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Show ' . .0 . o U . . . - . . .. .. o V . ' . , . . , . n WMMM .. VOLUME tLEYEl LAYTON. UTAH, FEBRUARY Named State Supreme. Monday, February 17, 1936 at .1:30 p, m. with all members present. except 'John It. Hampton, wbe was .'excused. The elerk and the luper- intendent mere also present, and R. W. Adams presided. Tbe . superintendent reported . that two of the board members . The convention was scheduled! ' . had talked the Bamberger for February P,. and was postponed.1 . .Electric Railroad companys, offi- - to February 15 and then later post. rials concerning the transportation poned until March 7. because .of of students to Davis high school Btorms an dbad roads. Professor . eince.'the last meeting and received Coe stated. a Hot of names of the boys., who J. Erval Christiansen, Provo, were, causing most of the. trouble president, who will preside, will .on the cars.- He favored calling opeii .the convention with ait ad.. these boys before the board for a dress at 9:30 a. m. while other conference to see if something enn speakers for the morning ression1 correct the trouble and and their topics follow; Director be done-to.was instructed to call the school William Peterson, The Place of . and have bus driver, Mr. Gamer, the- Fruit Industry in the Utah ' . bring: the btaya down. Flanning Program; Dr, O. W. Mr. Brough, a representative of Draelstm, irrigation and drainage the Mountain Fuel company, met engineer Utah experiment station, with the board and Reported that Ochard Irrigation--ThNevr vs. fhe hot water heater at the South ,the Old; Dr. A. L. Wilson, hortiJunior high school bad beeh con- culturist, Utah experiment station, verted from . coftl to gas, that a Results of the 1935 Survey of hot water heater had been installed Utah..Ochards; Professor I ' R. at the Stoker school and he 'pro Humphe'ryS, supervisor of agriculposed to convert' the boiler furnace tural duration, Training . Pro, at the. Centdr'ville school from coal gram for the Young Horticulturist, to gas with the improved gas burnthe Following this . v - " ' ''Y v f - . v - , i ' 1 . .. Till queertooking tug speedy craft Is ,Gio Geusader, newly built plahe which roMldget you to Euioiui In 12 hours, tf you so wished. Thn eeaft, slesIjiMod by Thomas M. Shellxm, ulU travel nt a hHglit of 20,000 feet amt will make 3(X) mile an pour f cruising speed. The plan will make a Miami Ghlcago tiopi shortly. 't . PrCDcilTC- Winners in Poppy James pay, Pioneer Violinst Celebrated Poster Contest ; Tnbomc Tax Ueturns Commission : For Picked by Artists 90th Birthday- Wed. - i - Your 1935 er at an estimated cost of $218.0(1. . . , . . . . r -- e program, is made James Day, pioneer violinist, of Bountiful, votebrated his 9i)lh birth day anniversny. last Wednesday, February 19, quietly at the .home of his son.' Josseph Jl. Day, with whom he Is living at present. . the time for Utah tsxpsy ers to begin thinking about getting their 1935 income tax returns Bled with the' State Tax Commission at the Stae Capitol. But a little more more than a month remains before The American Legion auxiliary unit No. 79 of the George R. Day post, of Bountiful have sponsored a Fidac and Toppy poster contest at the Bountiul Junior high school The awards, cash prize, will be the dealine, . presented to the winner at a paIncome tax returns must be filed triotic pr'ogram to be held Feb. 21, on or before March 15r r delin- at 11:15- a. m. at .the school. The essays written on the subquents will be liable to pay a .penality 'of 25 per rent of the total ject. of Poland by students of the ninth grado were upder the directax due of the A rum.bt'r f changes have been tion of .William Holbrook ' made in the income tax'law that history department, The Winners the taxpayer should- keep in mibd' are Edith Hafch 1st,' Rachel Nelson 2nd; Christie Wickhr, 3rd and Leila in .making out his retutnt 1 There is no $.1 filing Yfces as-i- Wood 4th. The pssay taking first and 'second- place' will be sent to the years past. This provision Now id . . devoted-t- J'of For - Pelcrs - - . . onc-thir- - . . the-cas- Funeral . . . Tli .ir. d.t In a rmvt to t Hi, execution ef Delt'ert raped Green, eondemned