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Show Jl riurcan ' , ' WEEKLY Pnnnfnrfnifpr ' .. .... I'vvas 1, 000, .LAYTON UTAH. .FEBRUARY 20, 1932 ,. ESSENTIAL Ued 1,400,000 washers' to their '"househald equipment in' 1935, an increase ef sOine T3 per cent over .1931. It was the. worm h n industrys fourth NEW.S-EYr'RESS- KAYSVILLE CONSIDERATIONS ) cr The highest p.evJoU3 year' 1931, vhen 1,2 llJ.fvOO machines IN MAN-BUILDIN- G n s y4HKH H"Hl4 - H- frK i ducting religious services and mu-- ' ical. programs. Th trip consumed tw' a. .weeks the party... returning . . . Thursday. . Mis Loraine Keller, daughter of. - on'ortsrr.';d home .4 c?ub at ber ... 4 .' LU a- Wednesday afternoon. Man-stMrs. her daurh.cn. by Iricc and Mrs. Barton. Miss Eennion. fi . rif.o!f Lake gave the lessop on X reap an act American women nlithdrs. Mis V a haVit Crawford of Sait Lajcfe was a character T."'a She was ; and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. M. Baird Salt Lake, son of Eari .of Mr. and Mrs, Georgt Baird" vry of Farmington, were married during the wbek- .Mrs. Wilford Stevenson return'd., Thursday from a two weeks visit with her daughter, ElsA Burns and . other .relatives in "Oakland, Berke . . ley and San Francisco Mr, and Mrs. Waltef B. Rmp ton. Jr., and daughter, Donna ar visiting with relatives and friend, in Southern California. Mr. Ramp- - . ton is also, looking after rome Jausi ness jiiteresta. . Mr. and Mr. Merrill Wood left' Thursday for Idaho and the north- wet where Mr. Wood has his assign ed territory, for the sales of knit goods, The health conditions here have greatly improved during the past week several homes having been released from quarantine with hut a very small cumber at new casea . ' . . : developing. Ir . by Joliri 'KJw!n . wcr instailcd, fad Someone 1 said: crum-' , s. : Slips in psychology often American . Morc tba" Sow a tbouglit and hie the carefully laid plans of crim c machines 'have ow washing . Sow an act and reap, inals and catapult' them into ihe fames domestic buying power is Sow a habit an'i rbapi How a law. casual puthe of , greased lap and Sow a 'charactfc and .. . own by the .fact . . ? reap a destiny ia guest. chase of a fountain pen led Jo the M the ernon Chadwick housewives more are an Mr buyjng commented in' I hqve previously capture of the cleverest counterfeit H hr Mw-ww- i er in the country js related in a is- higher priced, ' . fc alsti that the fact mother. .Mr.. Cbadwirka by George; fife end a j in building ,. mCVChant. sued of American DeCctive Maga-lin- e thinking VOUr much higher, proportion of ironers -. ! . . ' ' L . . S. Jennings. j career, . t is .being installed. Farmers as well . C. for left Burton Tuesday JI, fcil i! Iife rigbt; tull(1 If Leo Trombley was alone1 in ins as residents of cities and towns are tha S. Louis, 'Missouri to attend the ifie t !r. his meeting rea store Santa at Cruz, !or jewelry to improve ! jnational' superiotendenti 'convea I money pending faJf sort town a hundred miles from living conditions. Sales of ga.s-e. . Ifi will - -- nM wee'j--, . to him. t attracted usually San Francisco, writes Mr. Jen- . wa.sh(:'rs, which Mis, go and'soit made.-Roy Kiifoyie particular ... r? V. ' Certain definite mental attitudes doo'r well The a and opened nings; " '!v. to farm homes, increased sharp- and ; habit5 help; in buildinjg.up the turned home from .Ihe hospital,1' came in. dressed.man eight magnetic MnmJay. ly in 1934. One . . . poyef for a better carets ''.Miss Melba Th'ornley. attended v,What do you have in fountain washers, bought by housewives in 'Arp ' you acting. toNvard superviors ' 19315 was 'run by gasnline motor. pens? asked the customer. of custom'em in such' manner as a carnival dar.ee in ' Brigham- ciy Trumbley pulled out a tray.' '. lo make them' dike' and appreciate Tuesday. ; . . The 'man picked 'one from the The kiwi, a flightless .bird .of entertained' Darker ' ' Mrs,. George you. more arrd more? lot, stufk if in his pocket and gave New Zeland, lays the largest egg .and