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Show r I. : v f wwmim?. lauu.vj tTAW umiy WWyqw.toiliimiIWilHi vMiiUAnv vy; t&w -- t l Fresforj Months-- ' v-;v- .IratdrtffS ; ;' '.'."' Co'ursc at . . '' . . ..'.- -- o .. a Vt7iTsn liVi. SUt ... m. 7 Ca&lh I'vesteh ThateW, com ' miUS ' .: CM J . I.-.- S is i, ... Mortr..v.ft,.,M -. . v . -- j . .... -lmtfldirij Battery i1 Jt5th riM ArtUlcry Utah NfttiefiaT GuaM, at -- . 'iSawrt , .tr..nw.e SNEKZKH f ... '. ' now v M 1 . V4 ii oataretatr it WAS .. lAJtmr I . AA9 -- hits. m I .1. . . W' flown oTMf vAe (Sir Q I S(MfW WCAkE jza w ;T '. V Wr .. itv c :. : ... ... r . . . Card of Thanks .. :! ' . . . good etead, . r. will !? j .. ii JJ for o.t ft!troiV before proemling U ft. SiH, Oklahoma, where hr flodftHfuJ. . . '. . . enter, . ratfctr n;aoR.' : even1 be menally taired by one who has given years t carefully coaching children against life's possible harms. A person never knows when he ts going to be thrice glad that established ways of wholesomely thinking and acting will stand him nHgi yiUvysa wAssfp IPM 1 SOAP-- . 7v: cold not tY.5SKlt "hw . Jephi Uucrden and famifyWish will attend the throe months to thank all who re kindly assist-- . tiofiaTCudrd Offims rouffce at the -..: '. d during their bereavement. in the School, Iieltf Artillery of their wife end mother als f" . Ciptaia Thatcher wti are eptc J thi beautiful floral QffeiVig. . . .... fet enlistments at Idaho Falls, Ida " July S 1917, and formerly In- -' . , ducted into oerviee for tha IVerlJ ADS . War 4 Ft Douglas. Uth, tj July VOft SALK Toung milch cow., v went tfilT. He '... in .v" 7, vents May . . . . I. VtV Fenwick, Bountiful. . I.. rith Convalescent Hospital I Oil SALK--- A .goml cow eg. :. . . Nft 1 and erred with that iri in . on horse.- Daniel 'Weltstein, trade ftftd the ...V Kfahee Army f Oceupa- -' ' West Bountiful. 1 . . ' .i'. HITT AND RUNN- - Vcfify, a Sou TmwcA' tioa until April 1919 when he re- -' y wrttv lui- -s win fWy et FOR SALETwelve of pounds ..turned tc lha United States and t rllow sweet Valencia, onion seeds, ' W4t wanVa iivtw i -) as CAT a W 'was discharged ., liT aergeant . lOAOaHUDM mL ow ucm- - wowio,m Crown from selected bulbs-.- Jesslo V UXA AT WA. k wo t ... Ft. Tuaael, Wyoming, Majr 19, 19tr WOMMA UT Wx Si fWU MktAt f. Argylr, Wood? Cross.-. Phone. , ! . . tnUMscttou min 10 tu Mrs rsptei Thalchet was appointee jmohiWCiw.1 w viouutn'fn Umom " h.untiful . . T :. rnd !:rtetian. t5th riM Arti! mi etw 27 Vi SALE'OR lL of acres .Vjwmoaiilery Utah National Guard, in J urn Ve form land in West Layton. " ' 192? in assigned to Cattery T. .. . iMuire of J. It. Gailey, Kaysville, Ben He IS waa Hi'ul. at . promoted tc o ! mb. 3 1931 .. in com-.;and has ; . April captain . manded the bountiful . FOR SALK Furniture of my 7." rganisaticr i.om home, rare bargains; electric . . nine that time. .; Captain Thatcher is a graduate .rgo; Monarch coal range;- elec-- '. . :r washer, book case, 3 .bedroom; school at the Univer-aitof the of Utah, was admitted to the ret; odd chairs; tefrif' . har in Utah in 1926 and has prae-- . rator, lamps, ifera .stands, .mason' . ticed law In bountiful since that rt,tlp,i other bargains,', too nuun . . frf. t oiis to mention. Drive out ' . time, lie is also a member of lhr .hiuntiful and see,' A. O.Truelsoit. American Legion. 