Show JUBILEE MATTERS john lowry of mantl was wa a caller at today he brought with him a 47 drawing knife which belonged belo aged to big bie father john lowry sr br who had bad the first chair manufactured in utah mr lowry in 18 48 assisted frank pullen IQ io burning the fl first rat klin of brick it being located west of the fort he was also in the first indian fight recorded la in utah rho fhe episode occurred on battle creek on the pres prea ent site of pleasant gruve in utah county and in it six utes ulea were killed killea ether blanchard Bla BOhard of springville Spring ville claims to own the first log cabin built in salt lake valley railey it is feet in dimensions and was waa first erected on en the old fort square now pioneer square in this city at the time oi 01 the advent of Job neona army it was taken ou on a wagon to provo and from there to spring springville ville it is now how used as a granary the moat interesting pioneer visitor at headquarters for some days was 0 A harper gould old harper he to is affect called whose postoffice post office address is ia holliday cottonwood canyon mr harper is now in his hie first years year and barring tic twinges now and then Is on as bale and as hearty an bet octagon 2 geardian ge arian as can be found n the besil west he was one of a number of men of which orson oreon pratt was the leader who were sent ahead by brigham young to plant seed good and arrived in the valley through emigration canyon on en july 22 1847 two advance of brigham young he says orson oreon pratt and porter rockwell to the abe beet beat of his recollection were abe tho first of the pioneers to explore be valley inace in the vicinity of the site of the present city of salt bait lake and that near what was after known as the eighth ward square the first seed potatoes pata toes were planted A plat ot ground near red bed butte hollow was wa subsequently selected for gardening purposes ses but neither effort resulted la Is what whai could be termed a success mr harper was a member of the second company sent ahead and his company overtook the first company to in emigration canyon the canyon was im passable for wagons and we two floreea combined in removing the dents dense growth of underbrush and in cutting a road through in the year previous 1846 read reada a california company of emigrants had with eight eighteen eem wagons passed asbed through the canyon being the flint to accomplish the lost feat but they had hauled their wagons by hand band around a spur of the mountains mounta ioe and in that way avoided me under growth obstruction mr harper was wa one of a party of ton ten hunters who pro cured buffalo meat for the pioneer company who were suffering for the want ot of nourishing food while journeying across the plains and be re lates with wish great unction ical feats be and his big companions per formed with the meat ot of the buffaloes buff they killed fillad he also alao states that the pioneers established their second camp august 2 1847 on n albe block io in the tithing yarn yara is in now located and not on the temple square as has been repeatedly but erroneously stated for some years past mr harper has ha lived jived lu in arizona and is thinking seriously of returning to that territory at an early date chairman glawson clawson yesterday re the following very interesting from william H of halliday suit bait lake county dear sir I 1 see by the NEWS that the committee to la desirous desi deal roua rous of locating all ali of the pioneers I 1 claim that my name should by right oe added to the list of pioneers making that list for the following reasons rea eone I 1 left nauvoo in the first pioneer company ani traveled with it until council bluffs was reached I 1 then enlisted in the mormon battalion Bitt alloa aou and went as an far as santa fe N M from there I 1 was sent back with a detachment of sick men to winter at pueblo puebla colorado in the spring we struck the pioneer trail at port fort lars mis and overtook the pioneers at areen river A few of the pioneers were sent back from this thia point with an express to meet the first companies or emigrants I 1 was one of that number we met the first company of emigrants near fort kort kearney Kea roey we were six days without lood food of any kind except that hat on oue day we hed avci a rab it which was divided awong ton ten people and what wild currants rants and choke cherries we could gather on the banks of the platte river with thia ahl company I 1 met my wife olive H parr fait walker sick to in consequence ot of having driven two yoke of oxen irom winter quarters to this point I 1 then irs returned turned with these same exe traveled to la captain daniel Spen spencer cerle company arriving in ID salt lake valley on OB the of