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Show wOUTH CaCIa-- . CUUkiuk, ttYRUM, UTAH South Oache Courier n 4444444444444 4 4 4 4 A HAPPY AND WHOLESOME 4 CHANGE 4 4 In a recent open letter to 4 and E. the Prest. E. pers public, Calvin of the Union Pacific calls 4 attention to a thoroughly gratifying 4 fact namely, that during the last 4 few months there has come a better 4 understanding than has exsisted for 4 4 year, and a continued mutual 4 operation on the part of the roads, the makers and admini- 4 strators of the laws, the shippers 4 and the general public. War 4 contributed ditions have doubtless greatly to this happy result. The 4 demands of efficiency have made a 4 wonderful change in the relations 4 between those who had transport- 4 ation to sell and those who had to 4 4 buy it; and state railway commissions have given conspicuous aid in 4 causing these relations to be better 4 understood. On all sides the effort 4 has been to harmonize rather than 4 to aggravate differences, with the 4 result that everybody is being bet- 4 served and 444444 444 44444444444444444444444444444, Published Every Friday at Hyrum Utah. ' J. A. WAHLEN, Publisher. ship- 4 4 4 4 4 4 We bought and stored at the old price over $50,000 f in Automobiles because we knew the price was going t.ft co- rail- 4 4 con- that the enormously increased business is being handled with a success that a couple of years ago would have been deemed incredible, and in a manner that deserves universal praise. these excellent results can be achieved under stress of war emer- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 gency, there is noreason why they should not obtain even more beneficially in times of peace. It is devoutly to be hoped that, having now discovered the efficacy of pulling together instead of pulling apart, the West at least will relegate its old suspicions and antagonisms in the traffic business into the limbo of regretted and forgotten things. Ex. 4 ter ''If EAST UIEWS NONPARTISAN LEAGUE HOW n LeaThe National gue is consciously making a modest but very radical debut into national affairs. It has representatives at Washington supporting a program of extreme taxation of incomes and excess profits, confident that, tho farmers as a class are taking bil lions in war profits, they will not be touched; its convention invited Mr Hoover to hear its view on prices of food; and its new cartoonist-congressma- n is among those who deinterests while nounce eastern threatening the power of the farmers votes as the mightiest interests in the country. It has put itself on rapport with senators like Gronna, who the other day were taunting Hoover with having failec to revolutionize prices and covertly congratulating themselves on having obtained for the wheat-growe$2 a bushel. We are sure the league misrepresents the farmer in its demand for higher prices; there is every evidence that the estimate from the Kansas state college that $2.20 wheat means $1.21 net profit a bushel is roughly correct, anc farmers are wise enough to know it, liberal enough to appreciare it and patriotic enough to redouble Non-Partisa- rs 4 4 4 4 4 Srapply Go Garag 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 wj lip jjj tg tigi g fegtf tig (igu fcjjj State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. & CO., Props., Toledo, CHENEY F. J. O. All Druggists, 75c. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6 th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public Halls Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and acts through the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. Halls Family PUls for constipation. (Advertisement country accustoms itself to the con- ditions of war it will awake to find it has suffered a needless fright. Then the values of securities, which have been ruthlessly sacrificed will recover their equilibrium, for with us no wealth has been destroyed; rather has it increased in a considerable degree. As in the years that followed former financial crsises, wealth will look back upon its feverish anxiety, wondering why it permitted itself Financial World to loose its head. SOME GROW: OTHERS SWELL. tigtf igjtf tt igj Itgtf lfg I t'gi it wg WATER POWER AVAILABLE ig t lag tigit ligtf tt tig ligit tigi ifgit git kgi tig! tig! tig! tfgit tgit tJgi tagit agit lagit 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 3 4 4. Among the many'tSchemes to reduce the H. C. of L. the Pacific Northwest bids fair to do its share. In these states there" are 35,000.000 horsepower in the available waterfalls and rivers of which only 1,472,-00- 0 4 is being developed. The power 4 A that is wasted could be utilized and IP When you buy merchandise there is great satisfaction in would be sufficient to heat and light every building on the Pacific 4 knowing that you have received good value for your money. The development of this 4-- But the satisfaction is greater when you know in advance Slope. that the value is going to be good. power would reduce the price of Thats what happens when you trade at local coal and wood, making these fuels where the dealers have good reputations to maintain and available for other purposes. Facwhere they do maintain. them by selling only good goods at fair prices. tories could depend upon power at When you buy from strangers you are very apt to receive a low rate, resulting in the local mediocre value at price of better. For your own protection manufacture of products that now where reputation counts at home. buy 4 have to be shipped away for manufacture, and shipped back for consumption. Montana, Sentinel. 4' 4 4 Buy 4 4 Where Reputation a 4 4 Counts 4 x T 4 4 4 4 4 ' 4 4 4 Buy Yur Mackinaw Coats and Pants J Also Rubber Goods, at To Our Patrons: 44 4 4 A There are quite a number of ouh 4 Subscribers that have not paid for 4 Allen Hyrum their paper for a year or more. 4 4 We would appreciate it very much 4 Brothers, if those that owe us would make an effort to pay up, as we need the money to pay our obligations. Wp are now sending out statements to every one that owes us and we hope that those who receive them will call and straighten up their account, and save us the rouble of calling on them personally. EYESIGHT is necessary for maximum in every walk of life, whether at work, school or play. It is a Patriotic Duty to do your level best now in every thing you attempt. Glasses may make you more efficient. It will pay you to at least have your eyes examined. My office is equipped with the instruments for a most thorough and complete examination. KEEN Respectfully, South Cache Courier, In one of his happy epigrams Per. J. A. Wahlen. Pub. President Wilson said; A friend of mine says that Do it now. Advertise. their efforts without question. every man who takes office at FOR SALE. An Electric WashNew York Nation. Washington either grows or' swells, as good as new. Apply and when I appoint a man to office, er, nearly to Mrs. Maud Liljenquist. Adv. DONT LOSE VOUR HEAD I watch him carefully to see whether he is swelling or growing. The Mr. Jas. P. Christiansen of this is when of mischief that it they city is agent for the Taacford-AttachmeTaxes in Great Britain are heavfor Ford cars. This ier than they are with us yet busi- swell they do not swell enough to device can easily be attached to a ness over there is prospering more burst. to the inform It might not be amiss to than in the past, according wagon or plow, is easily handled, reports that reach us. In Canada, the president that the swelling he and can make quite short turn. despite the great increase in the mentions is not confined to Wash- Anyone who wishes to inspect the tax rate, deposits in savings bafiks ington. It is found occasionally, device can call on Mr. Christiansen and he will give the desired inforhave increased enormously. too, outside the realm of politics. Adv. mation. Just as soon as wealth in our Moscow, Idaho, Star Mirror. nt , FRED B. PARKINSON, OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN. Office 0. omPtifc D. Power ft tllife Sub scribe. For The South Cache Courier 0 |