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Show . . v a . , i( j THE WEEKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH m , . Wastes of See DeYistaflon HOW. FAST WILL-:'. 1 OUR AIRPLANES . F)wti flaking, apd K!Bleiu , . i, GO? ULTIMATELY la cu'ardia Mayor.York and thy gendarmea 'were no match, for the New Jereey bookoutmakers. After Hie Honor burst. against them the bookies suspected that the copper wer obtaining earfule by tapping the wires. So the most celebrated ef nature s 1 j 'V' - $' 1 working V . . . - ! vp-l v -- ?u O New fork Port, ' .. Salary Figures ; C Might Annoy Fans; . i . . . . . ALTHOUGH money oecgalorlalNy a moat sordid topic It undoubtedly .takes high rank among those very Interesting things about which people Insist upon talk.' Whether It ' Is discussed as Ing; much In sports as In Wall street and other realms of big buslnesy Is, of. course, a question that la open to 'some argument YeL with' the season for the signing of baseball contracts' now under. way,-l- t again, becomes - evident that thy methods pf the athletic gosslpers qr vastly different from those' of ordinary, mortals, , i n Most' though there remain a few wh'e dwell sorrowful-- ' ' ly upon the fact that they can scratch dp.' only a million' dollars or so of pin mon?y-rd6- te upon ppeaklng Id the highest terms conpenple-f-eve- U - '.:---- . mel-cfal- , so earw '.v vnkT vuwpm ; that, 'ami ' a .comblnatlofl of ,:tuofsture. The ' protoplasm forms over, and Under the speeding wing al the ultimate or Ihepretlcnl. sfiml of 24 mile an hour, and appears to grip It and .hold it back to that llmit'.vf speed Just ns of a octopus surely as the ' grip ltij prey.. . f "Perhaps Rrofessof Goddard bis rival Inventors will one day de veldp albcraft rocket motors that will fnake Incredible speed. .Who pressed--nl- who .wears No. the jCollseum bike races, Is a po-- I 13 In Ice man, fireman, and bicycle s.ho'p .Som- knows -- thpjt :v By Osborn THE FEATHERHEADS lViLV.Yoil..MB'A FAVOR u Feli ?: 1M WaRRiED About WeeUrq 'V. Newtpsper YoU WARD.LV YWfe e-A- STop' tKI AKjl' hf AMVTMiNe-see- The ' Doctor. .SEE ' - TTTTTr,:: tfcktn-alon- - . fiOY5t GIRLS r SAIT LAKE'S Onr lobby 4s delightfully air thf sampler months cofi-cerne- , 'Grext-CranJ- , . p Mamotilan We ,in this generation know more than pur parents did, and ulr parents knew ynore than tpei'r. , . Parents did. Slmblean Maybe that's true, but 1 bate to think what' fOols yoirr grand, parents tiiust hav bey n.laUi finder Magazine. FliNN'EY . OF THE FORCE OOPS i iJfS arrr" . , ,.- SAY ; M whsre H&: EBFORB z SLJ BAye Ol SEEW FAce. ..'. 'Napper gabbed ; Hv SBL It YoUVe RlSHT WHERE IS MOW IF SEEM VT EFoREt it .has Always $EW .THERE LOOK GUHT WHY T ME PIP YEI. PRAW BACK WHIH Yez SAW Lme? . ", EvideJic .Th , : - morning N Tlt-Dl- ikigazlne. ts ! I .i. r . . . Help! Help your fdea pf civilization?. It ft gbqd. Idea. Somebody ought te tart Magazlpe. . . , , In Hit Step , Prtsqfler.(to JallerJ-r-As- s y - to 53.00 Hates . ( The Dotrl Temple Sruar haa ft deoirable, friendly atnuW-- 1 hl(hlp Yon will always find it irnmae phere. ulate, aupremely comfortblo. end , thoroughly agreeable. You can there fdre iioderotand why thia hotel lai I1IGHLY RECOMMENDED Yon can alao appreciate why r Itg Binark otfllstinctloh fe rto'p , , at tlir ft pBautituI hostelry : . What avor, ERNEST C ROSSITER, Mft .. THINKING o spdcldT OF 'HIM . I wish you would put me In 3S. Jailer' Why PrlSonerr-It- i lie Sq - I- - cell No. g , . ' HOTFLr ' Have 8 good time at the party?" Oh.-- eplendldl I '.feel qwful 'this -i so?-- , the one that my s ther always had. Pathfinder Maga.