tie- Evening 'bridge club, Thursday orderline? Pkasantn.ess, the. jeweler a bill, fpr relative to its sizo, of any. living! Mrs. Charles Odd has been very thoroughness, are important things which he regeived change. Then, species. ' ill And Mrs.' Ethel Layton . Cleari.n building. up your magnetism so t nod; he .walked, that they are agreeably' drawn to field has been staying with her. ; out. Trumbley staiVd.' after- him, As he turned over the last forkMr, Drakos has purchased the .' puzzled,' conscious that there had ful of 55 tops of garbage, Patrick mast'er-fu- i home of Mrs. Louis Yaunt and will pd a dance at the Eleventh ward bridge was played during the' after Farmington city has .purchased ' ' more' Are you becoming ' been something, unusual about this Cotter, Boston, found a, $5Q0 dia-- 1 noon. Otdcn Honors . won in were Mrs soon. his evening.' Thursday another lot of 4 inch cast iron pipe by Ijall family in. handling tho details of yoqr mpvc ' . " . . Wilcox and .daugh- Ireta Griffith and Mrs. Ada Steed. which is being installed on fifth transaction. . ' mend ring. 'Mrs .of Clearfield Mrs. Green Carl. George' work where you formerly fumbled? visited Mrs.- - Wilcox, The stake seventies home mis- north street as a pressure equaliz- - ; Why, say, Trumbley mumbled Do .you do your' work more and was a guest of Mrs.Oorgi- Wilcox ter, Nora, to hjmself, 'lie didnt even try the Lake in Mrs. Salt Jensen, sionary Sunday service work com- er between the larger mains on ; daughter, more ench day with' the sureness Friday. '' ' ' menced for the year' with eome Main and first east street. .This week. last pen that's odd.. The genelogical committee enter qnd finish of a Padereweski at the .With sudden inspiration, Trum-- ! f even-: at a party Wednesday Very interesting programs being will also replace an old two inch Every prospective purchaser niano or do you. still .blurr 'imd bley jerked open the cash1 drawer. at he home of Mr. and MrA.' and electric refrigerator will do rendered in the various wards. A line which only served two hornc ihg tho .notes smear like together ' He picked up the ten dollar . hill arid child Erpost. Blood in honor of Phillip well to' come in this week and see complete years program, has been on that street. The audent body offiier a practicing n "With one and thg other senior elass officers were invited to hand, wjth our specials. Union worked .out. The schedule calls for Preparation is being made to inHave you' tried learning- things k'o d who is to be married next matched up a- paper on which ha attend the U. of U. to I to various I the travel urniture were decorations lhoiith.' Valentine Company. quorums new shingles on the roof of' stall Thursday,' Feb. relative to your Work which may enter- another ward with. program once the sew bold 'letters; Wanting CounThomas Howard Mrs. were out seated carried and Hall as soon as the weathguests stuU. of of as City 18, the U, note directly eoncern it, in order terfeit mo'pey out. .Trumbley hur dent guests tained her serving culb at her a month using the Sunday evening er will permit. . was tables. The . small at evening Dean were met to improve your general knowledge by body. They Tied across the ptroet to a bank. ,. which, has heretofore been assignClerk Glen Day who haj , Cowlca and his secretary.; after of yolir particular subject, trade or spent 'r playing cards after which home County Lookl he said to the teller, Vernon Flint celebrated his ?Qth ed to the regularly appointed home been in the Dee refreshments were served to 44. which they met tho representatives profession?. hospital in Ogden hcro one of those'1 Minneapolis missionaries. The work being .put t4o weeks,1 for treatment for heart.' and C. Needham Mrs. and Mr. Saturday anniversary birthday I. of South high school, who were alIdealized Have you your work, Federal Reserve counterfeit Games were played and forth into these .program is' .prom-in-- g trouble,' was able to been in office so guests at the university; intro- roeing the rnrt it plays