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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH What America Can do if Necessary $15)000-OOO- y Wool bawls' It is now apparent that this countrys part in the war is to be on a vastly larger scale than was realized at the time of our entrance. That Of the Large Size and Good in Gray, Tan Black Quality, t in Beaver or Cashimere. America Can Raise i,Men and a better citizen than the bachelor, and every young fellow of the right stuff looks forward to the time when he can have his own cozy nest and wife and babies. is considered Your Big Desire Will Be Realized Sooner If You Start a Savings Account Here HYRUM STATE BANK KEEPS YOUR HOME FRESH aucfCLEAN our Allies are depending on us for tremendous amounts of supplies, money, ships and men is evidenced by our governments financial program and the preparations for the building of ships, assembly and the storage of supplies, together with the drafting and training of men. With but little friction and with astonishing speed, the whole financial and industrial power of the country is being shifted and devoted to the prosecution of the war. An eminent authority has already expressed the opinion that the United States can without serious injury provide in the next three to five years fifteen million trained men and raise one hundred billion dol lars. Much progress has been made during the month in centralizing and the shipping of the world, our shipbuilding campaign being well started and a manager of the commandeered commercial fleet having been appointed. The second Liberty Loan for a minimum of $3,000,000,000 is announced and the sale campaign begun. The increased rate of interest four per cent was made necessary because of the increasing lear-neof money. The War Credit bill authorizes obligations to the total of $11,538,000,000 in bond and war saving certificates. The War Tax bill provides for the raising of about $2,400,000,000 in revenue; of this total the tax on incomes is expected to yield about $842,000,000 and the tax on war profits about Buy Now While the Prices are as low as they are: $4.50, $5.00 $5.50, $6.00. We have the Shawl You Want For The Baby. Fonnesbeck Knitting ss $1,060-000,00- WORKS GOOD LUMBER IS AT THE BOTTOM 0. of success. Combination Pneumatic Sweeper g, DUNTLEY Sweeper cleans without raising dust, and at the same time picks up Its ease pins, lint, ravehngs, etc., in ONE. OPERATION. makes sweeping a simple task quickly finished. It reaches even the most difficult places, and eliminates the necessity of moving and lifting all heavy furniture. The Great Labor Saver of the, Home Every home, large or HPrllS Easy-Runni- ng Swiftly-Sweepin- small, can enjoy relief from Broom drudgery and protection from the danger of flying dust.' Duntley is the Pioneer of Pneumatic Sweepers Has the combination of the Pneumatic Suction Nozzle and revolving Brush. Very easily operated and absolutely guaranteed. 'In buying a Vacuum Cleaner, why not give the "Duntley a trial in your home at our expense? Write today for full particulars Duntley Pneumatic Sweeper Co. 65th and State Street, Chicago, III. The Best Fur House OnEarth For Fur-Shipper- s Nothing is more important to the Fur Shipper than doing bnsinese with an Honest Reliable Responsible Safe Fur House. First Ship ToShubert Safety House In the World dealing exclusively in the largest American Raw Furs, where you will always receive an Accurate and Liberal Assortment, the Highest Market Prices and the usual Shubert Efficient, Speedy, Cour- teous service. Write for thelatesteditionof Cfi fefiutert HVPtt. containing valuable Market information you must have. An CUITRPUT , !n 25-2- 7 snc.Dep, WEST AUSTIN 1353 Chicago. AVE. u.s.a. The loans to the Allies up to date have reached a total of $2,421,000,-- I 00 0 ; hence i'Mi than $600,000,000 of the original appropriation of remains to be expended. It is reported that the monthly advances in the future to our Allies 0. Subscribe. For The South Cache Courier JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS .DONE AT THIS OFFICE- - At Rasonable Prices. some, but our lumber that brings our customers back time and again. It pays us to sell good lumber. It will pay you better to buy it. It lasts longer and is more satisfactory to work up. Try us with an order and youll come back when you mant more. will exceed $600,000,000. Practically all financial measures have been in connection with the .successful prosecution of the war;, among the noteworthy measures are regulations for price fixing of the important commodities; the embargo on export of gold and other arrangements to prevent trading with the enemy. A moratorium for the duration of the war is being planned in order to protect our soldiers and sailors. Negotiations are still pending for the ownership of 1,025,000 tons of shipping contracted by Great Britain in American yards, Great Britain insisting that this tonnage be returned to her at the declaration of peace. About 2,000,000 tons of shipping has been ordered in American yards by foreign countries. The decision in the case of Great Britain will settle .the questions of foreign ownership of other ships now being built in American yards. For the first time since the start of unrestricted submarine warfare, the effect i3 seen in the trade figures of the United States. The July are the exports at $374,000,000 lowest since February, 1916. Even imports have declined by $80,000,-00The August figures are also disappointing. It must be remembered that this reduction of the total is at a time when prices are at the highest known level. As a result of the embargo, trade with neutrals has been brought On the to a complete standstill. other hand, the value of our trade with Latin America for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917, Is as against $810,000,-00- 0 in 1915. The balance of trade in favor of the United States for the whole period of the war up to August 1, 1917, Is about $7,000,000,000. Foreign Letter First National Bank, Boston. Low prices may help its the fine quality of Smith Bros. Lumber ' Co. LOGAN AND HYRUM, UTAH. KB more more upon transportation by rail, river and ocean than upon any other one thing, and yet rail and river transportation is the only thing to which the energizing aid Shall the nations transportation of the government has not been system be allowed to get on its feet given. or shall narrow and selfish state Railroad rates,, he said, are politics cripple the nation? stationary, and railroad expenses There is urgent necessity for co- are increasing. New money for operation by state railroad com- emergency equipment must come missions with interstate commerce from increased traffic or increased commission and need for greater rates, unless the government itself revenues if roads are to meet de- loans the necessary money or furmands of the war. nishes the equipment. President Rea of the PennsylWestern states have spent large vania railroad system tells state sums to send their commissioners to commissioners that to the extent conferences to oppose increased with the feder- rates when as a matter of fact that they they Transportation The Nation's Need al government in its supreme power would gain of regulating interstate carriers they will share in promoting the common defense and the general welfare. To the extent that you fail to even tho you may apbe to pear benefiting certain citizens of your state, you weaken the railroads, impair their service and destroy their credit. Also you menace the national authority, conflict with its policy and weaken the effective commercial and military power of the country. Senator Newlands, chairman of S. S. Abstract Minute Blanks for the congressional committee investisale at this office. gating transportation problems, told Sacramental Cards for sale at this the convention that the successful office. prosecution of the war depends most by federal encouragement of railroad activities. Your $50.00 Liberty Bond is worth $55.00 in trade at the Hyrum Adv. WANTED 25 men to enlist between 20 and 40 years of age for guard duty at Fort Douglas; married men are acceptable. These men will not have to go to the front. Apply to Post master. Adv. An excellent line of Mens and young Mens suits and overcoats. Belted and any style at $15.00. 15 per cent off on all Boys knee pant suits. Dunbar and Hyde. Advpinch-back- s, , - |