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Show . . ' , ... ' . . . t : . , , r 7i it la n W iNVliTd ! Mu) inj iu, tut It la rt tiih t, I .i rvii'p in. of t U Slilll "Jt t i t (J J,r the WrU.ig Ti.v " ?. Mr. TS . .. . v. :i - V: ... . . ... TftKwmavw "T ;.:! i. t I .ivi It tlu f i,t always ... cmr, right, gift tf ttcllcvfe F-o- t I likt t'ug ru.ka llvI-- I d. tad ' bet IH4.U d'.'Uht veik." p..pv and their fri ti 2, tf friend know about It. T ! Keep iudl tiling bid ibm. In tact, 1 tune never seen s jele.ir.r, more positive delineation f If than the one you showed tne.' ".Mi r ijdi.lngisi knovs of this ' . f.i'd, of and layptcn."'. many ih, ye; I w i.ti you Steio stiowed Mis Curry A few i,nf girl out uf troube. Mss. M.iM.n, 1 letter In wanted to know about, mean." and then, the Interview twer, life ' ' IlHT chill. Ill do all I C.tn Wet.t peme, IVhy Ju the w.rll .?. Ml litievs to hive mvuM1 stud) rj on her of Ihe ovecul ile.i'h. too? It a bit," he told himself. He vent over. Ms letters nn.l paOnly beeuuse the th dome Js ' . ooney. I mean r o! tomhcJ, not pers again. Just angry anti 'ci:it,c." IN hud t'dd Bob to get all tos- M01, I ihoiht sio'S llt'IIM'Tlt.vt. slblrt bits of hamUritlng tlono by low ever, that's outside sny Juvl'ilic-tlnnanyotu connm-UnKltb.th case, Von keep n wauii Jut. and he had also (old him to cut. off though; bite may do the l.tiie h.iy names or addresses. wUlp.li harm." would help to Identify them. Moreover, In found 'that t'Vn nf Ilemlhg stone S.it lit hs vide the specimens, by different hands, with n any popeis hoth bur, that strange o brokeb at Kj. h ; ior,V .... ' tJ . " tesrd thft stalls death ia a lockfedfoom, tie rul'btj band la satisfaction. Secret passage T he asked first. Whefc SrmpsoB ; of H ftuj of the other regu- jar sml .rtbodoi eiplanatlons. vre beea 'tU aver tliyus and col 'fie, boc . . " one ftta "Hermetically .icaled room, eh? Now as Just exactly that, In either a of bo weapon there sign pase, that can we look for. but poi-- ' V -- . ' onr "Look , ' It. Ilk Autopsy this timer . . l a-- flat-toppe- "Yei Medical examiner and to-- , cal 0. T. Moth signed the ccrtifl- l ... ih, ' ; Mtn , tllJ A , ..Vr t yv. thiv colly r syvj hv iwul srt-- iVro. ; A0T6 RACE ngul U ie . aietlvi OF. 13,400 MILES Tht longest and mst,rlifllcult 'mo Ur tnr rn;e op record was run' from lnt the sfront vii''s'u;y . hniMiflyiuV Now York; .to Iorls In lOOS. Only tvj of the six f;ars that.started were nlJ.e to. complq'.l; the'ufif, Tliewln-.- '. neij.drlvJ'd b two. A raer toping made X'Fhvks. vmir fuviwfle coumi-pe- . rVe, jHiqrhnm, v!amilifa, or plipie Yolnr ami tuie nftiV Ui iuil .T.!' : Vwin-r.i.i,- . x , iHll-'- fthh-l- pqfifo All'll" l ?e,ud. py. IC-- tlm-M- iiul.i; - Juf'. ymir - ili'i. ) ii iiiu i . r u.iij-u- mi- iTu- - lU-alilio- of-.-- . s tlliild Vojrlvl t'uvs hr t' ,f!n iihfj'l timU nut vi hilt; work-uui- l m.v.'Ni s.Vu-.thVivo, ii'V'-- ' jiriat.i toys for the vnr-hn( h'vi-llopt'in-- i .on the ItliTIvldiial 'chilij ;. the . tny feliiiid-- In .)iin( a "hlllf fiiftia n t lit tii Ills tau presi-nymiei'd .limp Hillla T-of.' f: ailulJ-j- T"- . j J p It . ) cr If. iAFEI METHOD! AjLL-VGTA8- hr marrtaBe het tiouble Will heatlacbcs.inli slKinl slui;i.'ft.hiu-vi- , 'Ni4lmi2'K.ivti lirr more ilvtn pyrti.j relict until dati-j- l sin-- h . ;.. Iru-il.- i mud i Art Titv Sew ITig Novi M'it Ky li (., RELIEF R j AT tAS-- - Klife ll . rhRrcE&r-- U x.4s J ,- A f-Ts- Hnijl; . t S1KCEKER .. : w . ,H('iiff GferJSTIFAtED': - ac.nla. .Xd-.