Show L D S COLLEGE I 1 the exercises incident to the conclusion of the first term of the fourth academic year of the latter day saints college were held field in the social hall december aoth commencing at 11 am A well rendered selection home of our youth by the choir opened the proceedings and prayer was offered by brother israel barlow one of the students A duet god bless our mountain home was given by miss mamie dark clark anti and bro allen alien R cutler with chorus by the choir an eloquent address in behalf of the theological organization was delivered by brother nathan porter who dwelt upon the instructions eions given in theology in the various classes and exercises devoted to that branch and paid a beautiful tribute to the spirit accompanying such instructions he was followed by ano another tIfer student miss mi aretta young who spoke in behalf of the ladies of the institution her address which was replete with poetic sentiment treated upon the duties of the daughters of israel the attributes they should possess and those they should discard and the noble aspirations instilled into the hearts of the young ladies by the instructions given in the college brother brodber isaac hayes expressed his pleasure in representing his fellow students the young men of the cI college lege he stated that he had male personal inquiries as to the sentiments and feelings of the gentlemen students and they had expressed themselves as pleased and grateful even for the re proofs they had received from the instructors and especially for the teachings they rhey kad had heard which they all testified were in accord with the principles of honor and morality he fie expressed the wish in behalf of the gentlemen students that they might become an honor to zion the instructors gave a brief report of their labors during the term A vocal solo song of triumph by miss libby bitner with chorus bythe by the choir chair was followed by remarks by the principal who announced that the following students of the intermediate department had passed in most of the higher branches in that grade and would be advanced to the academic grade carl bassett zina bennion luella bitner ida savage and nellie wallace 1 ring dr talmage then than read the following principal Is report 0 to the stake board of Edu eadon W of the salt lake stake of zum zaon ex officio board of directors of the latter day saints college dear brethren it once more becomes my pe pleasing asing duty to submit to you a report of the progress and present resent condition of the latter g day ay saints college the period c comprised herein is known as the first term of the fourth academic year which began august 5 and which closes with the exercises of today THE GENERAL statistics of attendance during the term are as follows registered intermediate department academic 79 total As to sex classification the students were tabulated thus males females L 1 total soon after the middle of the term all seats were filled and since that time the inconveniences of inadequate room with which we became so familiar during the prec preceding edin 9 year have been repeated during the first part of the term however the attendance was comparatively small owing to the very early beginning aning and this fact has proved to us a matter of serious lm import port more than half of the students stu dento now in attendance entered several weeks alter after the opening of tho term and many ruy of them t em have expressed sad regrets at having to begin their studies at advanced stages such conditions are disadvantageous to all students and even the most persevering pupils demonstrate the ill III results by their comparatively comparative ll slow progress and the retarding inn influence bence which they exert upon the others I 1 sincerely trust that thai in future the school calendar will be so adjusted as to enable at least a majority of the students to enter at the beginning of the term according to their places of residence the students are registered as follows salt lake city first ward a debond jordan 1 third 8 aar augar houseward Hoa house seWard ward 3 fourth 1 sixth 1 I butterville nutterville Butt erville 1 seventh ID murray 2 eighth 10 big cottonwood 5 ninth 4 davis stake 20 tenth 3 weber 2 eleventh 18 box li lder 2 twelfth 11 II cache 2 thirteenth ward 2 tooele thoele 9 fourteenth ward 9 utah 3 fifteenth afif 9 juab 3 sixteenth 4 canyete sanpete San yete 5 seventeenth 20 sevier 2 eighteenth 14 millard I 1 nineteenth 4 beaver 2 twentieth 14 carowan parowan 1 twenty second 1 kanab 6 mill greek creek 20 arizona 2 souta cottonwood 4 idaho farmers Farmer ward sWard 14 kentucky 1 1 I taylorsville Taylors ville vil 1 brighton 3 summary 8 salt t lake city ity wards ward salt lake stake country wards other stakes 58 arizona 2 idaho i kentucky I 1 canada Oa nada I 1 total 2 78 THE intermediate department has been conducted in two divisions designated respectively as sections A and B the former was under the supervision of instructor willard done and the latter in charge of instructor newton noyes while instructor willard croxall has officiated ficia ted as an associate teacher in each division the schedule of class clam work in this department d is as follows fol lowi classes I 1 instructors to theology A des theola ss leaflets 3 W done