lavia fonnty sluyer, when the state aupreme out gi anted hi attorney in which to file brie o,i appeal. The high eoint gave John C. Dsxi, eounscl for Green, until February 27 to file brief in Connection with tho appeal from a Second district court order deny ing Green a sanity hearing, Attorney General Joseph (.hcf, had asked for dismissal of the ap peal on the ground that Green1 attorney had failed to ahow good faith by neglecting to file the nee cssary appeal papers within tbe allotted ime, Mr, Davjii filed the abstract and assignment of errors in the case Wednesday and obtained tbe extension of time on the condition he would be ready to argue and aub-at the next term of court which begins March 16. Green is uijdcf sentence of death for the slaying of three members of hi.s amity, six years ago. Datu of the exception by a firing Squad wns eet for January 24, last, but a reprieve was granted by Governor Henry II. . Blood. The ftate board of pardons has continued the until March 21. ' reprieve ' Meanwhile, Greenapplication for commutation of sentence la pending before the board and will he considered at the March meeting. Mr. Day wA born at Westham, near London, England, Fch.. 19, 18 10.- When not quite seven years of age be left. England with bis parents on their journey to Utah, ; where they arrived Oct. 6, 1853, with the Jacob Gates company, Two day's later, Oct, 8, 1853, tho fumily moved to Bountiful Where James grew to manhood, morried , . and has since punto his- home, lie engaged in farming and marEivbra Funeral , servicea for ket gardening In which-hwus Chcrrington Peters were held in During his early manhood the Boimtif.ul tqbernaole,. Sunday Mr. Day wasealled to haul jogs J qftcrHoon. The speakers, were, ' by' ox tram for ue in the &alt Richard Irwddent Gtringham!. Lhke. temple; ., W.. Slahlu .and Bishop Qu- Henry March 21', 1867, he Was married ayle Gannon. The opening prayer to Mary Ann 'Roberts, sister ef B. was by . I). R. Jolman, and ' tho H. RobortB, by Da'n'iel II. Wells In benediction by W. Walter 'Barlow. the old Endowment House in Balt A. quartet consisting of Mrs. JoLake City. They bad twelve chil- seph E. 1 cp worth, Mrs .'Carson dren. Five, sons and two 'daughters Singley, Leonard .Mann and C. .11. are living rind livistcd him'during Blake, accompanied by Mrs. Ellis fchft day. Some of his 42f grandchilfurnished ' the singing. Norma GO dren a.nd Squires, sang, It Was- For. Mje t also visited with him., Mrs; Day and IJ .Only You. There died Fe1. 14, 1931, a .few days be- was. a gooj attendance and.beouti-fif- l fore the couple had- been married floral offerings. Interment waa tf4 -in Bountiful ccmcle'ry,. the '. years. Ms. Day' has been famous locally fof years for hiri violin, having Trirlil'fFV JUI.VCy played at .the dances in the settle- ments hround anj en programs. The latter more especially of late . . years to e tho qlder' groups always until the last when he has become too fgeblA,-- , . - the company - . to le formed for the formation' & ' did in Layton are nearing-compel- : Plan 'vie Frank Hickenloopef . state cj. . secretary, 'eruporery Grgarptlion will be ' effected Wednesday, February 26; in. ,th West layton ward ball. Morh than siafy r'.servatlon lor A dinnqr t be served at the Averting fcavrf been nmd, . ', . David Romney of the Ogden R- tary rluh i expected to deliver ther principal address, and m .'musical program i bejng prepared by the rommittee iq charge., The purchase of the 'club', Hickcnlooper said, will be to spon--sprojects for impeaxemejit eT' the town, , ion, ' - or ' Farmington City ' la Campaigning Against Stray Dogs A very aiiccpssful effort was made in the eoltectton hy .refund . of tha collec.tora fee for voluntary' ' payment of the dog tax during January, However, there are still ' a number of dogs in the city which have not been taxied. An appeal Ifc now issued to the people to cooper-at- e with the dqg trix collector, Mr. Dan Miller, so he can carry out hiq . orders to collect the tax In full or . dispose of thd dg..Civi,c pride can hest be shown where the city ordi- - ' nance Is complied with in the proper keeping of a dog. Our city has been the. dumping grounds for a long time for worthless dogs from