- ' tlw-r- (Irde Fiitr'amti:it., tomorrow morning, and s late one tonight." Of course, Hiuketk Inut make jotirself at lionie. AVeTl meet At dinner. Ill ho In nnd out ail ttu afternoon, but we can tuivv a this evening. Ftone Jumped. Inti hi waiting car and gave the chauffeur m address, It proved lo tie that of A tourist agency, and Stone hastened Inside, looking at vnrlon clerks, he auw one of them give Mm a allghl nod.. tHone went over to him and sat dow n till . he lnuld be through with Ids nmUmief, . Tllin? raid the detective, ungrammatically, but eagerly, Yes. sir. I'CKCf rations. for Herr tuuda, day after tomorrow, tlmvvL Make (u a a note of thfe Steamer and time of saning.' Front there Htolna wpni tit thfe home of the district attorney, Jtor "fn- tint l'Jlit i y tr iiiiflaisf.'iiill: ,. fu" t.-- l th-l.- Ul.t-.-ii- k fhii-'- F.i.i.-- ' n ,Vk. ran .tie proili'i-iThe Vpfrbqva turKi tiiriiig a ti IcrllU'a Affairs. . Oau you put me ii(v for the flight, ntd vtiapT iHisKdl Said. "I know I've trespunM'd lot on your hospitality of lute, luit I've an curly ar .! ;iv i lV-i- vvii-f'-rein- :c io-(a- . . these pieces, ififnted and button triwmfe(,,hannonl7.i. with tlie natrf Tiiclk Ca-U-- . . . Si. . ; ,v b-- appotutnn-u- : " . . ive! bit b'rtgct ta chccr n'.t he could, and Hicn undi-plea of being a bus.mau he' took ' hi leave. . Benching In'me . Again, Ff.vne lt found Tony tUcre, ft waiting him. Tin two Iwid bectune friendly, even intimate, m their pinny "f - .;; .f.fefeTFtvw ; . . . ymmm&imA. c? It. Yoff kmwc. Mi. iVd, knew tuif lit dt pivvty veil. He .i tin vtniractcr. And he w.i learning every day. tie bad a real Ijv'id left. detective ; ... . I've t N .. . ft ti;!d lav Le . ' '! trf vaft-- 7- . i.Sonictjitog JJc jv Bt'o ain.ft tula. . New .HouSe'Drcs! ftffjit t Mr. Mon, In did.' ib fnter, df lSu (fair torvj, wMfV vnt aU Jfett ........ ... tJt Ail. && ?Jof alt bnppl' Si:.y . v.. . from uitural plant and viyetahle Jaxativ,-p..ilut(iit 'lahli-lsl- . Slip felt W c n Kuii ly like living. Tty NU sVi'ai elf. Note liflwtcfrdil you fed. NU b n reVi ik i in I to y'uur ystviu. Soell oc ti vc in clearing uii cilfnlKius-- r heat I .ic I it- . Nanlmnitfomtin?.. Only ail Utliitf-gS- , - l Hk'DANDRUFC: l :nt int beiKi'e him. tin base. . ll.vVHiJ. lie ho i a secretary, and a oov.t victim of Dandrutf. One of theso ho knew to bfe that cliild.-vhiMilti The jrvsclinid Butnomor! lief or was tint work his was fio trace one, indent there eat that large- of the lawyer, Furman.. ircm il'rrguJir Use of cf ii otih-- r lint tJ) plii.t llllug Mht of poison of toy sort, known ly that of research, and seldom had It would be plausible cfioiinti to ( lovci'i Mans. Ifni lit m ti kkI. that will ph-n- j McJiiinc jnJ'CJovct to do with honing or thug docu think that Furman was eager for s r unknown". ; im! liatu-ve,tintttiiil .vil! him ix)p foe ments. .No curare, no datura!" (lui iliamppo. Thit't large sum of money, but far from lc and ill wl i i n inliiuidvvKi Jo hIimYuU hrrulii h Most of the letters before the de likely that he stood ny chance of .;' Just that. And no new, Inex- (toiuS tut YOUR hiir. rit inui Vu ml;i nu-ii- t tariae the else Ask yoiit tUiulicjJcr pllcable'type of virulent poison that tective at the moment were those getting If. If he proposed to hmt lmltaflvi play ! kheknofts. . liiipoi'tiuU ut which had made up the pai let M.itie the Malden coffer he would-havcan