september 1847 the only difference between myself aej an the pioneers Is ie that I 1 traveled abut 2000 miles further than they did lo in company with one of those pioneers Pione ere aaron F farr of ogden oden I 1 went to the canyon hauled logo loge built houses in the tort fort and with a whipsaw made the first lumber ever cutin utah prom from a portion of that hat lumber I 1 maue the three first vanel pauel doors made in utah I 1 also worked a I 1 little i we on the m mill III erected by charles crismon creamon on city creek for tu purpose of grinding wheat or earn corn I 1 assisted george B wallace in ID hewing bowing for president heber C Kim balle s sawmill nill iu in north canyon in the early eaily part ol of 1848 and in the fall fail 01 1848 1 I worked forty days at oo on the first flour mill built by john N off on mill creek aaron F parr farr anu adu loelf my belt built the first fl rat log jog houses bouses ever built south mouth of salt bait lake city in utah on spring creek Halliday burg olive H bingham of Lewis lewisville ville bremont county ids ida in announcing herself to be a pioneer relates an interesting te resting bit of history io in her cummuns cattou she came to utah in september 1847 1 in david company her husband erestus Erasi ue Ming bam assisted the saints in crossing ing the be mississippi river while on their western pilgrimage from nauvoo he crossed the river for the last time on february 8 1847 and went vent as aa far as pisgah where be was ed ad by brigham young to return for him bli family this done be eyed again as aa far as e the missouri river and there here he be joined the mormon battalion he arrived in utah shortly after the pioneer band and assisted them in cutting timber until the be pioneers started on their retarn journey be accompanying them 40 a far as big mountain where be met his bis family wito whom he returned to this valley mrs MM resides with her daughter MM olive louise bingham walker and a son arastus it 3 bingham Is a resident of hunts ville weber county the chinese dragon which was such on n interesting feature of the oner carnival will be used this year the costumes of the be attendants attendant which were not in evidence last your year will also alao be brought here bore in one of the night parades parade the dragon will depre at D the serpent of the great salt lake igo if gaudy trappings for that occasion aly only will be covered with drapery which will glisten with salt malt crys cry and which are ex boteo under the glare of calcium lights bf to produce a 8 spectacular deflect more inore magnificent than has ever been accomplished either artist or float designer deat gner on that evening the pageant will have tor for its title great real realand and Fauci fanciful ful jl the aaste aoste 41 oats will be decorated with materials made from the products for which the waters of she he lake are famous saltair will be reproduced in salt garfield aar field will be in miniature on a float afloat the laske and the islands will be in evl evi denoe the uniforms of the attendants the trapping of the bones borass in fact everything connected with the parade parade will be encrusted with crystals of salt bait in ID designs most moat fanciful and beautiful AS now planned by the the parade should be the he grandest ever witnessed on OB the continent the work of the utah semi conten alai Com commission la Is increasing at such a lively rate that it has baa been found imperatively necessary necea aary to increase the working force at headquarters by the addition of a stenographer and a clerk rue rho various committees are also alao burdened with duties of a most moat onerous and exacting nature and daily sessions is ia now dow the rule with them owing to thesy the system stern adopted for the trane transaction action of business everything is moving without friction and the members bembera of the commission are encouraged by the knowledge that subscriptions io 10 the j jubile u bile fu faud ud w will III up to their expectations E W freeman of st johns apache county arizona hike bas fur ur the commission with the following interesting information con c young youngs s now famous spring wagon oswo we have in our towo 12 writes mr freeman the spring wagon that president bagnam young brou brought glat with him across the plains lu la the pioneer company in 1847 1 I understand that thai it was seated and used as aa a 0 cucil house bouse in the pioneer company I 1 also understand that the father of the he late horace Elj fj redge out cut the timber ano and model the wagon in nauvoo president young purchased it from nim hiim it was brought to arizona by jotin W young about the year 1881 lie he fitted it up fur for a kitchen ind and tseu it when he be ats w building the grade oi of