Show adaptation FOR GRAPE CULTURE THIS morning mr D Lob cherof ak ron ohio stated in the hearing bearing of the writer that utah is admirably adapted for grape culture and in that respect to is at least equal to california Calf furnia the material difference is that in this territory the hardy kinds only should be bv planted the same gentleman insists also that the grape can be successfully produced here without irrigation that it can be raised on any land without water on which sage brush groop that a warm gravelly not oil is best adapted for the purpose As a matter of course much depends on proper cultivation the principal con alteration alde ration connected with which Is the frequent agitation of the soil by plow ingv gnp together with judicious J pruning if this claim be correct the information it embodies is in of vast importance as it opens up a means of profitable utilization of vast stretches of arid lands in this region which are beyond the reach of water mr lebcher ought to be well informed on the subject as he has had bad extensive experience in grape culture and has studied its adaptability to the various wile soils and climates of the country thase the se who wish to observe an object lesson can however have an opportunity of doing so by visiting the farm of mr allwood brown situated on the bench land in the eastern part of centerville Cent erville davis county about twelve miles north of this city that gentleman bad ten acres of his land planted in grape vines a year ago one half of the lind land ws under water and the other half dry Th the vines evines are doing splendid even the dormant buds are in some instances fruiting remarkable to state the vines on the jeand and which has had no water are dong ing better than those on the division subjected to irrigation so far as developed ve loped the clusters number from three to live five on each shoot A number of gf land owners have become convinced that mr lebcher to is correct in his claim in relation to the grape culture capacity of this section of the country and are establishing vineyards madeo Mr Deo C lambert has had six acres planted mr george arbogast six acres acre mr hyrum groes G has devoted considerable acreage I 1 to the same purpose while president angus M cannon and mr john beck have made arrangements to each have ten acres planted it may also be stated that mr allwood brown of centreville Cen treville is so satisfied with his initial enterprise in this respect that he has concluded to set met out other five acres which will make fifteen acres 0 his premises premise alone salone As evidence of the feasibility of what mr lebcher states it may be noted as a corroborative fact that excellent grapes have been raised by some of the residents on the north bench without any irrigation if this can be done on a small scale why not extensively under similar conditions we deem the subject of sufficient importance to devote space to it mr lebcher to is father in law to our fellow townsman mr george arbogast |