other parts-and' great- many of t our citizen's' have befriended these stray dqgs.. Will you please notify the dog lax collector of any. such dogs that you know of so proper ' disposition canbe'niode of them. Unless . this cooperation .is ' given, . it will be necessary that drastic restrictions be placed on. the own- - ' ership and cate, of dogs within our . ' city.Full cooperation is earnestly, so- licitej from nil whether you have-pai- d your lax pj not. It is a pro- taction to. the-d dog that diseased or mongrel dogs are kept,' out' of onr city. A very serious ob- - ' jectiofl'i.s also found'from female . dogs running- at large. The city ordinance is very definite. on this, and Bpch dogs must-bconfined on ' them own premises especially dqr- ing the; time of salacity. The Mayor . morning business meeting will be discussions :on probwill- replace the presfejnt electric lems of certification of nursery range vyith a gas one at no cost. trees' to .reduce losses from inferior Services. He also proposed td make the misnamed trees, formation of a conversion and rent'jt'to the board fruit Held Sunday tfe9ting association to advance for a year before they .decide, at Work of . testing of ...a rental of the cost per promising cooperative Mrs. Salmi new varieties of fruits, .month. On motion of Me.. Parrish, commercial memberships,- exhibits . seconded by Mr. VanFleet, the mftt and group .purchasing, and the ter was taken under advisement. of an agency. to adver- contest, . by the .1035 Legislature. state A number of boys from. Davis sponsoring Mrsu Blanche tise .and promote the consumption. Mho 2 NO. offset, can be Ukcn for. the high, brought down by Mr. Garner of Utah fruiV . rQfes80p Coe ex. payment of property tax. Formerly art department had Charge of the ' . .in response to the superintendent s plained d of Toppy poster content with students an offset not to. exceed .'call' appeared before the- board and David F. Smith, commissioner 'of the income tAx could be'tAken, Un- from the seventh eighth and nineth responded to question . r.egafdujg agriculture of Utah, will open the der the new .law, payment' of prop- grade art classes', participating. n ' afterpoort program with an ad- - erty tax can only be credited as a .; The winners are as follows: The superintendent .told the boys dres on' the subject' Problems of deduction from the total gross In- Dorothy Gwynn,- - first; Dorothy that they were called in because Utah Fruit Growers, followed by come. . Jones; second ; and Billie '. Barlow, . . . . . .iof complaints from the train men Fundamental 3 Rates have been Increased to: third; eighth grade: Mari.al Turks, Principles . of Soil .of disorder they wer? causing by Fertility, by Dr T. L, Martin of t per. cent of the first $1000. of first;. Ross Davis, sfeend and third, refusing to give up a ticket, teav-- ; the Brigham .Young university; : net taxabla inco.nie. Betty Jean Jardine; ing up seat bottom on which to Recommendations for the Control i .2 cent of the second $1000 of Margaret. Shultz,' first; Margie per play cards, breaking windows and o Major Orchard Insect Pesfs, net taxable income. Kerr, second; and - Madge Call, . other, distraction of propefty, . Prrdessor third. 3 Sorensen C. of J. the . of the cant third $1000 of by per From answers to questions pro- - Utah . ment-ioalso was 'income! taxable Rodent net Special experiment station;. . given pounded By board members and the Control, ; to seven additional students from net taxable' income. Scott Zimmerman, was learned, that biological superintendeht-it of the fourth $1000 of each grade, who had done outst-ansurvey; Spray Residue most bf the trouble was. only roudy .. Professor- Seth T. Shaw, Brig5. per cent of the fifth $1000 of by ng work in poster hiakirig. ism , getting pushed through win ham' . , Recent net taxable income and above. Young university; winning posters wilj be.xlisr' dows, crowding and retaliating in Dqvelbpm.ents 'in astern Fruit Grow 4 Personal allow- - played at a tea tq be .given, by the exemptionthe mischief and tricks of other unit cm. March 14 t the. home of ances have been reduced. by Profhsso'r Coe. ; is deferring actieJn for restrictions students. From the north ther$ are jng, The 'business meeting will con'A married person, living with Mrs. Jenl Trobridgo and' the win. Given until tho. tax Collector can- - comno seats and hardly enough .stand tinue after this program, with re- husband or wife, can claim an ex- ning one will be rrajand thirty or plete th? present-- ' survey which he ing room. They think there is not ports by chairmen of Committees emption of .