feared, accord- leaders. known Sunday on receipt of a dispatch RECALLS CELEBRATED TRIAL. profit shall be no greater than a reaing to a visitor from Newport, Ky., Argentine and Chile are about to from General Pershing showing that sonable advance over the actual purHe de- form an alliance, according to a re- the German forces, soon after learning who arrived at Lexington. Man Who Spends Two Years in Death chase clared that several pacifists and al- port coming from Buenos Ayres. price of the particular goods the position of the new enemy from Cell Dies in Hospital. sold without regard to the market or have been warned. leged Armed forces under the American overseas, had launched a desperate efNew York. Roland B. Molineaux, replacement value. Senator Albert B. Cummins of Iowa, flag have had their first clash with fort to overcome them. The Teuton defendant in the celebrated Kate 54, Handling foods in such ways as speaking at San Francisco, predicted German soldiers in an attack which attack came in the form of a heavy Adams murder died of or restrict the supply is case, paralysis three would continue war that the the Germans made on first line trench- barrage fire, which isolated a salient state in the Kings county hospital. guarded against. Special rules require years and- would cost the United es where the United States troops had of the American trench, and apparentwas Molineaux the with that certain foods that have been held 'barged States $80,000,000,000. been taken for instruction and three ly left a small force of Americans at of who Mrs. died of murder in cold storage for more than thirty Adams, Report is made of the finding of Americans were killed, five wounded the mercy of their enemies. That the mercury 1898. days shall be marked cold storage December 18, poisoning American or soldiers is several hundred carloads of potatoes, and twelve captured fought gamely missing. She drank the drug from a bromo selt- goods when offered for sale, prohibit drive at Italy shown by Pershings report of a prisThe cabbage, onions and sugar beets that zer bottle which, it was alleged, Moli- speculation in future of canned goods, have been allowed to freeze and rot in is not without Its blessings. It has oner being taken by them. How some neaux had meant for Harry Cornish, prohibit speculation in potatoes which (the railroad yards at Chicago, being made one the entire western front, of his troops escaped, bringing this fellow a member of the Knickerbocker have been seriously damaged; protect held, detectives assigned to the case which today stretches from the North German back with them, is not told Athletic club. The trial was most sen- the shipper who ships his goods In the brief dispatch of the American sear to the Adriatic. (assert, to force a higher market. was convicted and Molineaux sational on consignment against unfair The Swiss commission which has At present something like 147 Ger- commander. of murder in the first degree. He spent charges by commission men, brokers-anfceen in this country for ten weeks and man divisions are required along the two years in the death house at Sing auctioneers and cover many other FIXES WAGES IN SHIP YARDS. on Thursday bade farewell to Presi- Russian front and must remain there Sing before a new trial was granted. special points. dent Wilson, issued a statement saying all through the winter, according to of- Men Granted Increase of From 10 to Molineaux was then acquitted. It was convinced Switzerland could ficial Russian statements, while Italy WOMEN WORK UNDER FIRE. 30 Per Cent Over Old Scale. in Sixteen Auto Crash. Injured United of the on reinthe is financial and friendship receiving physcal rely San Francisco. Uniform minimum Salt Lake City. Two More Atrocities in Belgium Revealed States and look forward to the solu-- ' forcements from the allies that have coast scales Pacific for the wage shipto sixteen automobiles, passendifficulties containing yet tion of the economic by German Soldier. given her armies renewed strength for a all for building yards, shipon collided guide here gers, Friday, be adjusted. injuring, their task. British Front in Belgium. Many in the country, were announced more or less, every person in the two yards Is a of rebirth At least twelve persons were inpawomen and girls are being undergoing Italy Sunday by the United States ship- cars. At least two persons are thought Belgian a when clamone men are triotism. to build concrete dugouts fatally, probably Everywhere jured, building labor adjustment board. The to have been fatally injured and one compelled is under Jfleavily laden car on the Camp Custer oring to go to the front. Even the decision effects an increase of artillery fire. This statement from maimed for crushlife the possibly by soldier Mich., Battle Creek, Interurban line at Garibaldi