be Imagined or Invented drnw- Itils time, lin'd Hie. V.iinnll'y-st-t- , I I'm, And Just what am ! to took from Hob Coles suitcase when to get up very early In the morn- nit h wimdeu garden 'tool Mg .l'lfl'ot la Scottetow n, . do rng. The other one was, to rldlcn I 'Hint lira iipViptlaJfe' toy, AfS . ,Ta Stone's disappointment limy ons to think about. Might's velllr'l, Help tne in any n ay jroo can. ' '. girt.' ivf .news from o had not amounted to uuieh, hut :i Seat the cause the Any . up t l'erifla herself. mostly, aspect dig ; ' . sudden thought had turned Ms atHe continued his ta?k of rending war I Stone sskinL . . ' death," " No real news. Have yott any? : .nass tmek docutention to the of over thp letters. It urlght be jhis-ihlOrgana!" Jmtise dreft. lifter' nil, is h house The district attorney looked huk-lotiWill be at. your disposal when ments. Hastily ho ran over letters tie thought, that Miss C.urrys ress-y- ct U.lieodrt't bo, Jnst ftiwUj information should- add sou little .No, except that to new Is V house (Iross,n convincingly you want them. Do you have to from friends of Corey Malden, .. well ns small scraps of memoranda light on the dark outlook. always good nows. have those of both?" vnsifnted In thU hnusunlly trim and ' a off hold Well, couple of . PouJ b silly. 1 Can I make or old notes written by the same youll The names of the men life sought lever desigir, Tho.V n'cclt front uju tricks' without straw?" people, yet not In any way connect for were almost never mentioned. day longer, won't you?' . rout rusting limit-fin- d N made til hack O Mmples, blackheads,. roughness watch out! Prompt use-' if I can. You know, Mr. Stone, ' Oh, all right Now most Impor od with the matter in hand. Me discovered the minor fact- that Iv thi effect 1V of Cuticurq Soap' nnd Ointment helps prevent tlithd minor and cniphnMv.ed accusation list Of Yet he studied them nil with me Huger Corth studied to hr a doctor I can't have a tant of all, can yon get about the . Iilemishea duo to external causes from' developing into bgly . . lUul s'lnut Tin luiltoiis. hrlgjit '. ner ions skin aOlirtions. Cuticuras jneclicinal and crtiol- mat, ter at once? Cad you do It up tleulous care, and sorted them into before lie decided to be a lawyer. brought. lo tne am! take no tiottci tin set In sleeves-lir- e uiufortahlo. Fat-maof If comc.s whatever. It liont '.properties cheek irritation, njd healing, help yestoru posthaste? Can yop tell jn results neat piles of corresponding penman Also, a note added Irt Hob's hand t bjljed with pointed cuffs, nlso In Cutieura treat- Skin loveliness. Get started on-thMrs.' iinturnl Inhere Maiden and an a will save poissays few dqjs If it In ship. . stated that, Tony Haskell ; bad The Slid btittfin trimmed. For , 25c at . inent 'dcuggistp. Sonn Ointment your 25c, today. There t Is," he said to ldm self, worked In A chemlenl laboratory oned her husband I've got to Docent young woman arrest, ami Mouse Is ru-- hon'd .to No skirt uu 13, Maliieil; Mass. Dcpt a'ddrcss.Guticura,,, ' a tIain ns day. No cMuici' of mis many probably trial. 