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Show UK WrcEKt.V SEW f.IVtOS. UTAH LOVERS LADDERS til tfte DolnfltQ9 n Italy It Is still the' custom YiVr a youth to' .set n ladder ft gir.l's window, mount It, tap, i,hA talk w'th hdr oo ancient cu lone wlrlcl. Shakespeare utilized' In 'Tfeauvr am! . McGoofeys First Reader md Eclectic Primer. uua b n. i pHiaips BRISBANE THIS WEEK I .' JiiHet1'. Jfewspajiet Arc tTwful Leisure AtA A VcA American ' OlIfMd ioi IVfflMi Th Supremo court sajtl A - frea prra studs Th ga one ! th great interpreter be- tween th go- erncieht and the people To tet tt b fettered I fetter 1 aur-selve- s Certain--ly- ; Whether thewtVin Remedy You Use is SAFE? th newspaper ta to the nation what speech to tn Individual, and It ts to the crowd what looking glass Is to the Individual. History will people Judge Avtkat j newspa per, It laws. Its theaters, and It will hav reason to criticize uw 1 ..Ask Your Doctor 1 itORt OF SIDNEY Sidney Rad talent. For was thought to Re genius. the Trojan wars, .a member of the peace conference time a Kentucky deity winner.,, - Dont Entrust Youf showed an ear rot music ' when he was a babe In amis. was 3 When be only the years it negative an eld be surprised his parents by car- equipment swer ns to a for example, . a lady, tune perfectly. rying Po you want to take me to a Maybe he will grow tip to be groat musician," said enommer. dance? '(limine, t do not." The tocsin Is ..the sound-tnMaybe a great singer,' said popper. ' an of alarm a serum They were full of hopes. sed off disease to ward ; music him 5 They gave tessons'j ' when he was five years old and he (showed such skill with the violin ' that they put him under great master. By the time he was seven $id-- . pey was a boy wonder. f At the age of eight he gave tils first public concert. U was at Carnegie hall.' 3 Ills picture was on all the 2--- IIe 4- Familys to Unknown g Prcparationi .' " f . nsV tvlicllief tbs THE person In you or your family lire taking for the relief of headae.be , is SM-'I': to um regularly is your I.umly doctor. Ask him particularly- , about lirnuini; BAVLH ASlIlUN, lie will tell yon that Iff ore the. tfiscoivrj id Bayer Aspirin most . .' a pain" rrmedie-- were advised. against by physicians ns bncj lor tha , lotnach and, often, for the. heart, Which is food for Ihougbt if yoa ecck quick, safe relief, Scientisla rale Haver. Aspirin nniond the faslcst iwlnotle yci, dis wiW for the relief of headache , und the pains of rheumatism, neu litis and neuralgia. And the experirare of millions of users has proved it safe for the average person to use regularly. In yout vain interest this, You can jot Genuine' flayer ' simply Aspirin at ony drug store by asking for it by its full name,' B.VYKU ASP1IMN. Make ii point to do this -- aaj sc that you get what you want. . i - euftl-clen- ,,,,,, . Own or Your Well-Bein- Mr. J. Mcrpont Morgan, repeating what Aristotle said before him, leisure said civilization need das, and defined a th "leisure Class those that keep a hired girt. Mrs. Frahklln 11. Roosevelt, thoughtful and wise, Improve that definition; a leisure clnsa for her Is made l tip of Individuals that "have economic security and sufficient leisure to find opportunity for A variety of satisfactions In life. lack nf memory. Gnome Is the name of n type of 4 City In Alaska a rival of dwarf.,,,.,,,. piece .and Find. Out . brtke THE . (left to sight) Rep. Ro6tt L. Deughton (N. C.?, President Roosevelt signs th Social Security let If. S. Sen. Robert F. Wagner (N. V.), Secretary of taboe France Perkins, and U. S. Sen. Pat Harrlton MI., .' famous filibuster last lummer prevented th th lat Sen. Huey P. Long who tha for first payments under th Social Security Act bavs would which bill provided of tha deficiency etui security act to build up a refinanced ont of Ihe treasury genby WILLIAM C. UTLEY eral fund end the cost would he serve fund which wilt crowd the Y THE end of June appro. home by nil the taxpayer; it Is jno.lXXMXXUXX) mark by 19KO. Imately 1,000,01)0 American possible that a beneficiary may Dno of the stipulations of the act citizens more than slxty-flvtoward Ills own pension. Is that thl fund be Invested In Unitpay nothing years oh! will be receiving Similar federal grants Alt that wilt come, and more. In given ed Slate government obligations. checks from fund created for pension