In ' the dauc,hter of Holiday visited friends I bills-- -I it to 'make this Sunday evening in the court house, a short time,. refreshments were served .to 16. just got here, Sunday, ductions were made in the Fresh- drama of life? If so have you five minutes motorcycle William and . one ' Mrs. Mr. of the beqt programs .of the this Thursday. and The Primary hoard meeting was Young . . . . . man assembly. rtndards rf perfection in held wcr.o watching the roads and were Weaver month .David Mrs. Mr. and home Mrs. All of the petitions that were foy sacrament services., of Thursday at the Lectures were hoard from Trof: regard to the ethics of your duties a third group with Trumbley lead The annual old folks party will heard in the District court, here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Smith, Prof, VVoodbury The man who made ' one har o t Geneva Rampton in Syracuse. Mrs. Sunday guests of ' be held at the pmusemeut hall a ColGraham..' G. W. Underwood, Mrs. W.-jng the way, raced to the railroad in the zoology building, Prof. Henry Satyuay, 'were granted, " cteel of the George Washington station.. The San Francisco train on. from home arrived usual Glen an5 Mrs Mrs. Barton Stewart Washingtons birthday, A special session of the District' lett, Spency on the Dinosures of Utah, had to make it of a lergth ' .. vims at22nd. A fine court will be held on ready to pull out, Suddenly the Prof., B. Roland Lewis in. the bridge the Kenneth Sheffield Saturday'. of Saturday, Kaysville. hospital, February' April 1st to to fit in with the rest of the pieces. jeweler raised his arm and pointed Richard Gerbers father Is very program and dinner has been hear the case of Alvin Scoffield s. Shake So an ethical attitude towards tended. about Shakespearian library with trembling fingers. A fine committee has been E. O. Muir and Eldred Mrs. Peterson entertained . the ill at 'his home in Salt Lake. Burningham ' showing, several examples ones work brings it nearer perfecThere' he .is! Thats the rnani' spenro, Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. Ray in which plaintiff is seleccd Mrl Wednesr home .Mrs. and club Lantern at h ef Mayben .Fox, for $30, of Shapcspcnrian suing stages. tion. Work They pt perfectly performed 'In the next 'instant officers cap- lunched 000 for the death of his son, Nov, with Dr. Mawd, Dean Cow tracts the interest of IhoRe who day afternoon. Mrs. Floyd .Millett and Mrs. Seth Blair Bind Mr. and Steed as chairmen. . tured a short, moustached man who In complement to and as a re- 10, 1933, wherein the latter was. vice president of have more important work on reviewed the play, The Old Maid' Mrs. Roy Cowan of Ogden were was just boarding the train. Thus les, Mary Bowden, and D. Mr.s Mr.' D. turn L. W, of Mr. courtesy for an Armtistice electricuted when a wire on ' the were, guests gucSts the student body, Mr. Palmer, Prof which they want a perfect perform Special ended the career of Harold Russell '.which was rendered here electrical transmission line' broke Mrs., of Rice Wednesday. Thomas, program George .F'mington. and Mrs. Joseph F, Smith, Reed cr to operate, Wilken, the most elusive and per- Richardson, entertained Mrs. a Louis of people under the di- when the pole which supported the Nathan Reeves, group Phillips by Blamires, Mf. Have you noted where the perpresident of the Freshhome at her of. haps the greatest ' counterfeiter man, and Ab- llcinor, Mrs. Mr. rection Martin of the Og- wire broke and wrapped around Jack at a dinner party Mrs. Frank Hy.de and. president of fect performance of your part dds that eve lived., ' 12. for den were ward laid Earker. fourth Covers bishopric, Mr. the boys.' neck when, the pole was Sunday. tho student body. Mr. Ileincr- al,:io to your joy others happiness and I guess it was fate And B. arrived' D. HellcweU Mrs. and G. of the local ciit off '.when it was struck by a. Mr. Howard Mrs, Rutledge George Briggs escorted them around the campus the general well being of all affect didnt stop o. think about sampling end the different W. D. Thomas attend home, Friday from Illinois, where Legion post sponsored a program automobile driven Mrs. and Mr; buildings.