-rln- e. . n 1 h.T .TS (otroiVT ten-yea- vd-th- is i?L dilST .sk te fily , n elaborate affair hilald with .Ivory, was shipped to Washington And sef up In the Whit Houses fIopi' then defeatbej the date. NlNolnp ond of the most" celebrated . of billiard fans, lOd t'o& 4 . .. If tbs sam party of parties cent-- ' blns Madison Squaf Garden' owner- ship along. with, that of tha Chicago Stadium, Detroits Olymplar. and Bor' tonT. Girden, several Independent fhfembers of the big time hockey leagua are Qolhg To squawk loudly, longjy (and pqrhas properl'yj Mdlto buck a syhdltdtr: ton, tha Baltimore pUchen who goes South with tile PhllUos thlq spring o get, Experience, picks up plenty of side cdln gs a guitar player anp singer ot hill billy songs . , I why so man fight managers are pawlfig.e't.L.ordnlo Padksnow Is that.they, discovered he Jtarnot of r age when he sigfieft his preen,t contract . . , rfilladelptUdnr hqve request defyirtmcmt to why twp gtnc basketball, placers, have quit La Salle college . . . Coaches say Mat best basket-baCarnegie Tech Jia team 'In Its history alnul also thtf best one 4n the Casteno Conference. They also sqj thiU Columbia. Is the dnly fairly good team In t'he Eastern Intercollegiate leogqe . The reqj name of Walter (FlAsh) Cazen, Dultlmore ' outfielder. Is . If you ever lost ft Czkeyzensk! et on Nice Talk Ronn Antelope, Emma Lee! Marcaslte or, Nancy CA you have a chance to get even It you can find ft bookie who takes bets on races In l'orto Rico. Those ponies now are going round and round on the Island tracks weeks ahead ef the Cincinnati Redo. HOSTELRY' MEW-ES- Cooled duylng Star. The-reaso- ' ad-t- Any KM Know , Teacher Who knows what the : five senses arel Peggy - Nickels. Washington. - e . another column'. of this .pamper And learn hodr to Jolfi'the DJzzy Dean, Winners and Win valuable free 'prizes. AdV. . - about-havin- - over-estimat- - IJea'tl the. Grape Nuts Long-wort- g izmmm 3DS .! hls.ftge, ', with the .fncomet euppwed.to tfe earned- toy prize fighter who, g the average, are "lucky .When they can make $3,0Q3 Ji year, ltdoeaprg-vid- e some caaiefor thought. NaruraJly .this tficpigtt. will .bf lost .ujjon the professional sports people rah well ns upou he promotera of football, universities whe thfc size of habitually litoir lesowds by 10.000 er so, and have a suspicion thnt this yet contlnyod spesklng la boxcar fig-- , 'Hires' la one-d- f the Ills of bajilbaH. 6o far aaf.the perfoVmers are they Jroyb o accustomed to .reading abbut puciv gorgeouq purses that they must become discouraged when they dlttbver that really $hey are going to be,paldonly such a sane sum, as the traffic will bear.-It la a point, If, you will' consider the amounts that would have to ba taken In at the gats If such mag- nlficent salaries were really to be paid, that does not need any elucidation. Still, admitting that the main Mult perhaps lies with the newspa pers, I am wondering whether the performers and promoters who so ardently support such ballyhoo have ever considered the effect upon the cUlasata consumer. Yqt; riT-Wglf- - -- SWoJJen. t. ARTIFICIAL UMB CO. ' Trbasoe Bracdi AxtilcUA Limb Arch Snpporta Crntchte Elmtia ,Hoaliy Extension Shaoe Eatablhhcd k VaR Lak k lit rb Was. JM Satisfaction Gabrafeteo 13S W. Third So. I Selt Labs City. lit. h elghty-four.t- 4 Impor-tance- .' eeeeeooi eeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeee'eeee to be one hundred, Fo his year, he wrote his celebrated book showing how be had achieved- health, high splclts and an unfailing Interest Iq the life of Only Three Big League Pitchers Topped $15,000 fnattea of particular V. , h ' ", Historys outstanding Sample or. the value, of hy'glenfe living is Luigi Cornaro, whose ' serious sickness when, he was forty years of aga directed bis attention to' reghlatlng his habits bf life. Instead of dying fifty, S result, of what stnrratloij. diet, frd lived delu-s'io- 'not, . - play-efa'w- . ' .. - "v