Show AT HOME AND ABROAD BOSTON april 7 the battleship biow the be las jost of the premium built battleships ot the be navy davy earned today to far ber bar builders buil dere william cramp sons son of philadelphia by making an aa average of 17 even knots an hour over the regular gov course off the massachusetts coast in the four hours speed trial re quiren by the government under contract the iowa by ber bar grand work proved herself to be superior to either the indiana or massachusetts by a considerable traction fraction of a knot and to Is today we the acknowledged queen of the american navy it if not the most fur for battleship afloat the weather could not have been beao surpassed A light northerly air shifting eb lfting to nort best just As a the trial begun helped the tormod drought draught considerably lder sider ably and as it shifted still lur fur sher to we he east on the ran back it did not hamper the work of the bix big blowers tue trial board came down from the city about 8 bolock oo lock and with them were some seme guests of the builders bu ilden as well to aa many MADY naval officers stationed in and about boston the ship got under way almost immediately heading beading straight for the twin lights of cape ann and attar after a run fun of over an hour the first mark boat was sighted with signals floating denoting denot lar we the thirty three knot course there was not the slightest deviation in the course as aa the ship by we second mark boat making the log leg in 1680 which was very satisfactory in the very next log leg of the course the ship began to show what was in her bar tor for she topped the abe 17 knots an n hour record by averaging a tenth nor over this was still further increased on the next log leg to 1741 but on the fourth there was a falling off decreased in the last basti the speed running down to 1585 it was WAN proven bo however weVer that bat the last leg of the course was long while the saip was preparing for the run ran back ready recko rocko ners on board figured that oo on the rundown run down to boons boone island the iowa had averaged exactly 1687 knots pot per hour for over ever an hour after passing the he fifth mark boat the speed of ef we battleship did not apparently vary a hundredth part of a knot supposing of course that the buoys buoy were in the right position the fourth third and second legs of the course were all made in exactly the same time 22 ra minutes loutes and ana 42 seconds de so that mbel the second marx mars boat was passed the ship was only six nautical mil miles estrom from the finish and glory and the recko ners nere oad bad figured bat narring earring accidents she ehe would mke make something over 17 knots but before the abe ship was he handicap of the course the shallow water a tact fact which had bad already held bold back her sister ships cutting down their premiums in more than one instance knowing this every effort was made to got get every pound of steam soam on anu every dinou of power the seconds ticked oft off steadily as she hurled burled herself on the mark boat and finish in sight bight but sull still miles away fifty thousand depended oo on the speed of the last fifty feet a delay of one sedna oat cut it off the iowa ju s 9 did it and wat that was waa all in ID fact a 81 near was the margin that the recko ners had haa to carry out oat their figures to the fourth decimal point io in order to make the speed peed for the whole course average 17 knots an boor it came out all 11 II right in the end however and with a broom on her fighting top the queen of be abe american navy after two or three half circles to show bow just abal she could do in quick maneuvering slackened speed and headed for bw boa too NEW biow april 8 A special pedal to the journal irom from havana saye A large insurgent force recently appeared in 10 trout ironton fort no 11 protecting the railway line between and Bm edins and opened fire with oan can lion ae 0 e of the shells belli fell to in the the fort killing veraland vei aland wounding be rest reel escaping the iDa insurgents urgente then dynamited the railway bridge interrupting communication between the cittee cities tuey also attacked fort no 12 forcing its ito surrender and securing arms armi and ammu am the rebel force under ador agues and castillo Castl llo continue active in havana province they again raided guines on monday and sacked the at ores korea and set the spanish barracks on birts clr B C april S australian SIN advises advices 1008 state that mr mf 8 S dunese a white trader who reached from south africa last year met his hie destt death in ID a very painful way while trading with natives of the new hebrides he was tied up to no ne of the trees fur fir three days being kept alive and forcibly stuffed with food he was then out cut down killed and oaten caien women even joining joy jay tully fully in the cannibalistic feast there was a great assemblage from sho be various groups of islands duncan it appears ws was a single man about 38 years of age he was a peaceable man jand and bis big friends at sydney salu sah that he be would not draw his bis revolver on any lacount count aa as from those who know knew the new hebrides has been bee collects d the information that the natives auevery are very treacherous they having on