Show sunday services religious services were held iu in the tabernacle salt lake city sunday dec 1889 commena commencing ing i at 2 p in president angus IA cannon presiding the choir and congregation sang the trials of the present day require the ailts to watch and pray prayer by elder milando pratt the choir sang gently raise the sacred strain for the sabbaths Sab baths come again the priesthood odthe of the twenty first ward officiated in the administration odthe of the sacrament APOSTLE ABRAM H CANNON was called to address the congregation the latter day saints he said occupy a very peculiar position at the present day it seems as though the eyes of the whole world are upon them and that the efforts of men in every part of the earth where they are known are directed toward their overthrow it is astonishing toni shing that a handful of people like ourselves eur selves who have accepted the gospel should create such great commotion among mankind it is strange in one sense and yet in another it is not for the savior when here below told his followers that they would arouse the enmity of the world and were to expect nothing but hatred and persecution from those who did not see and believe as the paul stated that persecution was a heritage of the faithful it was predicted indeed concerning the latter day work in which we are engaged that it would meet with the most severe opposition that men would conspire against it that combinations would be formed for its destruction and that those who remained faithful roust must e expect hect to be tried in the fires of afflict affliction iun we are the witnesses of the fulfil fulfill ment of these numerous predictions although so few in numbers and so weak in comparison with the strength of the world we have excited the hostility of nations combinations bi still exist to bring about if possible the total annihilation of this work of god there is no iniquity too vile no si sin u too great to be laid at the door of the latter day sainta every calumny uttered concerning them appears to be gladly received by the world we have idle tales and false accusations to meet continually so it was with jesus and his disciples he found that the world was opposed to him that the people whom he came to bless and among whom he established his elio church were those most bitter in their persecution of him and finally they succeeded in accomplishing accomplish ing his death upon the cross he was accused of everything bronz though his life was one of unexampled purity filled with good deeds he went among the meek and lowly and tau taught ht them the plan of light ant and salvation he ministered also to their temporal wants healed their sick made the lame to walk unstopped the ears of the deaf loosened the tongues of the dumb and even raised the dead to life notwithstanding those these manifestations fe of gods favor the people charged him with doing these things by the power of beelzebub the prince of devils he was accused among other things of trying to establish a kingdom upon the earth in opposition to that which then existed having traced the course ol of events leading up to our saviors crucifixion the speaker remarked that these name fame accusations followed his apostles paul and silas were accused by the jews subsequently of seeking to break down the government which already existed and establish the kingdom of christ and for this probably the principal among the charges laid against them they were cast into prison they were accused of seeking to turn the world upside down to introduce new theories new doctrines and new ideas that were contrary to the customs and long on established institutions of the emans romans and of the habits of the jews jes they were re garde I 1 as men deserving of the most severe punishment and so met with death at the bands of those whom they sought to bless it is no new thing therefore for men to be accused of evil intents and designs with regard to governments and peoples the evils which have been inflicted upon us as latter day saints are but a repe repetition ti of those which othro others h have ave endured n and all the troubles through which we are passing are but the fulfilment fulfillment of that which whick has been spoken concerning the latter day zion but we believe that god is the supreme ruler of the universe that he should dictate to his people how they should live and act we believe that he controls the affairs of men and nations that it is with his permission some nations are destroyed and others established upon their ruins that these various changes will continue to occur under his direction and with his sanction until the kingdom of godfoy which were taught to pray is established upon the earth and that he will use his own means for the accomplishment of this glorious purpose a power under which wh ach meemay men may live in peace and harmony one with another wherein love will prevail and control the actions of men wherein justice will be kd administered ministered and righteousness shall dwell we look for this time in the glorious future we look for the establishment on this earth of a thousand years of tranquility and happi happiness neos during which the saints will be free from persecutions and trials but we do not look for this people to take up arms against any nation or to be called upon to shed the blood of their fel we are a temple latemple building people one called of god to establish houses wherein the work of redemption for the living and the dead may be carried anand wherein great blessings may be received the doctrine has been taught ever since I 1 can remember that this thie government under which we live is the most glorious extant that it was waa the only one under which the work of god could have been established that under the provisions of its god given constitution we are enabled with the assistance and under the direction of the lorato establish his church upon the earth to gather the people from the nations and to prepare them for the fulfilment fulfillment of every word that has been spoken concerning zion the men who laid the fou foundation stones of this republic were those who appreciated liberty having themselves suffered under the hand of oppression they had been tried severely by the wrongs which the mother country inflicted upon them and they fought for freedom IB I 1 a those early days many who had fled from the old world sought in these western lands amongst savages a place where they might be free to worship god being inspired of him they founded that glorious constitution under which we live and which has brought so much prosperity to this nation but god has also said in his word that the nation which fights against him shall not prosper and those who oppose him will fail in their endeavors he designed to establish upon this western hemisphere the land of zion which we understand to be composed of the pure in heart hearl we e expect that over this whole land will prevail a rule of peace righteousness and justice and that men who live here will have their hearts filled with the love of these principles when wicked men rule the people mourn and if they continue coutin ue in their ini iniquity city the lord will in his own aue due time remove them and call in their place those who will be just and fearless in the administration of the laws whenever the people have hearkened to the voice of god in all ages they have been prosperous but whenever they have rejected his counsels and turned away from his H Is guidance then they have been upon the shifting sands and had no sure foundation so it is with nations the nations that have pros prospered red are Cred those which have adminis administered the laws of god with justice and equity who have sought no oppression upon the people who have brought no evil upon any party arty or class we are called called out of the world and expected to build up a church over which god himself will reign of which christ will be the head we are called to battle for freedom not with earthly weapons but with the wisdom which comes from god we are called to cry down oppression wherever it is round found and seek to establish perfect liberty upon the earth having received persecution we must not in turn become p persecutors we must not seek to heap upon others the iniquities under which we have suffered but live above such things and follow the admonition of jesus to love our enemies and pray for those who despitefully use us if we oppress those who oppress us and revile those who revile us we are no better than the world men may question what the lord does they may not be able to see the wisdom of his course in the treatment which he allows his people to endure or what object he has in view in permitting certain events to transpire he does not reveal to man in every case the purposes which he is seeking to accomplish com but if we go goto to him humbly and prayerfully he will us in the hour of trial and we shall eventually see the triumph of his work upon the oarth earth the choir sang the anthem praise ye the father benediction by elder george gibbs |