theology B book of mormon ICS 2 N no noyes yes theology 0 bible 92 3 8 J nelson theology D book of mormon 80 2 W croxall xaU grammar and composition A 48 5 W croxall grammar and composition B 86 6 5 J nelson grammar and composition ston 0 98 5 N no noyes es arithmetic arlo A 22 6 5 J nelson nelson arithmetic B 89 5 N noyes arithmetic 0 6 5 W croxall V reader 92 5 N noyes elocution Blo cution 5 W done hygiene A 3 W croxall hygiene B 83 8 N noyes drawing IM 23 2 W croxall xaU U US S Hi history storT 9 2 N N noyes 19 e s 40 5 W done 6 5 N X noyes orthography A 5 W done orthography y B 89 6 N noyes penmanship lp 11 A 4 W croxall i penmanship B 86 4 N noyes spanish 9 2 H 8 cum n g elementary german ft 9 ti 6 W done elementary latin 9 3 W done elementary algebra 14 5 6 J nelson this shows a total of 55 classes holding in all 91 sessions per week the german class clam was conducted during the early part of the term by elder richard haag and to him our sincere thanks are due for his willing assistance the ACADEMIC department has been in charge of instructor joseph nelson and the ohm class work therein performed is shown below 3 classes instructors I A S theology compendium 74 3 J JE Talmage theology bible history to 74 2 W adone done english literature 15 5 rhetoric 31 5 general history 22 A 4 13 5 W croxall higher arithmetic 18 6 5 J nelson advanced algebra 9 6 5 geometry 6 5 6 5 bookkeeping n 22 4 natural philosophy y 22 6 5 J E talmage biology halt term 37 87 3 physiology 61 51 3 dibi descriptive astron omy 20 2 chemistry 8 7 practical chemistry 8 10 there are in all 16 academic ica demic classes holding 68 weekly sessions the academic department room is entirely inadequate in its accommodations dat ions a number of academic students being compelled to take places among the members of the lower department J J THE theological organization our theological exercises have been conducted on essentially the same plan as in former terms class recitations in theology have been held daily in each department recording according to prearranged courses course of study in addition to the standard works of the church which have formed the established text books in these classes we have found the series of leaflets on bible subjects published published by the deseret sunday school school union to be of inestimable service indeed we wish that our work in all theological classes could be facilitated by similar synoptic ol aids once in two weeks the theological elm class in each department has been conducted as a testimony meeting and students have been free in expressing themselves regarding the school and their religion on the morning of the first thursday of every month a fast meeting of all students has been regularly hold held and a deep and pleasing interest has been manifested on all such occo A priesthood meeting has been convened lit at intervals of two weeks week 5 and hepe heie voluntary and appall appointed addresses have been made instructions given and incidental questions answered on matters pertaining t to the duties of the priesthood the last formal exercise of odthe the w week eek has been a general theological class clam at which a varied pro gramme has been rendered the labors of bac each h day have been prepared and supplemented with singing and prayer according to their church standing our students have been classi classified fled as fbI follows lOWS high priests 1 seventies 6 elders 10 priests 12 teachers 13 12 deacons 66 65 lay members non members 2 total THE CHOIR du during ring the early part of the term the choir and singing elass class were conducted under the leadership of instructor F beesley but after the resignation of that gentleman on nov 1 the choir was taken in charge by elder edwin cutler a rel reliable lable and experienced student of the academic department to him as also to bro clare W reid who has so efficiently acted as organist during the latter part of the term to elder richard haag for his assistance at the organ during the former part of the term and to all the members of the choir who have so faithfully attended the appointed practices and have added so much to the fervor of our devotional exercises our acknowledgment and sincerest thanks are rendered LADIES CLASSES the lady students have been arranged according to their ages in two classes each of which assembled once per week mrs camilla cobb our efficient lady superintendent has had chargo charge of these classes and has given at each ses vion cion appropriate instruction on topics topic s 0 of special interest and importance to the members A appropriate ropp drills have formed a part of the work or of each meeting in all 39 sessions have been held during the term THE STUDENTS SOCIETY this organization has beon been under the presidency of instructor done who was aided by brother frank cutler and miss anna erickson as secretaries evening meetings have been convened once per week and have been marked by the attendance of students in great num bersand by the presence of many visitors the exercises have consisted of lectures addresses essays readings recitations and varied musical renditions and an unflagging interest has been shown in the meetings on nov 15 a students party was successfully conducted under the auspices of the society CLASSES AND examinations