several dealt murderously with european vessels april 10 dantel daniel woley united states ex senator from the state of indiana india no dieu at 6 5 this morning at his home in this city the senator has been la im poor health for ge berar years and the abe last two years past has taken little part la IQ the he proceedings ce oe in the senate he has beet a constant sufferer from trouble 11 of the heart and bis big frei Us do therefore had 0 me to expect that they might beat of his death suddenly the last reports however were showing some some signs of improvement and his delfi deute tb therefore while not entirely eo unexpected came with the suddenness ot of a shook shock at the time of his retirement from the senate the tall sycamore of wa bash as he be was affectionately called by his followers in we boosler state was a member of the finance commit i tee lee and vy by virtue of this thie position nominated dominated him bim leader of his party on the floor of the senate on the he tariff and financial he was not very active however owing to ill health in the work on the wilson tariff bill in the repeal real of the sher man silver law the be hoosier senator ae no ow wever ever took a very prominent part it was wai big bie last important part to in the abe senate donate senator voorhees ea was waa 76 years at are old death was waa caused by an attack of angina pao torta ls the sena lora health was waa so ao poor during the abe recent political campaign that he be could not participate lu ill it its but bat niter after tie ilia return to washington in november he seemed to improve in health iwo weeks ago we be old troubles iea returned and three days day ago age became more alarming but the gone ena tor did not confine himself to bed and late bia family felt no immediate alarm it 19 was waa not indeed until halt half an hour before the final a came baat anyone realized reali sed that death wait waa near senator ileese voorhees Vo orbee had bad remained in the room with bli father j aring the bight and wool waa awakened about 4 athla morning by his bla lather father who was waa then suffering area great pin pain in the region of his br heart he refused refu aed however to allow a physician to be called saying that the pain gaii would pave paea away halt half an hour later oe no appeared much better and got out of oed and walkis i to the bath rom the son on being with him when wey they en an bared the hallway the senator was wag attacked by a more severe revere spasm than tie ne had bad yet experienced and tell fell iw in a aemi condition into his hie gneo arme arm the latter carried the ying man back to bed and summoned or dr shoup it Is was waa too late b however wever the ex excenator exee monitor passed away without regaining lull full only big son on reese his hie daughter miss rallis halite voorhees and the be physician were pres 0 nt when he be died abe remains remaina will be taken to torre terre haute senators ena tors s home tor for many years yeara lot fos sioux Ci CITY Tyla la april 10 lo orty liven at ai least jt aai have been lost in the abe floods in south dakota iowa and nebraskan Neb ebra akai two person tj have been known to be jost boat in the flood three have been reported drowned on the big sioux two on the missouri and two on the coo booi I 1 all ail in the immediate vicinity cases of a similar character are being reported every day from points farther away and a sharp watch to la beiva beai n kept kepi by the local au ati for dieters IQ in the missouri url many people are missing of wanes deaths their frieada have no positive information lator mation most bloat of them have probably been carried down we he mia sad their bodies pr probably bably will uever ever be recovered the bodies or of two w more victims were brought ioto into sioux bioux city last laet evoking daford magee and hatry hairy devid who were drowned drow neil ali abile attempting to fori the elkhorn river iu in nebraska Ne braBRa there has baa been a ge onetah ueral lall in all streams lu iu that bat locality NEW YORK april 10 A dispatch to the herald irom from havn says the extraordinary conduct of gen weyler has caused a storm of adverse corn com since he left havana on marob karon 21 the he captain general lass baa done simply imply nothing from a military stand at he is B now dow in trinidad and it believed be Is ie going to the jutaro ran a trocha presumably to inspect at much talked of barrier which pare tautly otly serves no purpose but tv tu nce ce gen gumes guinea oft off from calixto anterola Nt erola raja while it boo baa been notorious that iba atao gomez has hab been near arroy A 1300 since before gen weyler set get K S no attempt has been made to die I 1 indge 4 him anti and nearly three weeks weeke of doable able fighting ting weather ban baa been larked by no military operations ot of ren pretended import importance aice gen Is consider edle the all artt lobue issue and it has baa become lathat la that bat GOB gen weyler wayler has hai bedou X ing it IS itis t ia believed here that but captain gen general oral was waa warned by canovas not to remain longer or u tv cavana beths as the great and growing might necessitate hlf blip A fiji 11 and hla big so 0 balled trip to the nit t w W 19 B made simply to alra the in kadriu that hat he bau