6M ; Upon completion of the course at Fit '.boon. Three rar loads of onions atul ing a tax in excess of Ibe legal 2 two J;vs, arul, in spite of his ad Fader to Logan to the training ' Mr. and Mr. Arvin Stott return ,, re rar of sugar were shipped out per cent. . the Field Artillery school, Captain FOR SALE- - Turkey, chicken ' (vauced ago, is regarded as one of erlnud ut the U. S. A. C. xvhich will J The high Court, however, argued the most ir.elesa and aueceaaful mis coinevo fnuu Fob. 21 to 29. Thatcher will return to Bountiful fd Monday from Nevada where Mr. j,,f ylPrt to the cast, this week, and fruit far.m choafi. A. tk Brew .. Stott '. has teen employed by the) A Miss Tree. 13, of Syracuse, that consumers of electrical energy eionarivs in (he missiun. In cciehra-- ' County Agent IeIove .Nichols st er, Ontcrviile.' - ' 52-- 1 where he wilt again take up active railroad. command of his battery, died this morning of heart trouble. an, constant Users and that the tion of his eightieth anniversary, a i taking cure of the final dejails FOR SALK Brin(Jle.c.o.w, -- rate uf lax colthl be etiualucd over dinner party was tendered in hiajuf the l(3i.Mi'.ar beet and wheat The stoK of. Jesse It. Barlow, Ira Waites family are in old,-qut .freshened,- - third just a period of months to avoid collect honor at the Mission home. Among contracts for final tayments .Noth and Sons is being remodeled into, tine for scarlet fever, one four LAYTON . half, calf, and gallons the guests of the .occasion were jug j definite of the a stylo. payment milk. See Leonard Marin. Rages .j The work of raising the !J school ing' move than due. Mrs. J. President ami ileber Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Knowlcy bouse back of the new grade schoot Tlw). suit was filed irt the supreme Grant, but Mr. Nichol,- Inti lece.ivvd def Lane. Woods Gross. ' . 60- Mrs. Nicholas into word tfint- all- l93f contracts . New eases of scarlet fever this are the proud parents of a daugh Kayiville has been commenced.. court by the Mate tux commission and President uM ' rod'ma, FOR fura BENT Twtf after the First district court dis (I. Smith. will W paid. This will Include the week are the families of Syvil .ttr, born Friday in the Deo hosEthel Thomas, Mrs,. ished,. enquire A misseiF ami. fruit corn-howell. fen xegetahle action meeting ns original against piiyinopls .Seoffjeld, fieri Talbot, Altha Green pital,. the city of Logan! The nuprcme will' fie, held in Farmington, Fri-- J The testing of dnij-- 'rattle for third house, cast of thft Bountiful Grad on Hftjt left Tuesday morntjconel Layton, Delbert Adams, " 60- court, ruling directs thn lower day, Uel. 28, at 10 a. tit. and 1 p.m. Bangs disease is still being done Mortuary.' Metrill Scoffield, William Day and ing for Flint Michigan to bring A. OR of. the U. S. court to reinstate the action for Dr, A. L, Wilson back a now car,. and any one interested rhooM list i SALELFoup' Charters oij . Frank Whiteside. anTl their name. burn mg incubators; in first class . inconsisdiscuss will further of Mr. and Mrs.. Orville Ramsey fruit. C, . "not Logan' . the proceeding : Mrs. Ellen Sandall is improving Lake fit City, carrying running order, 458 .egg capacity. , and able ta ait up, after ft months will leave Saturday on ft businm j (ff t hand amt some 40 infantrymen tent with the view expressed in vegetable problems. All fruit, and Call J dhn. R. Rkmpton. Rhone Boon the new ruling.' producers are urged to illness. trip to Ln Angeles. 