$1,20Q, . mortf of the' outstanding posters House Court is. conducting, ,.biit these restric- . enough men on the.trpin from the as follows: Membership-- , John A single person i entitled to will be used as advertising matertions will-bissucd'if found neces- -. ' ' : south, that the cars are not all ial sale $o0o. nominathe for . . PoppyDay Burningham, Bountiful; after . survey 4s .completed. sary warm' enough and students crowd Reports on' the conditions of all Om' city should be kept as a desirFor each de'pendcnt child under Tw(j will be chosen to be sent to tions, John' Hall North Ogden; fi- -. of. the better and warmer cars. Fashions' Ln )avis county industries were given able placd to' live and invite othera nance, N. J. Valentine-- Brigham the age of 21 an exemption erf $300 the stae contest and will bo Only ofte of these boys- - had ever City; legislation, W. N. Monday when members tif'thij Da to conic and live xyith us. Letlg all 21 must tho is allowed. national over Children fqr j'oppy Barker, ' ' Govci-nmertt- s pulled a red cor.d and that was two North Ogden; vis eontest. bo county planning bdard defecA. . woVl to tnrike it so by keeping ob1 resolutions, poster mentally- qr physically years ago. The red cord pulling , other officials met at Ihe court Miss Jessamine Shepherd, . Mrs. education tive and incapable, of support to Brigham City; jectionable conditions under proper has been by new students. Several Professor ' ' louhe. Delbert . Shaw, Provo; exhibits, qualify for an coemption. control. . . Bertha Yomans and Mr. Some to 'think seenf that tiof the boys had wthheld a ticket, J. J. Porter, Salt Lake! people A definite and Wife Lamb assisted the auxiliary off! 'Where both husba-nprogram jntcmled'to il J. Sessions, Mayor. . some because it was lost. After Chairman or county committees haVe an in'eome, cither a joint o.r a cers as judges- - in the contests. . because dictators, rule several of irlng bet'tef living cqndiiohsto all the nations of Europe that democ- Davis the questioning in turn .the boys will county, ftfrms, will he ready on the outlook and frog separate income .tax return can .be Money for tbe cash' awards was At last accounts still nothing def 4s 'doomed; stated that they knew the rules ant ress report . I, for presentation to the grriup pt a ini'te could be said as to whether in the fruit counties as fol- filed. If they file separate incone donated by the Democratic womans racy Tho countries now under the meet expressed a willingness to improve, lows;. Box Elder, Nello Christoffer tax returns, they 'can divide .the study group ajid the unit organiza jng February .24 j according thumbs Mr. Parrish repored esfimatet of dictators are inhabitat to DeLore Nichols,. couptyG agent. Barbara Woods foot can be saved . . son, Brigham .City; Weber, John personal exemption, but in no case lion or pot. In some ways her foot, ed by' people accustomed to- - being . cost of making the Improvements ' . . v- -W; W. Owens; assistant' extension seems better, bu Hall, North Ogden; Davis,. W. W. can the exemption exceed $1200. Buffers at the West Bountiful school by Whitcher, Centerville; Salt Lake Deductions. from the ross , inpretty thoroughly bossed by rulers service director,, and' Dr. . O J., considerable' foot is when the Services pain' But-a- t that cbnditions are not so Wheatley, economist, will' fie .the recovering tthe .walls and convert- - I. B. Weodbury, Draper; Utah, E come tqx oan be taken for property I . (jresseij. wonderful as to cause Germans, ing the west side of . the Becond I. Calder, Provo; Juab, M. T. tax on real oC personal p;opeprty, . ' principal speakers. .. ' . i . For .HeldItalians , in coun-Russians and this floor into a gymnasium is $1,000.00 Toward, . some board member's, automobile Jame. Jxidc planning automobile