ball ite aBion I 1 Nita ally taken to the field isajew iS Afew low days day aga during daring a temporary balling at insurgent forces in tah g V ance 11 neo under rodrigues castillo eado ado and acosta 2000 men man wort a within cannot shot hot of I 1 W 0 castle this with the dally daily toof bof 1 fighting show now what the tory satorv rua 1 amounts amount to in the me hotine time it lie ie timatea that the long to date in the liao field and in kalab an V ale will reach wo jR lamas Li amae 64 yein years ol of frei lour lonroe of whose song are with the a and a fifth in a spanish amison in africa has baa nailed for key vrest hyt having baving been passed pared arter after several bonine ol at imprisonment in las Rs ba with she lowest class claeboe of female mai iBale oi 01 ber bar live sone three loinal the insurgents at the outset anu US lr other two were arrested one was leaned anil and one was waa sent end without oft fofol to ceuta ceata incommunicado tue tiie no was released rele aged then joined the Jt ebel AB mrs mra lamas L amas suffered from ral is ber bar unmarried daughter lie was waa accor ao corded deu permission perm lulon to go rut her ber to 10 jule juk prison mrs mra biama was waa finally sentenced lenten oed to soto to the tale isle of pinos then thea to per flat adadino aa adino I 1 but it has baa now no ir been decide u to 40 allow her bar to leave cuba she bhe won waa barged with maintaining corre correspond spon ade with we rebels and cuing teem medicines in reality her sole ole waal that ber bar none aona were in ila arms arme gagnat smajo and could only be pun abed fahed through ber bar thereto there renewed talk here a bout about 0 tot lor peace based on the bole bahet that secretary sherman bherman and clafter do de lome are some plan which will have the approval ot at she be junta jungs in now new york fork sua aud general gomes games aad d the she cuban civil govern it 10 not thou here bore that hat anything short abort ol of independence Is ie under consideration general gomez who hates faatea a spaniard and la Is too old to 0 o repay with any selfish reward ie 16 wholly committed to free inic the toland island EAST BAST LIVERPOOL 0 april apri 10 A au a avalanche uns baa started near shia hla place an D entire bill la 18 moving and at three cointa near here bore the she street railway oystein to la blocke bloc kei two big dwellings dw ellinge near wellsville are doomed and the she Foon sylvania racks were moved by the ate pressure prea aure of the he hills bill the under mining of the hill bill for the wellsville road has baa left led no protection and the entire face ace of at the bill Is ie slipping from rom summit to base including inc ludine a small email forest and tons atrock ot of rock the wells welle ville vi lie road ban baa dropped from eight to lo wo places and the expected avala avalanche nobe will bury the stacks and the oar car line and will endanger the big sewer pipe works LARISSA april 9 ait it Is B rumored here that three bands banda of insurgents ine urgente each numbering num berin about juen men have appeared at t pointe in uses mace it la Is believed that these theae bands may force an outbreak of hostilities LONDON april opril 9 the daily chronicled athene correspondent telegraphing at midnight says aye the following lowing tol is in all that is ii known hereof the frontier affair r near arania and gravens the commander of 0 she post poet at Tsou fiul telegraphed 10 lothe abe commander of the eighth bat tallon lallon at Ev esones near trikkala Tr Ikkala that hat albe turks after a band of insurgents inBur gente oad crossel the frontier and attacked attack ou grek positions toni namely those at donika lantsm anti and the tomb of 01 Hum Bumbas basht bl the commander added that firing was wae still kill in IB program reu an aa however he asked for only one company of rein he evidently did not consider the affair a grave one the th correspondent of the times timea at Ur eveni says bays that at ai 6 5 this friday morning 1600 1500 greek bandito aoA tae frontier between and aad ishoy abey encountered lue de turkish troops the lasted through the day with some loss lose of life and a bumber of minor opaul ilee ATHENS april 10 am A private dispatch dla patch just juat received here irum kalambaka baka says that a band ol of regulate who were com compelled polled to return to greek territory heard beard a auary ade between the creeks 11 and ad the turkish outposts tue tas official merely report that three greek bands banda invaded the turkish territory but abe sensation een of the incident Is ia increasing here bere and there if ie no telling what the she effat efat ot a ot it will be in abe present inflammable candi condition tion A the public mind LONDON april 9 the daily tele tale graph will wid publish tomorrow a dia ale patch irom its ita war correspondent at concerning the reported in ol of albania between grevera gravens anti and Kra iraola ulai the correspond out says abe invasion took place early in the morning and a desultory fusillade tuai fusi lade has baa followed all day it la is firing will break jut along mo entire frontier A turkish council of war was waa helu bela bete acre today the consul up to today has baa been allowed to send regularly long cipher telegrams telegram toabe |