- They ed by it directly or indirectly? by Burningham. .that fountain pen , Wilken ln she had been to attend the funeral if! that ward in Ogden Sunday Seventy-tw- o deer were counted ,ft lhel; Is your performance of your lhone 8pccted Hbrary part when he. was later questioned by round of her mother. evening. Musical numbers were this week on the side-hil- l, .. of inspection. in the drama of life adding to opposite .the. police. Several Kaysville people attend- rendered by Mrs, Alice Hess and the power plant in Farmington cm Those representing Davis high your well of appreciation work,, ed the'eanners convention held in Mamie Dumkie accompanied by yon. The deep snow drove them were: Wallace Hess, Bill' Cottrell done hy others? . Dora Barlow week. Bountiful. Mrs. Salt' this Lake V . down. Ray Riley, June Wood, Dorothy These are some of. the thoughts, ' : Miss Edna Roberts lias accepted Miss Lucy Rigby rendered a select Sessions. ..William Swan, Ralph nets and habits which will enable in Dee Sessions Heber J. a .. reading. Mayor hospital Ashworth. , .position' you to build a personality of the ' When .'' ; was the 'speaker. Tb.e program was Congress granted Phillip-pin- e .. . Ogden. . . . Debating which will draw typu. io you tha Mrs.-CarMiller independence .it promised the '' A and rendered in conncction'with their Mrs. Darvcl nigh school dl'bato tournament most desirable destiny. Filipinos that thby Could' s.end in members regular sacrament services. ' ' the entertained Cottrell free' of duty 448 million pounds of sponsored by Weber college was club ahd their of the Every prospective puschasef of Junior high school students at held' Friday and Saturday,' Feb. J4 coconut oil annually; Later, at- a well arranged din- an electric refrigerator will do husbands and 15' respectively At the Weber Brcckenridge, Minn., recently put violated this' pledge ner party at he Cottrell .home Sat- .well to eome in this week and see on a play entitled, ; Catch. That ' an excise tax of .three cents a college '. . our pregeason specials, . Union evening. ' " . urday in which' Thi.ef, Bountiful of methods Byron Rampton approved ' ound on all Philippine coconut, oil. Dorrdln has Mrs. Beth 1 accepted Furniture Co'., Hquntifut. i ila won fapprehar.ding robbers wore scholarship And. a gold medal his tax was equivalent to a hun-re- d Salt Lake, 'in a Mr. David Hughes accompanied, position for 'pplacing ficst in . the . puhfio lustrated. That night a real thief percent tariff 'duy on the .Swan returned home chaplain- Theo Curtis of the CiviMiss Irene stole the of the contest. from proceeds Dorothy Welling play Philippines' second . most inipor-tan- t speaking of Farmington' placcul fourth. Geo., the office of the schood puperin-k-ndon- t. Monday from Logan where she lians conservation corps for- Utah . . . 'export crop; ' Imd spent the past three month and Nevada and Arizona, on a trip This oil, because of its lauric Fadcl of Bountiful won third plaqe HeinMrs. with her George sister, through Southern Utah, Northern acid content, U reeded by Ameri- in the extempornnioua speech conEvery prospective purchaser of j who is very ill. Arizona 'and a' number of points rich, test Maxine '.of Clark Bountiful and. can manufacturers in .tho produc-- . and electric refrigerator will do ' Las Yogas 'and Boulder City. ' from near home Odd received returned Arthur high honor,. tion of soap, in the tanning , of well to oome in this week and see work ho had been Debate contest began Friday Nevada, where Visiting thb various CCC St. George our leather, and jn the making .of auto' Union specials. this 'area con camps Week. several throughout eliminated nahd thirty-nin- e for ing mobile tires and other rubber. pro Furniture Company, I fi 1 1 four rounds. teams in s the duets. We produce nothing in this with two teams still jn he con- Helen Bowen. ' country which contain slauric