Show AN impressive PAINTING THE cooper painting the morning of the now on exhibition in this city is 18 a most impressive picture each face and figure of the group 1 is powerfully individual iced the rom roman n as well as the jewish characteristics being forcibly por brayed tue the figure of christ Is of course the centre of attraction mr coopers ideal is distinct and con si siB tent stent the face is decidedly masculine and thus differs from most other artistic conceptions of the features of the savior the countenance exhibits the appropriate emotions which are blended with re remark remarkable e skill it is not alone the face which speak but the whole bearing and attitude are eloquent the position of tte hands tind and arms seem to say my nour has come so 80 clearly are resignation and intense resolve depleted the fine specimen of the painters art must be seen non to be appreciated this religious spectator feels an exalted sentiment while regarding it it is a sermon in itself |