Show MORGAN STAKE conference the quarterly conference of morgan stake was held at the stake house morian morgan city on the and loaf present on the stand aland on the first day apostle F D richards beurge reynold the presidency of the stake and members of the high councils council john seaman beaman of ogden and ezra T dark clark of farmington Farm logton counselor S frauds francis reported as to the condition of the wards and various institutions as being in a very prosper cus us condition the saints sainto are doing their duty except in the matter of sup eup porting the acad academy y ach school 0 0 I 1 elder bider reynolda gave a noet most interesting discourse on sunday school work the benefits of church schools schoola and the order of the priesthood apostle richards occupied most of the afternoon with an excellent dis course on the subjects of repentance tibe the mission and life of our savior charity and abd forgiveness the general and local authorities were presented and unanimously sus GUN talked allot A list of stake and sunday school missionaries narles were presented preen ted and approved the meetings of monday us as well as those of sunday were well attended the speakers were ezra T dark clark jesse jease haven john seaman beaman and apostle richards the subjects spoken of were industry obedience forgiveness preparation fur the various dut duties lesof of life and other important subjects ube conference adjourned for three moths months A FRANCIS framcis clerk |