47 Ogden for aft exhibition' in oh tifuI,i7M.Mr. and Mrs. Omer Burnett mance of National Defense week! The decision; written by Chief attend, This will be the first of ft LIVING SO NO ONE . Mrs. Richard Evans was hostess RENTr-Threroomed FOR . are rejoking over the arrival of wax wrecked Wednesday about one Jusica Elia Hansen, v u unani- - Seriei of meetings to be held. in or Hhcr i, . to her bridge club Thursdsy at her furnished a trnlhoURe partly ' '.'-,lyiNr xtrit UUUrjYiU 41 unfurnished the county. a son.' Mrs. Burnett was formerly mile north of. Layton. Two soldiers ' . home. stoves ftnd The case was filed April lJ, There will be an all day session hot and cold water. Florfe E. Mom the post hospit T. W. Staley has been ill for Neta Hues f Clinton. were taken hack 5. Carl Frls March U-od of ubmiUed 1935; rymrn, poult Nord S.ept. phone Boifrvtifai 203. treatment. for the past two weeks. and of. Fait si Lake 'Earl Baird Sergeant 4 S.- A. C. will U. the' ; UW. from Mr; and Mrs. 8tn Cowley are Tillie Keller of Farmington ana E. Haskins received .lacerations tf . ' lie the speaker, manner. os that Live, the head and 'shoulder and Cor't repoicing evelr the arrival of a wer to the title of Mr, and Mrs. nn Is ft if evil March the di;cidateJ febout 12th, report dairy meeting Mr. and Mrs. Lester OBrien are poral John Smith an injured should taby girl, born last week. Geo. held. all he ti 'will you session, person wilt .day were Mrs,-Ma- i badly Mitchell and daugh- -' the delighted parents of ft ton ft. Several other men . f believe This it. reverJ. A. advice HsU'iuan. ami Professor. was' caused; ter ppeftt ft few days visiting with born jn the Dee hospital last Tues- rhaken. The accident . . ed . ) I .1 the. h of Morris walls of the ; profeirgbns'huhg department dairy the' of condition by- the etippery .her parents in KaysTille, day. for of U. C. be will S. the the A, memory speaker twenty year. Mr.'.ftnd Mrs. Clarence Stoker, paved road. Tbe rest of the rMs. EmOine Walker ef Ogden tofs'lia.yi' bad to break U stood ut In hold A meqting for dairymen f the ift'thft in twe ef the ...I: . It visiting wih relatives this week. Mr. and Mrs. Loy Wood, Mr. and Drincipat Morgans Ben mind's eye wherr W$ read the first n.r8c' Hotel be held tha at tat'wili Mr. Mrs. Mrs LaVcrn y tuwMchreceived Hansen. and Funeral aerrices tor the t IX ,yri,L 1. Oedfr,.VdnMd.y, Fct installment f 'Jafsle Tells AU old son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Roy Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Fior-enin Liberty fur January 18th. . ' ' and Nelson Mrs. Mr, Robinson held in were of King, Kay . Morgan If you'ce. a dining' room cliinc Morgan, Thursday. Mrs. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wood closet In which the lines are not , Was Miss . Camilla Thomley of surprised Mrs. Ollie Green on her true1, with gaping joints :Von know birthday anniversary Monday, .Layton before her marriage. (long time . it just couldn't hftve keen made by the Baldwin Holstein i,es of Mrs. 'Larue Briggs spent the Mra.'