public health service, tbe blind, But never hnvw these obligations (he past men worked too bird, while 0 A second Krelslefl" thought by slate and federal children's and matefnnt welfare, and reached a total of anything tIV never paid and fed to little, and Thl will be the beginning of the Sidney's parents. Some of the critsimilar piddle responsibilities. There $.V),(XX!,XX),(XX, mid with the nationdreamed of Mr. RooseveltS "varied benefit ics predicted great things for the under one of the I no doubt payments record about the fomdltutlonat al debt flow standing at satisfaction," while the prosperous, Most spectacular piece of legislalad. ' I at e to It (or aiiptHtsed for nature of these high. a a rule, concentrated too much grnnlstnatd, 10 And some of them did hot. tion ever attempted In the United tn the that least In tendency state been mnde to have hoped) on they foolish satisfaction, 1 11 He made a tour about the States, th IVagner Lewis oolal se- the pust for ednratlon, road build- future years will be to reduce these big cities and seemed to be going curity act. obligations rather Ilian add t them. ing and other purposes, All that knew Mm tears with Roove-wel- t , The act, signed hy 1resTdetd pretty well. T turn sufficient of It granls-tn-nlwill these 11M2, By sorrow ef th Sudden death of 12 Two of three paper said he August 14, 1033, provWltng pro- be ceptaeed, or At least will be far Issues ovtf to the fund, Charles Curtla, former Vice B resi- tection against extreme poverty In tras destined to eclipse Mischa Elsurpassed In lmw)Hauce, by the the government In that rasa would dent of the United States. Us was old age, and Insurance against unnan. old age provision of the law. have to buy them back from the second an American, real one,' proud of employment. ts the largest tns bill 13 And then Something hap' While the Wi first provision Is "non banks, and even write out more Clwr tha red Indian blood In hi vein. ever passed. Unless it t amended pened. Sidney seemed to stop deTo I Interest. an promises to pay with A clever fool Is more dangeroii the second, which A a boy he rode hors race well or the Supreme court declares It un veloping or something. ensuch a fund It would be t argue with thai) on realize old w.lse one. ago system unrated pension as rode he and honestly; man, 14 Maybe it was Something he constitutional. It vllt collect federal government, necessary for lti treasury to sell the by tirely ' Vtce As race the fairly. political ate. In taxes this year, Th levy, It notes to the piddle tad the ' President he Was content with the which Is a progressive on and will be paid for by employer end 15 Anyhow, yon can see him, If atuw and lahoriou hanks aid tm with flnmictul employees, again, position that the American people grow ta Its maximum In about you look hard enough, any bight ' . . ... front federal the government, operation. and Constitution gave Mm. He would twelve years, limy ultimately reach now, and without paying conceit ' . Aids Naturatlntlon, have made Tas Start In 1937, good and ioyul Brest-den- t prices. 000,000 a year, The fund ulla ono way that the apclnt There 10 He ts a fiddler tn one of those t had destiny so willed 1L will In accumulated to to tax felt The will be timately begin rom tnovle house orchestrsa employing well to nearly .f.ifl,tXI),lXX),0(X) In 1037. when every employer of one security act may benefit the tn Miintu-to In the addition try, The newspaper heading, "Britain tOStk 22 violinists, massed. total about half sgnln as or more persons bicoiiies llnbl for It will believe ts redoubling her defense plans to large us the present. reijord national a I per cent tax on Ids pay roll. which Its upon sol M011A1 Many are called hut few offset Ueruiany," should Interest debt. . survive It. After three years, the rnfe will be- ftelj to solve the unemployment ' Daniel C. MaeGorniack, tn America. This Eu5 somebody country It will Increase problem: old nge pcmslntis began !n come H4 per is not planning to "offset.Geruiaoy," rope as early a 1763, and u'nem 14 of 1 per cent each thret years cooimlsKloticr of immlgrullon ahd Whom" have we here? hut It lias all Europe, Including; Rusbeen In until In 11)13 It will be 3 per rent. nalurallzallon, says that the iloyment Insurance of benefits tit bit paid ha lent tlilnli In about We hftve Thllo. sia and nil Asl.n. to practice