veterans have marched in a 10 to 30 of a German made in beper cent over the old scale ing of both feet. The automobiles, who wasthe dairy .crashed into an outgoing car. The body to offer their lives on their coucaptured. He recently its makes although here, when uniformity were to said and have they struck, cars were telescoped. to a landwehr division, ntrys altar. Thousands of younger it lower in some localities than the been traveling at a high rate of speed. longed Overwork in continuous knitting for veterans of the present war, interned was personally in charge of a large scale now In force. number of these unfortunate Belgians, American soldiers and sailors so un- in hospitals or invalided home, are temporary Soon Officers to Graduate. The decision, the first to be handed comto on Mrs. Catherine of their who were daily herded together an dermined the health returning insisting com down by the board, declares that emWashington. Under plans lines Peiz of Flatbush, N. Y., that she be- mands. war department for dis- taken to a zone near the German the pleted discrimination, by hard-eployes interfering suicame despondent and committed to perform manual labor of the Three officers and a number of sail- with the defense of the nation in position of the graduates of the second kind In constant danger of deatn. ors of the German navy were killed in time of cide. unfair series of officers training camps, war, against one In Kiel from Sepanother mutiny at early Prison sentences ranging which will close this month, every man materials would be intolerable. Many Injured in Collision. of the 19,000 who is recommended for year and a day to two years were im- tember, according to a dispatch from wont be There built many ships Brigham City, Utah. Twenty-seveGerman Socialists, Amsterdam. posed on twenty-si- x this declared M. J. Ma- a commission either will be commisunder scale, were injured, six of them Diaries taken from captured convicted at Sioux Falls, S. D., last a union conferee, representing sioned at once or placed on an eligible persons in a wreck guire, on the Malad branc the to obstruct evicommanders furnish documentary week for conspiring the metal trades craftsmen of the bay list subject to call. of the Oregon Short Line railway near dence that the destroyer is the most district. selective draft. mornI believe the entire ship. Many Sign Food Pledges. Brigham at 10 oclock Sunday Sa The first court martial sentence for effective of present weapons against building crafts of the Pacific coast will 43, No. Avoided destroyer Washington. One family of every ing, when passenger train desertion was imposed at Camp Custer, the submarine. to President Wilson against the appeal the incomto Lake sideswiped Ha-giMalad, In four the has food country is the often repeated entry. signed Battle Creek, Mich. Frederick J. decision. 114, pic No. train pledge cards, the food administration ing Malad branch The Germans have retreated from of Midland county, Mich., was sentra n, Malad of the smoker the announced Saturday on the basis of in- Ing up Swiss Put Faith In Americans. tenced to ten years at Leavenworth points along the historic Cherain des teleand Returns from the Intensive hurling it fifty feet away, Dames sector on the Alsne front In New York. The Swiss commission, complete smo prison. the behind campaign conducted during the scoping the chair cay President Wilson has been asked in France, where for several months the which has been in this country for ten pledge er. week. for had VeGeneral Mediator Ietaln French troops weeks and on Thursday bade farewell a message from Federal to President Wilson, Saturday issued a rier C. Reed at San Francisco to com- been keeping them sharply to task. Urges War on Protoppopoff Insane. A German warship has been sunk in statement, saying it was convinced mandeer the entire system of the Pa' America can best Alexander D. Washington. Protopop-ofPetrograd. ar cl tic Telephone & Telegraph company the sound, according to a dispatch Switzerland could rely on the friendof the Interior under' Italy In her present crisis by dec Austr and all its officers and employes, from the National Tidende from ship of the United States and look for- the late has been pronouncing war on Italys rece 1 Sweden. It Is reported that the ward to the solution of the economic ed Insanemonarchy, whether at work or on strike in the official an cablegram by a medical commission of Hungary, s vessel struck a mine. difficulties yet to be adjusted. interest of the service. ed here frotn Italian headquarters inquiry. ITUS HOLDING ISeven ft D n , an-'oth- er six-inc- high-pow- h er g, man-powe- r, vice-preside- nt n Chemin-des-Dame- y, s Oise-Aisn- pro-Germa- - Austro-Germa- n high-powere- d . st n sei-ious- ly, U-bo- at n Austro-Hungar- f, er Mal-mo- e, arch-enem- y, |