Show NOTES FROM PANGUITCH in the late effort of the liberate liberals to fix crime upon the members of the church of jesus jepps christ of latter day saints the death of secretary almon W babbitt at ato 0 fallens bluffs below laramie in 1856 was referred to I 1 left independence mo nov 7 1856 with the united states mail on my arrival at fort kearney I 1 learned front from captain wharton in command of that post that he tried to te persuade mr babbitt not to proceed with his guard of only two men sutherland and rowland captain wharton had bad some pa papered pe rel which were found atthe at the place or of the ne massacre which he entrusted to me on arriving at the black hills our mail party encamped by the tent of a mr rowland who informed me that he received a letter from his brother who as well as sutherland was waa killed at the same time as mr babbitt stating that he rowland was about to start west with mr B and that he be expected to lose his life that mr babbitt had bad befriended him and in consequence he would not leave him mr rowland told me that he had conversed with indians who informed him that the massacre was perpetrated by some young sioux which tribe had bad been at war with the united states government that they were acquainted with mr babbitt he having frequently crossed the plains and knew him as a federal officer JOSEPH L HEYWOOD HEY WOOD PANGUITCH garfield co utah dec 11 1889 |