license, tax, Washington; 'under a W. P. A. project, $250.01 try to flo'ck back to the lands .of of whom were appointed Mqnday, Fve All Up sgl&s tax,' stock losses, and contriVa, Verkin. N Mrs. their relatives 'to enjoy the glor- include Mr. Nichols, Carl B. Green, to is be which board the ephi paid by ttf Vrith to butions charitable committees County organizations epre ious benefits available. - . Poland wished to make a nation'and' he recommended that we make senatives'from , president of the farpi . bureau; mother or father each fruit growing Money Dr. His Paxorl Oberholtzen, application for the project , Jesse Argy'le, vice president; Coun- al. event of Paderewskis birthday. have bepn appointed to is classed, as a gift,' Tiot A held Sun- -' were community Funeral services historian Mr,- Van Fleet moved that we said in ty Commissioner A. B. Barton, Jo- In objecting the internationally attendance At the conven-iocontributions, so that no de- day afternoon in The Bouniful Sec- an address before recently urged the University seph N. Ford, L. E. Ellison, E. R. famous pianist said: Whatever I approve the recommendation and Other legislative matters ', af- duction can be made. 'ales tax can ond ward chapel for. Mra. Annie . of Institute of Public Virginia appropriate $250.00 tx purchase fecting the fruit industry, such as ie deducted but not the gasoline E. E. Randall, Farrell have done In the service of my Augusta Boynton Duerden. wife of Affairs TThe new tyrants, will go Behling,W. W. . the necessary materials. White motherland, I did for great love of . Witcher, the law the use of cull tax. ephi Duerden of Bountiful who ho way of the old and take the Smith, W. Bills represented by vouchers fruit forforbidding D. Criddle, Miss IIelen country. I did not .expect, nor do I sides, in Utah, Anyone, desiring further instruc-ion- s died on Thursday of last week of same to rethe in of 55100 as mans to 55126 place history npmbered which has largely prevented the Pixton, Mrs. Lillie V.. Hatch, Mrs. wish, a reward. Any appepal or aid in filing out his income mart trouble. t comin movements on this earth. corded in the register were present development of Bertha Fisher, Mrs. Jufia Qailcy, the nation o participate ax return, should apply to the apple The speakers were, James Smed-ewill be About the only strong appeal o Mrs. Ida M. by the clerk, approved by the industries in this state, are slated State Tax'Commission, which will Hatch, Mrs. Lily Clark memorating my girthday David Stoker, and he newer Amos Cook, me. to is in what and Mrs, Sena Lloyd. extremely unpleasant governments members and, on motion of Mr. for airing at the convention. All ie glad to give the necessary assisGeorge E. Garrett who also pre- i.hey intend to do in making the This statement suggests one Cook, passed and ordered paid. be will Fruit , fruit growers are urged to attend tance. raising problems sided as Bishop Burns attended lower which classes And The appears frequently in Lloyd-happy. yet reported whether discussed at a meeting of board , superintendent or members in tha city. relatives of previously a funeral travellers tells us that aver- members, February 27; poultry, Douglas Magnificent Obsession. . that there is water in the boiler not. Members of Utah Future on account of no one on the W. P. The ward choir furnished the singwhom tha doctor-ha- s someone below and When Americans school age room at West Point, hat a pump is Farmers A. average the at Kaysville project chapters and their inThere waa.also a duet with I1a have more clothes, furniture and March 5th, and dairying, March 12. ing. helped financially offers to renecessary to relieve the condition structors have been invited to at- being qualified as an ovefseer, he Hatch and associate. Open .prayer of luxuries life the business han similar classes of peo merchant in the till the drain can be taken care of tend the convention and become had asked the janitor to assume pay him he repplies, No, Ive used-th- at and benedicIrvin Burningham by world. the new all upp. The idea being that crack pie living under the responsibility and direct the and recommended that Mr. Gal- junior members of the society. W. Stahle President tion Henry