Show AFRICA i undoubtedly central africa has a history but modern scholars 1 ihnow little or nothing of it Fo raught that is now known the architectural X remains remain of a mighty civilization fully equal to the extra rava hagari gaiM portrayals port of laggards Hag gards ls i imagination may exist there antiquities ties may yet be brought to lichtin light ligh tin an the dark continent that will add vast stores to our present information concerning the wai worlds elds history conjecture and speculation have here an unbounded field it is known that central africa abounds in vast forests and luxuriant vegetation hence that it is a fyon in which human life might be easily sustained it is also known that it swarms with savage tribes of ne negroes roes but of the antecedents it of those one tribes very little is known whether they are the of nations that once dwelt in cities were civilized and knew the true und god cr whether their ancestors for untold ages were as they are to is purely a matter of surmise the bible believer will of course take it for granted that they are descendants of noah aud and that for at least a time succeeding the flood their progenitors possessed a knowledge of the god whom noah worshiped att whatever nuy may be the put past history of the tribes now found in central africa a day is dawning in which an overruling providence evidently designs to carry to them the light of modern civilization the dark continent will be rapidly pene penetrated tinted and subdued by europeans from now on the work will progress as much faster than it did in the case of america as methods now in use for loco locomotion ou and communication muni cation excel those of the seventeenth century germany is rapidly perfecting arrangements for establishing a colonial empire in africa england will speedily extend her territory on thit th it continent and france shows a determination to do the same thing the greed for land which modern civilized peoples especially the anglo saxons display will hero here find an abundant supply there is in plenty jenty of room here for another union of sovereign states rivaling our own owa in population extent and glory to rise flourish and fall here elro the too druse dense populations of tho athold old world may find another new world to which to migrate here in short may be re enacted many developments of american history for history delights in repeating itself whatever chatov r maybe be the possibilities awaiting africa its destiny cannot equal in glory that of our own america we live in the land which is choice above all other lands and in ia which the capital city of the whole world we dext acet eext of the great king himself will yet be established |