.Len Sandall-ha. been ill CHILDHOOD Mayor A, G. LundslVom of Le yrjeBiaw nssociation will bft the ne who for, fifty years. had habitweek-en- d in Plan City with her par With lagripp for the past week. gap paid ft 10 fine for. speeding pcaKeri Mectingii ftt 10 ft. w, 2 ually .madn (feklnet.wOrkwiUi trne I1 . . Donna Fisher, small daughter of ents, Mr ftnd Mrs. Jenkins. on. the fltat htfhway when Aft ap- - ftnt m. Th. Ust meeting inos amt perfect joints. . ' Mr, and Mrs. Harold .; . Fisher, has peered before Justice oj Ihe Rcace uil, t(. a Every prospective purchaser of . 'People unacquainted wKh banqut been confined with rheumatism. , and electric refrigerator will do Iow.nl B. liellgwell, Thursday ot fdefels, tendencies iast Mirch the 2Ut wij, tha last . : Mrs. Lela Layton is home from well to conic in this week fend sec week, irrostod by Ru:;da file and have floras to in.whicK' fiabitq J'rfsinuated that Jro application . her work at the court ' house . in ourlon.Benmoo f the t?te highway specials, . Union had water have umwround might gofnefhing f do rights. ' 1 wost f bcre; Clyde R, Me-- - rr Farmington 'suffering with the flu. Furniture Company, . With the Linjbcrg kidnapping. mjj tilings, will be . A Valentine, carnival was held Ferland xf Ogden, arrested for come The following shipped cfettlo Id Such juljior. wlitpr rights. .This Vny thing is just .impossible 1 7 Mytl Wednesday" at the Clinton . wrd" Denver the. first of the week. E. J. speeding by Highway. Patrolman that Ufo Uw in 'oes out in habituftj F state th'lhe Ci Vj! : according of . the. II. fi. baSi the . hall; . ' A. . Childhood I 1 Bfownj paid ft aimilar fine in thkt anif. tenddt considera-- l to Stoker ftnd C,. Barn Bennett P- r helpfif!ne8H falling' jl person relifuture and we believe in the Mr. Luella Barlow of 'Clear bcr. the court of ; Justice .IlelJdWell. vcn 0J? t.h Well wate rigljt.. ' tlon.p the welfare. o( others. I 'instruction for our children. held gave ai quilling party Thurs Leo IT IV Item The fa gious ftoib. following fend re Mrs. be will held Fiendish hurting of Son Ljoyd Allenty little, child; planning; meeting be . cannot ' future The of , the.pation J. La Muirs day. paper. published in turned Sunday- ' from the Dee ho at. which W..W. trusted to the ehjldren Unless, their Angeles relative to H..D. Clark; of.. Momlay, Feb.. 24,director Nit'a. he. little daughter of Mr. pital.-- , . ' . . of the t)weB aHajatant DESERET MORJUARf and Perry Sessions,' got her Leon, and McfiHdft who had t?en education i'nclo4e4 kheis. spirRuai Thgrsday, February 13 tension 'work of the U. A. .Cl and place;. is trmp therofore Ilyrum ,!). Clark, the oldest misIt. development. . hand injured, in the .wringer, looking after the meat-en- d ef the Ali ' Dr, O. tinie-an.Wheatley syjll be the atten. ur given .' . jhat'we . s Monday. California in the mission, sionary. . spedk.crs. Anjerican Food store here has been tion to thfc Mrs. Blapch Reed of Clearfield . rehgloua train'nff bclobratf'd his eightieth biVthday back- to the Ogden DeLorf Nichols Ag6nt ..County it substituing as. caclier. ef the stere, and fierny. Roemit who has instruction to- ur.boys and.gicls at the Mission Headquarters ia land MiH8.Pixton, county .demonStra not in the sph-- of intolerance nof Los AngVies. lcLor Clark has been .i, . eecond grade during the abspneq ;beeft, wlth-O- . P, Skaggs store has tionagcnt,will take seven l.