for more than forty years. The employees will be mpilyed (o to tVe liujudtj large tncrease 1 the should t!use flying days. Who Is 1hllo? per I?y the social aectiflly act, the Unit- pay a tax on tbelr earnings which feci vur "defense (ilans" and ed Flutes Is attempting, In a single Increases on the same nenle, mak- number (if alien aiqdyltig for Philo Is a ' throughout th country, uur attack plan. , yachtsman. Stroke, to gn far beyond what the ing the total lax fl per cent for emfor old ag pensions; Ba much . batl-oof Eurojio have t'een sev ployer ami employee together by Jlow . do you t for How Instirunce, sees uneuiploymoTit l of Ilttumn Nevada Senator & know fhtlo era! decades la developing. 1913. ; .Two fnixlcl plans have been sugfuf flung Japan shutting . ns- nut fa China, yachtsman? The states play tjo part In lids Right flow there U our "even at the' risk of waf"; say Dec a Use he drive under way to get states to operation, for the money goe .di- gested for states by thw social just do what hospitals do, find bonrd, One 1. called the out run men business been so "luve worried .looks insist on. Use a good liquid submit vld age phn which will rectly to the United State treaspooled reserve" plan inj ono of Manfhurju already." Japan Blight be acceptable to the eoclal iecivrlly ury. The pensions which wIH.be paid laxative, and cid Nature to restore and has a yacht clocklike regularity without strain or reserve" plan, tontrlbu-tloreply'- that Mir workingmen have board and Its director, Frank Bane, to employees under thl tng cap ea, arrange.. ill effect;. are United under the first of plan States. the jeen run'but Twenty-fivslates have already subm- ment tienr no relation to Jlie Why ts VfaUe worried? . ; A liquid can. always b taken. m treas-urStates In United the The map wlf) comfort Senator itted-tdans 'If you had. yivcht yoa wouht be .which hav met, vr employee uec'ds In hi old age; gradually reduced doses. Reduced unemployment trust fund. bigHitman. Gigantic worried,'- too. he will simply be paid the amount Soon will meet with the board's apis the real secret of nHcJ from' dosage . What Is there, about yacht own ger tlwui all of old Japan, leans up proval, They are; Delaware, Idaho, due Mm In tils CohlrrfcL Such an Benefits, am paid with all eonfrlbtv . . constipation ' tlob undivided. In tire states where . to worry k man? Outer Mongolia and Soviet Iowa, .Maine, Michiabout this. Ask your ; Ask course against will erslilp doctor a of rra'ngement Maryland, Tcqhlre ' biii. It operating, benefit J. drupgist how very popular Dr. Cald- . Von don't know, half bf It, Russia.. Japan will not tdvlte troublevast amount ef accounting on the thisgan, Mississippi. Missouri,- Nebras! wvclTs Syrup Pepsin nas. become. It -with those countries, nd wuf ka, Ngw Hampshire, Vermont, Wis- pnrt of tlm federal government, for would b pnld to each unemployed .. But isn't a yacht stipposed to be r4Wbft wtOioul had who was The who I iwkoii Infighter eligible, giyes the right kind of help, and right, with th Un!t4- Ftates would an Instrument of peasure Snd corn! be consin, Wyoming, Alabama, Colo- pay roll records wilt tiriv was amount of nelp. Taking a little less rounds ' of fifteen Ida benefit out finds! and twelve for whlchf Kan-temployer one tentmrtit vite gard through' , It,. on every Individual. . rado, Connecticut, Florida,' kept canliibutfon experience. For rating awarded .the. decision, surcease (from earej The following types of employef Massachusetts, Montana, Olllo, 2 The convention speak Jo'il wondey "where kit the, fax Rhode Island, Utah, Washington knd employees are. exempted from purposes, records would be keif rm If . Yeah, thats what .It supposed ' ' er refused, to make any (atemenl Money goes." .rea.d this: to be. '. z . . nd the District cf Columbia, the fait Governmental unlta; call-- . all employer. In'the atale where the eirtployef that he did oof believe.. . "In sis months thn state of New Then why ?rot Jn thilo' easel Eighteen ottmr state have enaef-- rond; nonpruflt, religion, eharlt-Me- , 3 'T have loeked ever the term lleca'u'se. this reserve York paid SSOt.cr Tor official sut one of . those plan t adopted, aeparate fcnd enable sclent Hid, literary educa legislation which will' ' ald the Income tax." of the aceoufits In are kept or ench employ, (lew Mobile expense." year when 'half Jhe yachtsmen them I apply for federal aid at tlnnsl organization agricultural American business tnelinle aut er,does' where 'with bit contribution being ta&k.lUd And hoi .know that dont (he oma Future date, Only Georgia, latKir; domestic oervlce; fqsiiaf (a the codiltry ttrtnk theyre- - Just grand-reserve . Mobiles for the'departm.ont of mennext sheriff crjHllted. arily comlrtg frqm,' on 'shipboard. Louisiana, New Mexico, North Car bor, and employment Ts 'the sheriff Tim account. an employee' benetal hygiene. 