4nd possibly ruvlc years ago, And that Huh himder a self fnhiie belt, find thi sklr at listening. features ft full dervgtli front, pnnel Yes,- but le.t It g ib, nr. ; .. taking it, ... self wished hr' might do. the same. . .Wtiewl.That lie reached for a good shred book It was then that Stone concluded Tell iii in you'll take tip the matter with Jmvcl pockets iichlpved by 'the ; la Listen." from It Shelve serious.. behind him the and to go to see Mrs. Coles, lie felt life next week. Listen to mt a few mo. cut. of the ld piece ! Stooe sketched a brief history of read the marked paragraph over. ought to do so Anyway, but be ments, Mprrr." the Inimical, aide, showed how bitter This (s the sign of a love or hoped to learn something pertinent The district attorney ' did listen, venomous faction and . . large aunts of money, and its prev-alen- to Itoh or Hobs work. and was really 'impressed bat by ' was and soon ' extracted Slnrpsona in handwriting has to be . To his mrprlsfe and satisfaction life heard. . promise to 'go at the business, with carefully estimated. To find one a hr found the lady was visiting 1 didnt. tura a. to tell you qnlto all possible dispatch. or , which has this break, would friends l New York and therefore .. 0 much,!, the detective afated, "but One or he need not go to IMladetphla. It till lutvst 'development makes ac; It's, too . nnbelieviihle,". Simps have slight .significance. Poison Jts got to be, two, even, might be accidents, but wa not such a long Journey, but tion ruminated. Imperative at onefe, and. I cant Iiecnuse It epnt be anything else, not when th break Is constantly Stone's time was valuable, and be act If . . Farniaii are ' . Lut ifliat ' . had a lot to do. poison? Thera cant be repeated." ' ' . available that so one life called his secretary from the fu after telephoning for an api see that, of courso, but I can. knows anything about. There can't next room. pointment to rail, the dcteHIVel promise nothing. If Comes . be a resftltant death from-poisTlum," he said, as the man up went tlrat afternoon' to see Bob' iff Ml do Ihd best 1 ean to Meet ' that leaves no trace whatever. They peared, I'm going round to see mother. your wishes. Thats all I'cni) sjiy." ' . say there , sweet-facedbut there Isnt. lExce'pt Miss Curry, the graphologist. Hold He found . fair-- 1 Fray Ueu'ven, lit holds off i hit,' -- no; that . wdnt do. Who had ac Ihe fort and learn anything you can haired littlfe ladv who greeted Mm stone, earnestly, fortlmt IvoM-- . "1 lug off might uieaii .cess to .theso .wo tIcIIbis that from culler, but tell- m nue where with a aan smile. . lle or death to knows t really , knows . anything Ive gone" I am glad to eo yon," She said, I shim-body- , . about, poison?. '.Jn less than, a half bon'r h? was because Hob. had grown .very fond'THi, weH. It will, drift ' 'kHows.' of being Along all right. And I promise yoii Nobddy anything about earnestly talking with the joun of you. lie poisons but you, old man.; that's, woman whom be considered the a doctor or. father A chemical ex- - TU do. the very best I din in jro.ur why Im here. . And. ahyway, t; best, hand-writin; expert h- knew. pert I don't know Jngt- what they Interest and young Mr. Maiden's. . . aotueddy did, hh wasnt there fo Htone left Vo'ure right, Mr. Stone," she call them hut he changed entirely attorney In . admlalster lb Yoa cant silspect a sUld. after studying the specimen and wanted only to be'a letectlve.l u uncertajh aiooi, .but Morris was . That sign la un bride,' on her. wedillng he showed hef. wish hs.mtght have done so;" slQWly and surely eoml'fig aroond ttj trip?. "I can't suspect .hnyboUjr. I should havfej t.h dele'ctlves, v.lew oj the matter: Why ridstpkabie . nd undeniable.; An Stone restionded. . . opehl.Bg at the fop of. a small t of been