-- club conemphasize-distinctioner t ef. Mrs. 5arah J Adams, whe is iakgn Mr. McBrides .' for in mission. this approximately. place. :Mr. betweoh cteeds imd, beliefs . , , , . McBrid&'s household effeets were troversy lut to extend thb religious train. . Mr. and Mrs.ens K. Nelson, to t Ogden today. lhipp?d to May Nelson, Edih- and Delma Nel Home ing and teaching,! the tniijisternee Th thcee-ac- t eomedy conscic such all foru that. ift. Mr. II. and Mfs, ,JosSe Barlow Vowfl Girl" wa'g ,. on, presented at .the is develbped and loy? to qhes. heigh Me and Mrs. George, Holt, Mr. ancf A t Plain City ward by the Clinton, - : understood. .and Mrs. David Stoker and Mrs, Floyd . . . Wasatch 2402 : 3$ East 7th.Go. ior and'to doij-iflaye'rs Eniday. , ' Perl Tilll of pep and posBosb the Your IdVdJ fulfilled. Manhifig attended thn funmal in Witli record .ones desire-- , the bqst. Three .cars ofcgttle have cravo slender term can;t church yoy you a; Bourttiful Congregation Nephi, 'J Bouhtiful Sunday of, Mrs. . t if Usteji you gbsslpcrs. here from the e.ast ' during, . . more Duerderf. ' To take off excess fat go ligljt on espesiajly wheil it; 5sts to mores, service, Morning worship . 11:30 forty- week ;tL(?o La ytpix with 22 past 2nd ices y M cream Ifi. a. cVery and s.. 'William. T..Knigbt fteci-reaching jery . Mr., and fatty meats, butter, 0?car Flint .wit.h three sweets eat more fruit arfd t4MHW-Hand 4th; Sunjlay,n?h'nin9 'ftt visitors of 'Mt, head .. ,. ef FJain City : . , a half thfi shippeT1!. teaspoonvegetables among werg. and.tqke t Week day activities add Mrs. Lee BxHly last Thursday affords ful of Kruschen Salts i 9 a glass of Ccmipanitii IF Ah'd "Mf', the tr tnosinr)cuniii4i5iii the hot vlatpp every morning, to elimiDell Cook Mr. and Mrs. .tefnagp COMB evening Thursday WHERE , ,sj)ent machine gup eompanies- of the S8th . nate excess wafite.. .customers the adclass at 7 p.nq. ! Sunday in. Ogden as gofst ef.htr.' ,t, de ' Mrs. atFort are at of Verllle Elma Tlavre. Douglas nfanty. a. Gaturday.thq Jiwioi; qlass.'lOt ;.':;yoy-AR, and Mrs, Branch?, Garher. , of Grace, Md., writes: "I tdok off 20 tracting several oft'he nbwly enlist nv . v now. . ! .Alvin Stoker ind, DaYid Stoker me fit fine .clothes lbsj qiy 0 UH ri'WM' ed.soldters.,And accordfn.gto.Colon .resources and ex- No drastlo cathartics no constipa.Ndx thurad&y vening There will , , attended thejpoultry forwenfiefn irt el Wiyiam C. Webb'arrpy recruitOE. acblissful bowel tion-hut Bally a social .at 1 p. m. .Games and' un 7 un, rmcn list tlreek. , Sail , , lion when you take your little daily I . ing officer for this ferea, the neaon 'un fend rcjfreshment.i, dotilt miss perienccd service. ofFrhziet .Ada amj. Mrs. Kruschen: daughter s' not hard to find. Foc one dose, I: , SATISFACTION ' thing, it, be there. . . Napcy , Lee, arp, spending a few srfd thecolojvel, ' these CQihpanieS :: c..: . days, visiting with hef barente in lave just received Twelve .of the 1 Logan City. Must . . . . 1 Plaiq City, Mr, and Mr3, Victor newy. adapted ; machine V Lund. . . . u Thes? weapons are similar .in on Sales Mr. hnd Mrs. Cafil Bingham of guni. . all respects to the standard caliNbw yon , , BARBERSHOP Cldftr field are thfi. proud parents ber 30 . Browning machine gtfff, 'more irerjucnta contacts Seels VJuice,?' Mrs, of a Bing . recently, daughter, t whifh was perfected during thfe Feel full of pep and possess the With member! of your hara'was formerly Irma Burns. I, world war except that they are slender form you crave you can't Layton, FARTiUNGTCII . Mrsi Glen Layton will be hostess t If you Usten to goaslpers. amiljr living elsewhere caliber 22. Another, reason is