Show TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF AMERICA to the of the public schools of the united stell states the executive committee of the columbian public school celebration senda the following message THE MAY LEAD the of october 1892 the anniversary of the discovery of america ought to be observed everywhere n america the day will be marked in chicago b by the dedication of the columbian imposition exposition grounds the day also may be signalizes signalized in every town and village in thi the republic by a local celebration of which the public school is the centre the public schools of the republic will form the moot fitting centres bentres for all these local celebrations A national public school observance simultaneous with the chicago exercises will awaken a popular interest in the coming exposition far more important is the th e fact that the public school has the right to occupy the most prominent place in the celebration the public school is the one characteristic institution which links all neighborhoods together and can thus furnish a common COMMOD bond for a national celebration the public school is the ripe fruit of the four centuries of american civilization the public school of today ways the hundred years to come HOW IT CAME ABOUT the first approval of this suggestion eug came from the public school scholars themselves when the plan was first proposed proposed kro posed by the youths companion january andary 1891 thousands of lotters lAt tere were received testifying to to the enthusiasm with which the scholars responded APPEAL TO THE SCHOLARS the exe executive cuRve committee now appeals to the scholars themselves to be the first to move it is for you scholars of the american public schools to arouse a sentiment in your schools and in your neighborhoods for this grand gran d way of celebrating the finding of america educators and teachers will meet you from their side but it is in for you to begin the worlds congress Con gresa auxiliary of the columbian exposition then took up the proposal calling upon all the people of the republic to observe the day in their own localities and suggesting that the public schools be everywhere the centres bentres of the celebration the superintendents of education were the next to recognize the fitness of giving to the public schools the first place in this columbia Columb laju anniversary at their i convention in brooklyn in february 1892 they took charge of the movement and appoint ampol nt ed the undersigned undersigner under signed an executive committee mit to lead the schools in their commemoration you will make it succeed if you unite to say that it ought to be done the interest of the public will be awakened if the scholars join in the ear earned riest request that the school be allowed to be the centre of the day days dayis Is observance there are thirteen millions now in the public schools you have the chance conduct a patriotic movement which will have a place in his tory and will strengthen the republic through the coming century WHAT TO DO the first thing tor te do is to determine when you read this message that yuu you will do all you can to induce your school to enter the ahe celebration then show bow this message to your teachers every patriotic teacher will be glad to help you it if you show yourselves in earnest take the message to the school committee and the superintendent their consent and aid are indispensable pa pen usable sable after you secure the support of all these then let the school vote that it will enter the celebration the next thing after this public vote will be the appointment of a strong committee to take the charge this committee should be made up jointly from scholars teachers and friends ot 0 the school the committee should in all cases be made up of those who are most in earnest earnest so that the work may not be checked by any possible change of teachers during the summer THE A pro program gramme DC e of exercises will be furnished by the executive committee it will be simple and adapted to any school yet so eo arranged that more elaborate exercises exe roises may be added wherever desired the aim of the official pro gramme will be that certain leading exercises may be the same in ID every school in the republic and that at least in one feature the chicago pro gramme and the kchodl pro gramme may be identical in due time the committee will make more definite nite suggestions on methods methodi of celebration through the superintendents of education and through the press THE LOCAL COMMITTEE the duties of your committee will first be to interest the citizens and to prepare the school processions professions Process ions may be arranged the veterans loth hotl north and south w wib I 1 gladly be escorts for schools the other military I 1 civil and religious organizations of each town will lend their aid if they see that the schools are determined that the celebration shall be worthy ot of the day the local press will be the most valuable of all supports and the earliest effort of your local committee should be to enlist its sympathy and request its operation cooperation co ask your local papers to print this message on october lath thi the stars stare and stripes should be floating from every schoolhouse in the republic it is the hope of the friends of som common school education that not one public school in the united states staten will illow allow itself to be left out in this most memorable celebration EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE francis bellamy chairman representing the youths companion boston I 1 mass john W DI dickinson kInson secretary of massachusetts board ot of education thomas B stockwell well er of public schools of rhode land island Is W R barrett Oar rett superintendent of public instruction of tennessee W C hewitt superintendent of michigan aduca lonal ional exhibit at worlds world Ps fair A D ravon the german consul in christ jaussand jacs sand norway is dead |