Show AN APPEAL TO THE LORD THAT the saints may be fully informed regarding the matter and ie reminded minded of their duties in respect thereto we again call attention to the action of the first presidency of the church in setting apart next monday the twenty third instant as a day of fasting and prayers prayer to be observed by all latter day saints sainto in all the stakes and wards of zion As in physical effort so in the spiritual labor of prayer union pro produces dudes strength hence participation jn the exercises spirit and duties of this occasion should be as nearly anani ronoug as circumstances will permit on the part of all the members of the church in the gathering places of the saints in pawing passing through the events under the shadows of which the L is now lying it will be purified as by fire but during the ordeal it will need deed the help and guidance of jehovah as will each and everyone every one of its members A strong combination of opposing powers has been formed for the purpose of waging upon the saints a warfare designed to result in their destruction and the handful of people who are thus threatened and imperiled can look to to no earthly source of power for help or even sympathy and must rely upon the god whom they worship and their own efforts aided by alm who tules on high the servants of the lord who occupy the positions of watchman and leaders of his people in surveying the environments of the curch church perc perceive percelle elve the advisability of the saints making a strong earnest humble and united appeal to jehovah the help of the almighty is needed not only forthe for the protection of the church from the power of its enemies who operate from without and fight against it with such weapons and means as men in the flesh are familiar with but also to save it from the foes that operate within its body the pale of its organization insidious temptations of a peculiarly dangerous and potent character are an presented to the saints in their aqwa religious social and family circles which many find it difficult to resist and which sap the spiritual life of such as yield to them the saints Saint shaVe have need to humble themselves to repent and to plead with the lord for spiritual light strength streng tl and deliverance prayers to avail with god must be offered in faith faith comes by sacrifice hence when the pleasures and c cravinas cravings cravi of the flesh are flood in a proper manner and from a proper motive the faith of a true believer in the gospel becomes stronger thus it is that prayers whichard which chare are offered by one who is b fasting have greater weight with the tee heavens the petition erby tle the sacrifice he is making acquires increased orv ased faith and d places himself la in closer harmony with those spiritual influences influence that radiate from the throne of the almighty his flesh being subdued it is easier for him to subdue his bis spirit and to attain to that condition af humility which calls forth the sympathy and responsive mercy of his hia heavenly father these are among the reasons why it is desirable that abe saints should observe as strictly and universally as maybe may be consistent with wisdom to fast during the period specified in the instructions that have been given by the first presidency of the church A portion of the directions that have been given upon this subject and heretofore published in these columns we here reproduce the fast is to commence at sundown on the not and continue until undo andow k n on the and it is expected that twe the members of the church will haye special prayer meetings at home an and d in their ward assemblies and in those places set apart for those purposes the Presidency Of the salt lake stake of zion desire the bishops in the different wards to make arrange ments for meetings on the instant according to their respective circumstances cum curn stances in this city it is recommended that in addition to the regular meet meetings on n sunday evening the dinst morning and afternoon meetings be held on the and that in the early morning and between the meetings on that day prayer meetings be held in the places specially set apart for that object all this should be done in the spirit of meekness and faith there ought tobe to be no expressions or desires for or wrath and judgment upon those who have persecuted reviled and falsely accused us and who seek to oppress us but rather that they may turn from their wicked ways and be led to do right it is to be hoped that all business places conducted or controlled by members of the church will be closed on the dinst so that persons em aloyed there may be free to fast and pray and attend the meetings that will be be convened this is an important matter and the results that will surely accrue will be of vastly more value than ethan gold and silver andani and any material interests that may be involved 11 in order to be in harmony with the spirit and proprieties of the day of fasting and prayer this ofte will be closed on monday and no paper will be issued until tuesday next we understand that there will be a general closing of business establishments lish ments of latter day saints on that day though some of them have announced that they would open at five in the afternoon |