by The has Journal Farm compilec good deeds done quietly, secretly,, work and he should receive extra braith be authorized to male the was a good attendance There these investments in the Bank of tha are figures: extra work. interesting purchase and remove the water principal till Mr. Morgans return, pay for this beautiful floral offerings. Inand the Universe. In due time one receives months, recommendMr. and past of eight The this During that, under superintendent arrangement, temporarily. On motion terment was in he Bountiful ceme Uncle Sam, Cook the recommendation was ap everything is going along all ed some' help between the Italy and Great Britian have back his capital with interest. ' Paderewski gave up his musie to i bought the equivalent of about a right.. proved. family at Kaysville ln pay tery. 62 years Miss Emma Unthank For smelted millast fourth of all copper serve his country in the world war. The one hundred and thirty The superintendent reported that ing the expenses of taking care of The superintendent reportec has placed flow lion of Wash., Tacoma, United in France He was later made Premier. Tho States. the Americans between year living that, beginning tomorrow, the he took up the proposition using kheir boy who fell through the hole ers on the grave of her dead fiance, othmore Mexico has satisfaction in the thought that and Atlantic the in the floor at the school. No Canada, gas thaq any bought Bamberger Railroad company wil student help in the music depart' While what he could is evidently Pacific oceans and are er still that action. ment The with Mr, at Davis high produc country. Italy purchased superintendent reported put two cars on the student train cotof much tomorrow more of not to The leave 149,000,000 enough. from the north, and he intends found tha ing it many things nearly nigh pounds possible, superintendent reported Stacey The superintendent reported tha; He recommended that Mr. Lester Mr. Jones of the State Board o: or St. Louis to attend the Nationa than they can use themselves. De- ton, Great Britain bought half Some people think that kindne: Mr. Morgan will be out of school Gleason be employed to assist Mr Health had written a letter tha Superinendents convention. He ex spite the talk of how cheaply other again as much, and Japan two and and patient consideration are f.lrt) for several weeks, that he has em- Stacey in that work. On notion was published in he local papers pects to do some visiting of schools peopple can produce things due to a third times Italys purchase. God. How easy then to aypcxr of 324 of which and standards be the took trucks buses, living under gone about Italy ployed Willis A. Smith to take Mr. the mater was referred to the on how to handle the epidemic now on the way and to to on be exist will the but topGreat remains Britain fact friendly terms with in 1,208, they the county and hinks tha matter two weeks. Japan Muirs classes in the afternoon, superintendent with power to act. Infinite. is off a Sam Uncle still with that 5,709. will understood. now be popular ped Meeting adjourned. appointed Mr. Muir as acting The superintendent reported that If the change . . . . Itttli. . . . TWENTY-TW- O . Utah State Horticultural msrivty will meet March 7, at the Hotel Utah in Salt Lake, it was announced the first of the week by Professor F. 1. Coe of the Utah State Agricultural college and secretary of the society. A program .of educational papers by leading scientists and horticulturists f Utah is Scheduled for the technical part of the program, while a number of vital proposals will be presented at the business meeting. fhe Board ef Education tact in tegular session at the office eu Club Court tJrant Atly. Time to File Hriel . Society Program Held Monday ; . NUMBER . Plane That Gin Cross Atlantic in 12 Hours Minutes of Meeting jSpeakers On Horticultural M School Board 2L 19M 1 ninth-grade- - .great-grandchildr- God-.Lef- - by-R- - t d per-cen- - The-priz- - - - '.. . tax-pai- e . Planners; At few-months- - - - . e - , - considered Tol-man- , g A . . ... she-sil- Funeral Sunday Duerden l $ Used That 8 gi-vc- Phil-adelphi- . char-tabl- -- n. ... M.-P- . y, ' . -- un-ias- ed Merchant Burn-Ingha- ho-di- ; |