4)rfe official dlecliarged Ne benefit will begin to be paid Una.- South Dakota; Booth Car. Tf he Isnt then TMld la th bOBld be limited hi by the amount chauffeur, pabj by taxpajer, olina, .Tennessee .and VTrgldla'are upon. Jhl eonLrlbntdi'y insurajice urn fit Problems.. ofreserve bla account; I 'v .' Ttelr Finish ftmployer wccnslng him oC dientJng'tlie slat without add ega pensldn Jkwa, til 1942, when. the. JnijJ Will fiav J Philo th'e be reserve knd could ff one to Jn .afford But Vadl war, alas; pever cut any l)og4 of.fJ.liOO HUrongk A fun comedian . eul. cant I It takes year trafiloyera If , tittle but Such leglstfltlon, It laa bejleved, bad the chance t assumk wllfi ' ver veuclt.o b.cHieflt wisdom charged-onijif he does j 4 yacht why teeth, pq! j'jild ry days and 1T htfnr t'ddl upp dishonest gu8olih!.ndivpnlf er will be prescnled l lire next bod. Then H persons skty-fiv. bis own employee. 1ohfd? broadekst, erk That la 41aot "a business."-enough old Jokes of the afate Jglsljtur In awch. older who have rohtrlhuted (kilt ile'had n fdea if wopld be bard how much better Would. his program All rorporatlona or Tu'dtvlduul tn ' eligible tb fecejf payment Nevt Deflctencj BJIl, r for his credltbrs.tq find the boaf be If It took.'about A fialf bout ta MnHed State wh employ eight TZharlfe Schwabmaj fe secnnly monthly 'for tbe rest of. (heir Uvea. the tm commission, than 4f b left-ur more pcrsosm Tor 20 weeka (with The bouse epproptlatlonteomftill- - Thojw.pqythent will be based tMnk up something p'figlnalf JreJra mJd, Mil he slllf 'knows Ills tjpon 2 IIow King will ff take a. Womfill thd ways. tried l.ehas recomrussilH tbe appropriakroond." ,w the arhounta bold ta the., credit f the kamd examptloji- a are procost to a secura' does It Vhat vided Jn (tie old age pension' plan) ojvb yacjit? an weighing 167 pounds toachngq . to. get Jll,Gr4,S.'fl from Felwab's tion .of $4C,C04,xr fof social; the beneflclarlos. . new deficiency bill which, art aubj'ecf to the (aft which wilt .Welt J. JP. Alorgari once answbml the tire on k car 11 feet leng jvhlle Betblkh'ein Steef company, alleging ity How ArVfJemputed, soon Payfnenta Is will be It fhaf.questloh by saying, that any her fjusband, passed. pounds( Jirofildtfflng! upport. tlie benefit payment for In(.id of V''lng the Tills Expected, the one which benefit will he wak "body who had to ask that question and 8 fCt In 'height. Id In the yl Monthly refdave paymenlk IpsurancjB. This unpraploymefif Fl'.MXHl.OOO, the"8Hclul ylll government. . ' ahedld hever owh oneu aclnltV? , . paid entlrily by emplbyeri master,' (nilng evidence, says tire defeated y the filibuster of 4helnte fhmputed. rffl the to.tnl wnge pak I 3 Mrs. A" takes bbthe contrllrutlng worker, from the It wlft amount to .D pef centpf paybrpf to Huey Long to the senate lpst coveynwent miAit nfky a time th plan goes Into effect untf rolls Torlhs yeqr, 1A per cent Tor . JtncluiJed In tlila appoopyla-(Iofore she cap pick ont satjd'fabtory Schkuh and Itellilellein Sled.' Nao , .fNtELLlCENCE .TtSf . . wll beFJ4,66U.xx) of old age the time lie beoomes ajpty-flvyears 1037. ami .7 per vent for 1933, canraloupet Mi. "B" thflmbathem wqnder Carnegie, w1uwut Scotch assistance to June 30, .IS, (XX), (XX) fflr old. His 'monthly 'benefit wlH be , Check the ;ord which pfoherly J for 20 tplnutesbefnre reaching il ihmigbl-- t good deal of Schwab. , forcing tate' f of I per ?nt o and equal to. the of children, kid sentence; clslon; It take Mrs. C.all 'day. completes tha dependent r . Tfie . . social security acf po'vldcs tte . Schottlsclie Is the naniea pf...... Jlow Much. time ponld be barn) ff fclhiw" aln 12,000, (J(X) for tlid car 6 of the blind. the first $3,(XX) he earned durljig federal government, wlfh a. club pr Df, G! A ri . .a they would bay bnnnnhs Instead? From a political point .of view, It, those yehrs, plus onetwelfth of