acid. . test ehtered the debate held Sat- ' First . President Roosevelt favors tho. of $1.09 went te the' prize. urday. One. of the teams 'stayed in Mrs. II. J. .'Sessions entertained who presented a repeal of his taix. The Guffey-Docuntil the seventh round a' ml placed Japanese gifls weiler hjll now htfore Congress folk dancedn their naher .lovely very bridge club at her h6me Wedout of a possible fifty-nih- e sixth in tional costumes. Second .prize of provides for its partial repeal,, de- the nesday Afternoon. A club luiicheon. contest. .' was served and six' tables ,.of fifty cents went to Ybylfis Keller taining the. tax on Coconut oil used BUSINESS PROPERTIES . Tuhlic speaking contestants were for .edible ' purposes which, might of Farmington; third prize of '.FAEMS-' " eliminated dgwn to si oontestents . OPPOETDNTTIE3 .. cents' tvent to JaRe Higgs . compete with cotton 'seed oil. but- after the second round the for, ; EANCHES.city of Woods Gross. Each participant e imter, etc., but allowing L0Ak finals. '. .. received, a' small token. ' -- HANGS portation for the manufacture of 'Dcbators are: .'Lo.rfaine tANDS . Clark, . An: interesting Lyceum' asseni-W- y nonedibje products.- All oil im,port- gr00KS Merllne Gordon Clark, Ray Riley, . ed for such . . was UVE STOCK... . usage is to t.iicna-- . Tacsdujr, Febru- Wp never forget that. our ' Christiansen, Martha Lallis, Rob- ary . 7, presented reputa '. . fa the Davis auditorura, ; turejL . , ert Harding, George Fadel, R'eva Mr. . Passage of the hill s als6 advo- -' G,.E. S. Fordt, former director tion in th? community was built, ; 30 Richard Wicker, .Byron Rampt.on, of Taxes Reptile Institution, gave and eated by prominent newspapers, in Curved on 'fair and.fcquar . pruning law Reed Alleh. Public speakers a lecture depends; ' Camp, the cotton .stated, including the o nenakes. and presented are. Dorothy Welling, Byron Ramp d AtBirmingham living, spcciman Stcllg Barnes and dealing and friendly service.! tha lanta Journal, the ' San Antonio ton. Extemporanious speakers are: Shirley Fadel, students of Davis, .Except tor yourself, we er more Maxine Clark. George Faijel, MarVoiuntered to assist Mh. fordt' in Express, the Charleston Tost, And tha Richard Pruning ahearft Lallis, Interested in the satisfactory, low-coCamp.'hfm.djipg the snakes.; many others, whose editors underMr. Charles Gardner, Rebate stand that the ta xti ruining Philoperation of your Chevrocoach,-is- ' planning to have at least .Friday ' ippine producers', who1 are customFeb. 3020 30 pep . assembly, 21, ers for American gotxjs, while it 'one practice a wbek. Th6 schools will bv sponsored by the studept let than anybn. .That it why Box . tong handled prunerb benefits no one in the United States-The- has'. has in line are. South,' tody, with Cpach' Millet, end Mr. the entire efficiency of our tnpdern Frovo. and Elder, Ogden Weber, Johnson in charge. Tho scene will tax provides no federal, rev- V On 'April 1, the team will enter be . enue. It does not even the (Tovil's. court room. Tho Service Department it organized : t to the A debate tournament at theB. Y. go , . . who will take part are: Lesfc Beer ground the tingle aim to give you federal government, but is given U. . Faul Thompson, Parley CaJlV Lin- the Jo the Philippine treasury. best service at the, lowest costt 'ASSEMBUES .. coln Behling,: Nelson Behling, Ben Congress should redeem its brok G. A. the 13, Thursday, February Charles Mann. Allen parpledge by passing the , S.D. of Davis presented an origin- Layton, Co-. kins, .Stanley Nelson, Joe Adams, bill immediately there- -' Tbs place for friendly $mU4 , al ffriiateur hour during their as- David Adams,. Lynn Burton, Kenby. aiding the distressed Filipinos, in the School was neth Whiting, John Holbrook, and American t consumers, sembly. Any girl benefiting . hone No. 2 fcouhtifut The participants and stimulating trade between this eligible to enter. other who have not yet been Wanda and Mary Dean Morwere: . chosgn.' . . country and the new, Philippine