glad and proud tu have him . cant one suspect-bride?", . We wont argue that; lets keep . CHAPTER x for my assistant. to the point.; You won't mind If t ask yob S ri'i "Very fteJl... Then how about the. , some questions, will , yob?" Stone WIIEN FaruinU carue on his illo-'- . errand- District Attor. tn.urderer being some mart hi love I know you want-tknow said. with the brldtf and also waiting her ney Morris greeted him with little, the truth,-- whatever t' may be." . . . . fortune? , Why, I do know It," said Mrs. enthusiasm.' . . a terrible Ita 'Commonplace, but suppdse Jt If t.hlng, Fnririifn I In evident Coles. .astonishment, . Mafden name In' you want to, I only Vant the wtfy. Vnovv tny bny.ls.-deadWhat morei said, To drag.-thlt was done. is there a. poison,' ... the flu8t, but worse, indeed, to. let there to.kpow? . . Rbldh cpuld kill some time after ft Youre satlsfled that tils was a murder take place without question " A'os administered?" ' or. .comment." , natural fleath? 1 .. could else he? What It refhnps. But orfly aftef a palps yea. Why are yob 'ao. sure It Is mur'Ob, . lla-ve- . fpl and. lingering agony.. .None, Surely nobody would wont to kill, der?" asked' Morris, 'you I . too hte , . vblch .wbuld allow tti'e Victim to absurd. evldpn.ee, witnesses,'. testimony la boy Thaj would mj 11J? Jothe .floor And die quietly, or. word,, are ypb rpady to conduct Why should anyone ffo that," Mr, ' . a. . trial?" Ifl . murder Stone?" his bed." s quietly fi(dle iou see a'resem'blancje, then? Ia We are ready, 6f cdo-ge- t J dopt say Aflyone did, hot we' . .. ready ?& . cafes, l'mea&?" detectives have to lookat things I for Anything that meantr. law and . . . .Aesemblaflce? Justice." . The are .ldentl-- . frtfm all sides, yoq kpow. . ald Mrs. Goles, if you Then ga ind get ready ah'd nh.'.Tou se'e, tile hotel rpoin wak . Well, , want .to question, me, go. .right come back wtuvn you '.are kll prepractically sealed because qf f he fact the Xwa people were shqt la It ahead. But pteasie dont qny niy pared' . glone. ' And the second case, the, This .authority, 'o .vyhat seemed , Cobby was killftd., I can stand the youtfg man was In sealed room, losji of my ..boy, my dear one, but like It, given by Morris was Just I couldht stanff.lt' fl think he lvas what Farman wapted, and he woll a , .7'),ay.. So were hunting -- w'as killed I" . i knew bow to tvldst the permission , njfthodt of, death, which jvlll nbt h . - r to 'his own ends. In Stone said. Of prevented or course," agree. Jlmpeded by obstacles , ?f any sort . ment 'He was- - generally yvell, That evening Fleming Stone tfntl though, wasnt he?" .ponging Jt back to the mlracu: his guest wer& earnestly . Vhjus." , over. the immediate out tOfi, yes, that., Cut the doctor talking If you like. Db you suspect any : told fhe tlfat heart disease Is' un look. ,. a and Just I11? party or "household . prevalent jioV, usually . COXTlSlED). jvhoTO dr ( W8re concerned?. strong man may be stricken down Nonb of .them knows a'nythlng 1 Dont Apprehend A New Po'1"' most urfexpectedly.". Electricity and Steel Making 1 Malden wak a friend of Dobs, medlelhe or toxicology." . Stone."" . Electricity, In the, commercial . Ihe deed was done." wasnt he?" . , , I . of steel by use' of the production No. I think they never met unTes, and Its up to me to dis a small o, merely means garnulWy electric .Is uped almost furnace, .cover who, dM It, and how and why, or generosity, but