Whl LechcrM, Shade lilanl Barrad plmoHlV tlooki, to; imntdiita deVvcrj. Ilradqilartafa far Iforl , Gaa broodcra, for natural artiAclal, or lank (as, can b died enywhera. Also Ibt Radiant. . Phon,.erita ar .new wiro for (rlrso nd eomflcu lafrio-atip, , ''KAllimw HATCH ERIE J6W So. State St. Salt Lakt OK, V- tIMrANOGOft HATCH ERt SV( Doatb 7th Cart Tti VUh Sol-H- ot at-Ag- DOCTOR' VJltt YOU WOW. - . . . Testeif Cbicki . tth, Cornaro Learned Gentle Arl : of D) ing Old of 40 - Without going lhto',l 'historic, Inr cl dent, when as American league . pttohar (not with, tha Ta,okeeJ took such estimates of SQlafleq as .correct, called his business, man; ager R.llar nhjHiien was forcefdlly persuaded . te 'apologize, therq, la competent .authority 'for the, state1 meat that only three tjlgdlme'hurk era e.rter pave, beta f aid' more jifas V $.15,000 a season.', .,' te . .Ttftt 1 havil IV upon thS samd 'competent eutherlty thaone of tfie hurJera and It' la not Hubbell la . , . n. 01, . V. S. Certified Puriofyni Thoir experiments Indicate . . YoU f Salt Lake City Directory the. mdxlrimm, Speed ef rockets its ails.'' At Birth ' a Hrtdlllilftoirii ksted aa' te4 BaUinatl'owdeR d - tire-Ur- .fifietf, thys-oreatfid- will be about MO miles an hour, .mlle9 slower, which IS .a hundred-odthan . the peod which the earth makes day gml edght ns.lt turns-o- . Union that y .0 have deferiplpod, tht absplute speed to.- be something like 24 inlics ah hour. 1 1 that point, ye arq told, live forc.cs set tip. bj' thelmpact of a body cusliln'gjthro.ugh tie tilr create a sort ol prbtoiilasm, wjiifhean be detected .wltk the aid of a motion picture nppapatd.v This protoplasm, for want of better word seams to be Jhe result of, a chemlcdj chajhgeln the .conv. lvufc-ler- n LoriTi possible, appears i brag-abou- fR 8Ak.IK.fi ... greatest - " III-THE- 1 1 fllls 5 $.0 P.P IDE an-bo- a mthtjtek The ,'slOyt tllirht'.of today. Ja th ropunrob-1- 1 ace. of. tomorrow, . , 'ny we know fheib,", says Ming;os, The tiutlotfs scientists 'at the laVoratojrles ottiift Nqtjondl iAd'vIsory' Coibmlttce folr Aeronautics d . zulles that they br close - 'proprletos In to 2f0 - THOSE TAKE -- ,wlch issyrgrvce son, will, reach 2th) pdlc aft y t FOR an hour.. JL Ihnd'- - plane bag made tban 8.V nillos n.ffar.--- Ckm aircraft are pdw vltmUng mo-r- e Int.iJ'the- the Jitters because they have to drop back from the attacks Ao often Is order bo protect bis territory. Sines tha Aqueduct manxgprl had thtlr tours measured and found light discrepancies (Oh, Grandma, what big words you. use). other raping association also' ftts engaging surveyors. Th Aqueduct tap revealed, Incidentally,' that Discovery ran 3 fact farther .than necee-karworld- record when, he set In the Brooklyn Handicap last June. S)g llart, former mn.nngor of. Jack Johnson, laughs at the Idea of Joe Louis 'being the ' negro of all fighter time, Loul-jcould never' have hit Johnson and he'd have beprt. ft ' set up for Joe Walcott, sajn Mr.' , Hart . . . Frbd 0 d VlaS. lihve no1 desire to Join the philosophical apace' filler's .Inter-este- Vi ervllle, N. J. ite also I the futher of four children, all of whom Hde 'coyly bikes , ilefore Joe Illcardel startwhile commenting upon. It . ed leading orchestras he did Very Instead .as could have been sa'ld well leading will) hls 'lcvfL II lost words ago I am only three df his 22 fights as n In the great joy various sports amateur and won nine of them by persons seem tq obtain from some- knockouts , . . Muck Garner, who body, else's golden rewards. rode Cavnlchde.to seven 'triumphs There Is, for Instance, the nmtfer. over Discovery ln'103L. still .would t of Cad lIubbeH's newly autorather that hole In one contract be made while' golfing at'MI&mL graphed , Most of the com-Je n