Bountiful .of gan, Mary Margaret Morgan; Phy commonwealth. , M lis Keller, The Davis Buckawrang-lers- , : Davis will meet Tooela dn ; Lucile Layton, Japanese Dan Davis Friday evening, cers. Janet Iliggs, Alta Holbrook, Feb. gymnasiumi 21, at 8 p. m.'The shcond team . will play at 7 p. m, Davis has high 1931 Ford sport roadster, new top, paint, tires jj ; hopfcs of entering the tournament The home laundry-roolong and are going to fight to keep in : 1934 Ford DeLuxe coupe, heater, radio the ugly duckling of the average . the running, Davis having won five American household, has had its lDCFord tudor, new paint, top, upholstering . . games and lost two, Tooele having fflce lifted and is coming upstairs won four,anfi lost three. The line-ni- p 1930 Ford tudor, new paint, and upholstering from the basement, C. C. Frantz, and-Like A Few for Davis. Is: Swan, center; Sips president, told the American Wash 1929 Chevrolet sport coupe Brirfk, Da Relief I Briggs. Clark, guards; A Flash fng Machine Manufacturers as. . vis, forwards. sociation a few days ago. V-- 8 525 After the game a dance will be to look All alike Architects and decorations are coughs Buckleys Mixture itriple acting) one 6ip of held with a charge of 25c per turning their artistic attention to this grand medicine soon stops an one is invitej to stay household laundries as they did to ordinary cough tough old deep couple. Every after the the persistent game. neglected bathrooms ten years seated coughs and bronchial cough are under control Elmer Criddle Post 82 Kaysville ago, he said. Latest development after a few doses no more tor- will present a just . patriotic assembly g is the placing of menting, sleepless nights. Feb. the for 21, Is Its Davis Friday, thats alkaline, why close to kitchens or adBuckley's high Anthorized FORD Dealer so different it "acts like a flash. 228-- J joining them, making it easy for Refuso substitutes guaranteed. 45 student body. This assembly is in 46 the average housewife to supervise and 85 cents at all druggists. V. K. commemoration of George Wash ingtons birthday. Buckley, Inc., Rochester, N. Y. both. that-mor- dl e You may be able to save some -- . fully-equipp- Tk, ed theif; our. .,?t : . -n. '. -- We solicit a visit from you that a fair Comparison o n goodg and pnees can m e . dollar by 'contacting..:- focal jJ the-care- n- mcney.and make yoiir m much farther $' .j,' by-Dea- frm. .v out-ofevtr- y - - ten-doil- ar wMth'a-plettsan- ... ' s . . .. - . DAVIS HIGH. . SCHOOL NEWS lai-no- . pre-seaso- - - . . .Monday-afternoon- teii-doll- ar . 'In of-..fic- - . - Mar-siel- .. le ' ar-rag- . . ... - . .' . , - , A Broken Pledge m 0fiO(59 . ..' of Saturday & Sunday Sweepstakes Annie . at-th- e l Wednesday & Thurs Mystery Ranch I Hate Women. ' as - - I '.. - . - . - Victor Jory in Too Toiisht to Kill HEX THEATRE - (mm af-tern- . . pre-seas- wasi ' Q(sXV5(3SS? on Fri., Sat, and Sum Da;-vi- FARMINGTON D. RAY JOSS. INC; lie ales tat e, Investments and Insurance . k ve tax-fre- . .'... Now is the Time to - Homes .PRUNE". , $23 Age-'Heral- d, . ..,.. st . -- ,,,. , V 'u Guffey-'Dockweil- Bountiful Lumber & Supply Doughty Chevrolet Co Home Improvements BRONCHIAL coughs: Just , Btep-savin- laun-dry-oo- 60nm acres fine pasture land below Aunt Chloe Grant corner in West Bountiful. 15 or acre beautiful building.lots on new highway going through Bountiful. Come in lets talk over your problems. Was. West 1st South Salt Lake :.v' er SOMMERS .- . 4 e '. : .. - NATURAL'; ; A GUARANTEE THAT COUNTS Each car sold by us is uncondition ally guaranteed. The purchaser is the sole judge. Our cars must made good in our giiar compliance with the terms antee or we will. BARGAINS PERMANENT WAVE A beautiful permanent, becoming to all women and all types of coiffures. The Sommers soft, deep, natural wave is easy to push in It is lasting, lustrous and especially adaped to fine hair. VIRGINIAS BEAUTY SHOPPE Telephone Layton, Utah Month Buys a New $245 $565 $175 $265 $145 Bountiful Motor, Inc BOUNTIFUL TELEPHONE |