an opening, bo tt til the wedding party took place. wholly as a source of, beat rather t Simps," ever so tiny, at the bottom, Is some- Cut Bob llked hlm Immensely. .lie than for any direct chemical ac. dnt apprehend a new poison, thing to ponder over. This forma liked all the crowrj. They were a tion, and the steel which results Is one. If It Is well-nigImpossible to 1ml ntoe lot; he told me all about them, as a rule purer (of higher quality) poison,, it Is a new tlon Is , ay full significance lie was there overnight, you know, than that usually obtained through Its show To . using It, or an ingenious tate. uethod of in the personal a sort of house party." universal be must It other processes. Of all factors in application oh, well, en w A gay time, I daresay." . ave the post mortem well writing. the progress of shaping steel Into . know." Not so much that, for they all usable cross sections, the Invention This Is the sign of that trait of Get Join Dizzy and took aspirin or some- of the rolling mill by Henry Cort humanity which makes them tempt- had colds It I think he tpset Bob; some time In the Eighteenth cen CHAPTER X ed, not by small peculations, but by thing. e Grape-Npackage, the top from one never takes nostrums. But the tury was the most Important. Cort's SEND thefts of very large sums. DlzzTDtan Wlnnor Membership Pin Battle Grape-Nu- t, to name and address, your 1 A M) youll make all the haste Moreover, this formation Indi- wedding was lovely. I wasn't well Idea was that steel could be Newly designed. A memclub Creek, Mich., for new membership pin, your to go; Im rather an Inva- squeezed Into shapes between roll handsome two-topossible," said Fleming Stone. cates mathematical talent And so enough free 49 prizes. bership card, and illustrated list of nifty medallion, "Of course," replied Doctor Simp- thfese writers frequently attain po- lid. But Boh told me all about It." ers while It wa still hot, and from one-inc- h In diamAnd to have load of energy, itart eating Grape-Nut- s "As youre his mother, yon wont bis Idea grew the present-daroll son. "ion know that without my sitions of trust and at skilled laeter. sFree fqr 1 right away. It has a winning flavot all it own crisp, Crape-Nutpackagtelling you. You11 have to be here; bor. It Is easily recognized and It mind this question. Was Bob in ing mill Industry, which in the Mrs. Malden?" 24 about with In e-top. love uses orderwho man United States produces nutlike, delidou. Economical to erve, too, for two feyea are not all they nsed to he, is Impossible for the nodded ing her membership for head. finished "Yes.1 of She tons he so every that hand nd I dont want to product tablespoon, with whole milk or cream and fruit, provide drag In outJd-r- . It to control hla pin, be sure to ask was. he ChiBut made. Is ton she said, of that castings nobody use It" 301. not more varied nourishment than many a hearty meal. for prise Ill call yon as soon as I can shall cago Tribune. ;ase yoo." Tbla la all most Interesting, could help loving that girl." (Offer expires Dec. 31, 1936. Good only in the U. S. A.) made by General Food . . She Uses Clover's I $Iiff used to be ft . . j - I . e hei-ome- fcui'aWE -- r-u- lominimmiH mums BITA STMT - . - eon-trus- l ' - sound-serlouB- . ." yon--and- new-poiso- - . on . i, s.-i- - - - liad-'tboug- 1 a Km m - 1 -- fr self-invite- d - nt . h , BOYS1 GlRLSl Dean Wlnnersl full-siz- ne y I Valuable Prizes ut FREE1 . |