regular class recitations have been uniformly of thirty mif minutes duration the pro gramme of daily exercises is on record for your inspection written reviews have been held in each class at intervals of five weeks and a final examination lasting one week was conducted toward the close of the term asa result of careful examinations the instructors feel fully confident that every student has had all needed opportunity to demonstrate his degree of ability we are convinced also of the necessity of compulsory entrance examinations in both departments part ments A distinctive feature of these final examinations is that they closed some days before the end of the term so that in each class clam the instructor has been able to meet his students after the examination work was over aud thus talk with them on the propositions submitted these propositions are recorded for reference RECORDS V the record books in use during precell preceding ug boerms term shave have been 00 con Q linued they are all placed before you and your attention to them is respectfully invited you will find Attend attendance anve ditc itc register gister term record Theolog theological feal record laboratory record record of studies faculty record and library catalogue APPARATUS ETC the illustrative apparatus and material provided by the board have been in constant use much to the ad vantage advantage of all concerned 1 I sincerely trust however that you will find it possible to add to our bequir equipment in this respect at an ear early y date there are a number of items with which we should be supplied during the first part of the coming term the large and valuable cabinet of mineralogical and specimens provided by one of the instructors has continued in serviceable servi cable employ it is also my great pleasure to report that I 1 have received ahsu assurances bancea from president woodruff and others in authority that they will use their personal influence in securing to us the valuable collections in the deseret museum this will be to us of 2 inestimable estimable service arvice s though under existing circumstances circumstance the museum has been open to us at convenient times through the court courtesy kay of the officers in charge THE LIBRARY the acquisition of the books and other property formerly belonging to the stake library association was fully explained in my last report until a few weeks ago the library was conducted in practically the same manner as during the former academic year and through the kindness of supt bupt beuter of the Z C M I 1 a convenient room was kept at our disposal the library h has as rec recently antly beleuc removed to the social hall however where the books are kept and from which they are issued t to students and members of the old library association under proper restrictions since my last report was rendered we have acquired through the efforts of the executive committee a copy of the encyclopedia britannica and other valuable works the need of which was formerly greatly felt and the use of which is now correspondingly appreciated the officers of the students society having received some voun voluntary tary offerings from among the members have applied the same to the purchase of an unabridged dictionary with a convenient stand for each classroom class room according to the librarians librarian report there are at present 1006 1005 cata loguen volumes our thanks are due the proprietors of the following periodicals for regular coples copies of their publications DESERET EVENING NEWS salt lake daily herald ogden standard daily utah enquirer semiweekly rich richfield field advocate southern idaho independent utah journal womans comans exponent juvenile juvenia instructor young womans comans journal also to margetts margette bros broa for current copies of puck besides these we have access to a number of ma magazines ones which have been ix wn procured f through aro ugh subscriptions and I 1 respectfully ask of the board a renewal of such subscriptions script ions without delay for the coming year through the continued kindness of hon john T came caine our library has been enriched by a great number of valuable publications from the government offices instructors tors nelson and noyes have operated as librarian and assistant librarian respectively to the satisfaction of the faculty RAILWAY privileges our students have continued to enjoy the advantages of reduced rates so courteously extended by the railway companies whose lines approach the city these are of course allowed only to students who do not reside permanently in salt bait lake city the oregon short line utah northern the denver rio grande and the salt lake fort douglass railway companies have so favored us in all cases and the city street railway company has bag granted half fare transportation to all students in tra velling between their residences and the college THE BUILDINGS the J improvement s made in hi the buildings and surroundings during the last summer vacation aie are fully aspri coated the students working laboratory has proved of lasting bent fit though it was filled to its utmost capacity soon after the opening of the year we are still inconvenienced beuk however by lack ack of room in the several de ments A number of applicants have been refused admission th |