the'people of Scollaud. tlib Unlverslyr college of Oxford, forchig the suites to adopt one o 4 Williams hhd a, speedboat 81 ' a great composer... Is probably the 'old age ftpnsfona, pen cent of The next $12,000 (whlcl , dance, London Rs Tline that reconrmended plans. Employers to Hi' suggests ' dish something like' Uun feet long;,AYthoy ha a sloop 40 the pax Roinanii ("ifoiimn (Muice) which are' the most Important' part mti&t be enrnbd over a period of In state whlcH .adopt the "pooled feet long; Walter travels by bns, of ancle.nl tltm-s- . when Rome ruled of the act at the present time, Cer- 14 years or more wages over $3,000 reserve" or the garlan goulash "employef reserve home on In one year will not be counted) Baroda fJThlch of the three, get sail of type or any 'plan approved by the social the world and would allow no light tainly tlie spread .of . publicity conld.,.v.,.a of the next 'car-- time to dinner? Townsend plan .has emboat; f. an pins one twenty-fourtIng, should he followed now hy a cerning the board, are permitted a reao was to the security the benefit 8 radio $42,(XX), for The In good the However, program k caring India.... rlage necessity phasized place fund of 90 per cent of the tax. The pax nrHunnleu (''British whose earning power Insured will ln.no Instance be at It put only half the unseen audience great movie director. England ruling the world, letting for the aged "encouraging" agent Is obvious; if A stereoscope Is or vanished. And It la lowed to exceed $33 a month, or a state doesn't fall In line, declined has .....an op- - to aleep. do what In everybody nearly 8 ' tlcal Instrument 8 The newsreel weekly release a device tbe old age pensions which first go $1,020 a yenr. ont of all cent Its goes payrolls Since the death rate In the Unltet per used on submarines some contained no picture of a ship chrisof the state and doesn't return. American Olympic athletes up Into effect The act makes two provisions for States Is declining year by year, thing used by doctors to note heart- tening. Unemployment insurance acts have pesring on the Held In Germany met old 7 When stocks were at rtdlcu In the first of these pro- there are annually more old people been beats. etc a device to keep age. with gloomy silence, contrasting passed by 11 states and the lously low levels the Investment ex visions, the one now In effect the In proportion to the number of district of Columbia, most of them ships steady at sea. with applause for J,'nroH-uend dolThis proportionate In A gnu Is wageenrnera. a person who pert boldly advised purchases. 1933, In anticipation of the fedThe federal government matches, Oriental Olympic squad. It la believed, will Increase eral the laid not here." old on 8 number. "Let works for the lar the Gnu Republic., park age dollar, pension who defeated Germany Imerlrutm. legislation, although In Wl Start today to reliev tha ornes a member of a tribe of East Indian girl In her boy friends sedan of the stales, up to the through the coming decades, ao that consln systems I to will 0. survive unemployment Insurance has it hockey, score aid healing and improve your skin, where persons of seventy or the heaviest pnyments of the federa a fish found In trop- "There's no electric light" savages point been In effect for many year, rr is tie silence. more are being pnld $13 by the pension system will not come for, ical waters 9 The taxicab driver Mowed a beast some possible that a few states will vtn Kin n(Oow, la. down so state and $13 by the federal govern sny, about forty-odyears. Against the ranks this year. W Ml Wet vtca, private car could cut Id thing like a buffalo. MemnoB was ment These payments would be this time It la the plan of the o- a figure tn ahead of him. 9 WMtarn Nwapapr Vatdw. Charles Fourier, French phlloao-pher- , said It long ago, and elaborately, Henry Ford said It well, adshort work week, with vocating two day off, that men might bar time to spend pleasantly Iti ea ravings of flvr dayst - , . . look tn, Th Intel show pa-a- g - .... v hill-hoards- . tn-al- d ' . Bayer Aspirin'. - g - , a! . ?2,'Ul,-0X),00- - 0 - f ci-f- it . ha' pro-pec- ! a' y It always works - tho-docto- rs n - ll e y - - 1 - a kej-hot- a ' 1 1 t.b1'ewa 1 - after-Phltof- n. - tyr-on- e if k es-kio- q -- bo-ear- n -- - tj (fx-th- I tax-will-b- e I - -- sum-mer- . n e ! one-linl- h face Vrchen Od? d Rom3 |