the A and P ra broad the wagon was wag finally jolt at the windmill ranch twenty miles from here it stayed staged wore there exposed to the weather and the ravages of the indians indiana for several everal years president D K udall had bad it brought here bore and has taken good care of it ever since I A friend of the Plon pioneers sers and of the he NEWS writes mrs mary ann hunter and her bar oldest daughter mrs sarah ann booth of Grants grantsville ville thoele tooele county utah came to utah in elder john taylora company in 1847 ai riving in september or october the late edward hunter jr of grants ville a nephew of presiding bishop edward hunter was waa the me husband and rather father he was wag a member a of the mormon battalion Bit and arrived in salt lake city twelve days day after his br wife and daughter who came to the valley with bishop edward Hunt huntera erlis family schuyler everett of st george writes to chairman clawson as follows lows 1 I came to nauvoo to la the spring of 1848 1 I belonged to the boyar boy corn com under captain bailey I 1 laud bad the be privilege of seeing the prophet joseph smith while alive I 1 also JOG saw him film after he be was murdered we were aware among be last that left nauvoo as falber was one of those who were left to finish the temple we spent one winter at winter quarters the following spring ather left with the she pioneers leaving my stepmother step mother two sisters and my elf behind oae morning morn loK on going out auto mother found a yoke of ozen oxen with chain on standing aver over the tongue of our wagon she thought that meant we were to travel on after father on 00 relating it to her brother be offer offend her a team to go to the valley with I 1 was sent to missouri after provisional my dimter adelaide and I 1 drove do ne team until we met father on his hia return from the valley I 1 have spent the rt rast of my time in fin utah except when 1 I was sent on the overland mail knows know as the Y X company on our rotors return bome we come came around johnsonb johnson army and ar arrival rivel in salt bait libee lare valley on OD the of Nov november embar in the tatt fog of 1862 1 I was called to go to 0 o dixie A aft I 1 mettlea in st bt george where I 1 SO W reside 21 2 1 nearly one thousand of the mot men ot of the nation W of toem accompanied by their fa famil will be in this city during in iring in jab fh week they will come from UW twenty four states and territories wad we ot of the mississippi river and will tow form what Is in known as aa the congress these men are pioneers in the building and tion of the west and ana will thereto enter with haet antio the celebration OT utah semi centennial annever anniversary rhe congress cop gress will meet in this city OR 09 july and will continue thiemo throng the ibe week during the jubilee TWO railway transportation will pers permit aill ot of their stay iniE il over for the Cele celebration celebron brOd and efforts will be made to enter tal hem during this time the following letter wai wag writtie 1 from spring city april esth to as 90 S p eucer clawson chairman aehl 0 centennial an tennial commission dear air lr your favor of ath 1884 reply to my letter of the aa alt 10 director general young la is and while I 1 appreciate your kind a favorable menti they do not wf satisfy my maud tor for when abe william hyde and aad I 1 were up to the tabernacle WIN lar the battalion wa young said laid in our hearing are the me boys who were the salvation malvasi olk st 01 the me church fal and later at ate fiftieth anniversary a of f t the h battson bartall Bat tall at ogden where the old folks of lake davit davis aud and weber counties wf also assembled president joseph Jue eph r smith said it it bad not been tuf the be mordou battalion you would 24 1 nave been celebrating here today the mormon battalion started out agta a the advance guard of the pioneer 1846 and it our legislators legislator failed 60 grasp mat fact cannot the dial commis commission elou take action and alze and ald provide for the battalion OR the same terms a aa the pioneers for or WO were passing through here in 1847 or our return to get our families ebow exo those who stopped in california by tw 90 counsel of at president young AB they were the parties who opened OP P the gold fields field of california now we do not ask to be recognized recognised simply imply to show allow ourselves but as aa a 6 matter of right and justice fust loe IND I 1 aa afraid however that hat we will make Is a sorry appearance la in representing th tb brave five hundred but it if the dittes will provide for the lew few remain log old veterans on the same term teran 69 a the abe old pioneers we will try and be ba there subject to orders youn to lo command madiam N X |