that .Logan city Thursday 'was directon exceaa off To fat taka to. her bridge, club this Thursday these. . go light with the folks hack companies are motorized ed, by the state supreme court to fatty meats, butter, cream and sug. .afternoon. , , more The motor equipment of each com- pay the Utah tax on sales of and and sweets eat fruit sons home. ary Donald Manning, son of, Mr. and a teaspoon-fu- l half and take vegetables 4 consists of itsa by municipal, power of Kruschen Salts la a glass of 'Mrs. Floyd Manning was given ft pany daughters at college., , Dodge trucks, two motorcycles plant. hot water every morning to elimiCall y friends. 9th his on birthday. , 'party The decision upheld the states nate excess waste. with side cars and one Chevrolet Mrs. Ellen Sandall is able to get reconnaissance Car. On or Mrs. Elma Verllle of Havre de them Sundays to collect of on tax the sales right Thursday, Md., writes: T took off 20 Grace, 'around now after an illness of two after 7 p. February 27, 193d a recruiting power from municipal plants, over evening lbs. my clothes fit me fine now. , .months. DEPOSITS INSUEED No drastlo cathartics no constiparty from Salt Lake will be in ruling Logans contention that such Allie Green has returned from a acblissful bowel but tax constitutes tbe a daily pation levy by Layton, Utah. Single men between tion when you take your little dally The trip to Denver, Colorado. 18 and 35 are invited to see the state on municipal property in dose of Kruschen. o Mr. and Mrs. Glen Day announce violation constitution. the state of learn advanthe and party many V the arrival of a son at their home tages that will accrue to them by The court pointed out the tax is D. C. Washington, last Sunday. GEORGE W. GRAHAM enlisting in the 38th infantry. The not levied on the power while it is Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilcox are will arrange the in possession of the city, but on Maximum bsestaeft recruiting party Licensed Tejoicing over the arrival of a baby transportation to Salt Lake, for sales of that power after it passes V'U For Each Daidtor . into other hands. girl born at their borne in Logan, qualified applicants. ei l I Monday. Mrs. Fannie Clark entertaine Logan also contended it could LOAM ON CZZ7ZZT7. GOOD MONEY Mr. and Mrs. Spencer D. Adams at a TO PLENTY OF Bales not on collect tax the power TCLSPcona BouivTiruL, birthday party for Doris Clark entertained Saturday at a bridge Monday. of less than 50 cents without levy Fww in N. ; ;v:, I ln f-- r . : J . .: ,..-.- " I. CMSSIFlEi) . - mn uiy . ...' , AfiTt-W- at - B1-B- cta. . 21-2- . . - lw y . t! .... : ' . - pay'n-take-- it . j . . g ;..' ... egi-tali1- . f e. J ... ... t . . nihh . -- - '-- - - in'-sur- (feah-minde- . ...v I, 10c n-lie- f - ten-da- , ""fumpd e 1 Coffee & Ml il OuBlOcv - , STALEY'S s I af-sl- u - prs-'sea-so- lifQ-lo- ft . f H C D Af-patr- pl , . LB es m ,,5 P, file-.ma- y a rj - x.-t- M-rs- . - 'Service Above - - - H .11 SHE LOST 20: tPODUDS OF FAT - - s . been-sfiipped1- - -- ..'.' Ma. 1 ', aug-ar- s 2-- h-n- IE-3- 0 1 ....,. -- ' hank m 5 - - Account of thdn years vantages, E this its ample '-.SURE I - -- SUE LOST e sub-icalib- Pay Tax smedleys. t -- mu electricity far-awa- BOUNTIFUL . at Utah 1 . Banli 1 POUNDS OF FAT a It 20 Davis County 1 wnLoonn" :3 BAI3 STATE Federal Depodt iErzrcnip Czrr. MORTICIAN a $5000 utab m-- DJ |