Show BAPTIZING AND BLESSING I 1 vew ENGLAND alleghany allegheny Alleg hany co pa march 1897 1697 we have bave been having some success here in helping to roll on I 1 the work of the lord and in adding members to t the he fold last fall at our conference we were stiven butler county pa to labor in ve we thet met with success there at first after we were there awhile it seemed dw he people became indifferent to the rath but we kept up our work wita lasting and prayer till we had gone over tike the leaving some 2000 tracts with the people also some voices Voice of warning ning while there we read an account of elder B H roberts being in g and I 1 took the time and leasure te asure of going and hearing him and till I 1 saw him and his companions start for philadelphia white while with lam hint I 1 got the names of some saints who were living some twenty miles up the n ia river from pittsburg in in fc 41 place eta called I 1 led new england and after we got our oar county do donece newe were sent here bere by the arts president dent of our confer ace we came over to new england about the middle of february and as B H roberts had spoken up here the people were waiting to hear more ot of the gospel we got the schoolhouse and gave out notice of a meeting the house vm vas filled as full as it could be some ot of the people standing up because all of the ahe seats were taken we held some fix meetings and on february aist we led eight honest souls down into the waters of baptism we also have a yeat many more investigating we w e were weft invited to visit the people and hold meetings in their houses which we did and we find that it has a better effect than ahau holding even large public meetings last month we held twenty two meet jaak we also aiso had the pleasure of r blessing ten tg 0 children only two of their belonged to the church we mill canti noe to hold bold meetings I 1 it t seized we could not talk enough on the gospel for them on the second of march we led three more as fine young men as tan ban be found down into the waters ot of baptism on the third of march we blessed five more children the parents do not belong to the church on the sixth we blessed two more children making seventeen children we have blessed since we came here on the seventh we got a letter asking us to come up to a place called amith dale some six or eight miles distant we went the next day ahil therece the there rewe we held a number of meetings and had a large crowd every night on the seventh we led one more into the fold while there the water was so bad I 1 was taken sick and returned to new england when we got back we found brother samuel S florence of porterville morgan county utah and also a letter from our president hider elder lewis lewi kelch telling us we were to be parted I 1 was to go to east liverpool ohio while brother decker was to stay here we have held twenty meetings already this month and have one given out for tonight we also have some more asking to be baptized which we will attend to tomorrow we have now some twenty one or twenty two here and we expect to see a nice branch started up the people here have a tine leader in the person of brother george barnes he has belonged to the church for a number of years and ganv ol 01 the elders who traveled in this part know of his kindness well I 1 can say lor for the young men who are called to pennsylvania for missionary labors they can consider them blessed 1 will say also that our success is due to strictly following out the advice of those who preside and fasting and prayer I 1 would admonish all the young men of zion to prepare and to be workers lor for the harvest is great and the labor ers are few let us buckle on the armor of truth and acquit ourselves like men in helping to roll on the great work J Y BARLOW M M decapr |