ts.' concerning First Baseball Scandal-Ove- r this signing b.ubhle over with, the news 70 Years Ago, ,' the. pitcher will receive $18,600 Th first baseball acandkl dl3 not per year.' This It occur In 1888. as recently wae hint-- , Interesting news If ed In thTa. space. Forbes, ths' true, It; Would not very . goodhi dipfight .'rqferee, only .Indicate that pings to prove that the b'oys started the Giants yr er be. misbehaving .year and' yeiry before coming 'more- enrt-le- a that ' Says Mr. Forbes: 'Ths first' a than' usual Instance zf ft gams being,' tilth their money, recorded lost-bcollusion of, pUrposely but also- - that the Commentators on September 28, 1865, when havjp rtjached ' the, heights of the EckfordS defeated the 'Mutual by becoming. ao elnted 28-to th. great' aurpfli of .tbs ever another's 'good fortunt.' - tin pectatdrs, .Subae'quent event fortunately, and-- t must admit tiiat showed that th jame'waa ,sold by 1 hare bad no more 'of q glimpse of three' ef the Mutuals, Duffy, Y(anth'o contract than have my very ley nd Devyr. They wery expelfecf knowing tri'tters,. I nm overcome f.rtnj baseball- but Duffy later was wltl serious doubts tvs 'to .Its IryGi. reinstated gild played shortstop fot and I dcj'have Chicago In 1870 and 1871. The iex(' , In mentionlng-thT- a aome, very definite Information, ionr-- , noteworthy .Instance wak ttiat tf A. eeml'ng thq top salaries paid to yd- - H.'NIch.oH,, James A.'. Devlin, Gooege standing pitchers In .both major, Hall and w! H. Graver of the leagues dtrlng the last five years They, were qxpeMe'd on J am not attempting to quibble tri'et October ;i0, 1877, fo.r crooked play. mere $3,000' paid by .somebody , One of WUlie. l1a(ipcT,fondt'st else tq somebody ejse. Instead I ntpinorlcs la of Whwi.PrrsIanr wondering whether these epo'rts dent him to play qn. Taftjnvlteil. of grandeur dq not exhibition ma.tch page White at,-tpave qulte.often f decidedly adverse Ilpiise. A special. Billiard ftlhle, si tffqot upon the scenes w.hlCh' they are. Imagined to enhance. . - Events tri .the Lives of Little Men. '. , Althsufch-MIkyouthful Muck Hawk cerning their oya Ipcomea and honorariums.' It U a very hunifin. trait I- -- goalie, ts being touted for the Vezlna .Trophy as the league' outstanding goal tender, Ms teammates do not feel precisely that way shout tl. They whisper that h gives them W NO Serrteoi Balloon Diamond ' v: star. Karakas, " t. cfliestlon The like to ask There Is much fsughtef among football .people becaus of. the whitewash provided by the lllg Ten Conference for Ohio State's hard- & : - It IS tbose acts callqff trtvlallUeto . . , w.hjch most people, Ikat th? srtKls of Joy arq Tevew oT Jhose deep-dyeIn washed, until nien m8 soaie.s , How-fa- st , will alrpland around with Ivaggard fives gt !' , Jiltlmatqly travel? Howard Mlnqos lCvastsUea. their tows waste Aa , , , offers as nswyr La Ahe Jlerbev v made, anT say.th; earrtk hears. vw . . '. harresf vtf sweetoe Revlews. calltnj theiP Test JdAnest Mlngos tetofbfls vis. denial knowledge. Wleorj; iliof,' v equipped fo afeg .hftid.lng en. wafer, Hjve been hurlefi through the triy for w clocked. ieed of, $40 miles WHO ' . ' ;. . t- -- HaeS Vr .. : noblemen ever 4n Mayo section hyve shagged (heir telephone. . . .. number 1 ? . f McnJ- - IF YbU 'THIMR. ol- - tet' fiB'-.T- KlPNAFPEFt : ll T' V n' , look like This Suspect i W OlLL Picture IM "to- COMVlCTiOM f along, without la Police Court ' . r uA7R8GLEVS T Vmtom , ee'on- -' ' . c ; : . Is It possible te hqve b sentence without a verb? Son of a Judge Tes, sir! Thirty . days. Teacher1 ' ttrt , a was "jus t irondM-lpwhat else there Is that you can et . She-Tes- .-, be .loife .TMEaJ.NeU GET fW'V we shall have to Dearie;; I omlze' somewhere. Am J5HOW opem lie SAY YEZ I ?w PERFECT GUM r . " ' ' |