Show THE legislature COUNCIL march 8 continuing his hii speech in opposition to the school bill young said that eliat none of the churches would probably object to this bill but it would tear down our academies and dist district schools carlisle said there had been a clamor for free schools this would tax tam heavily all classes of our class ot of schools whereas in the bill under consideration all classes classee were alike benefited by bv free schools schoola it is said d tobe a new but it should be judged not upon its novelty but upon its ita merits it was objected religious teaching in schools is wrong was not infidelity in L schools wrong who would r tay ray t ay tuat he was opposed to education uca tion this bill would materially increase jhb percentage ot of school at in the territory the district dietric t schools of some years ago hall had bee a criticised criticized but that thai had nothing to do with the case we were dealing with acts as they exist today and lie he believed in extending home rule to athe schools as provided in this bill rhe bill passed ayes 7 noes 5 wars mars all howe smoot wimmer and poling voting no BO A message was received from the governor notifying notify in the council of his approval of C F 21 banking banki ug also council joint resolution no 3 2 fees in ia civil cases the house called tor for a conference committee on H F 26 private corporations granted apyan marshall and woolley being appointed on the part of the council the council was notified that the house bad passed substitute for substitute for H F 52 oraa ora ding herding etc read head and rel referred erred to the corn com mp mn tee on judiciary j to whom was referred CF 41 public heal health tb re reported arted re commending its rejection the the report was adopted and bill killed at p m w recess was taken tor for 30 minutes council Connell resumed business at 4 40 pin p no A communication was received from the oe house notifying the council of the passage of li 11 F 91 def defining laing the duties ot county officers which was partly read the first time lime when a motion prevailed to lay it on the table the governor notified the council of f bin s approval of C F 18 insane asylum two tw conference commutes committee OB H F 69 ani form system of county cwern H ivern reported recommending that the council recede from a amendment the report was adopted and the bill passed the V judiciary ludt ciary committee reported on 11 II F 62 52 branding and herding becom recommending ua ending its rejection report R adopted d at recess was taken till pm 7 80 pm A communication was received from the house notifying notify loe the council of tte fie passage of H F 93 98 a bill lor for an act making appropriations for for general purposes ur I 1 poses read head the first time for information bryan tro ruthe the committee on OB conference on H P F private corporations recommended that the council co no recede from its amendments the report was not cot adopted the house notified the council of the passage of H F 22 prescribing the tees lees of ahe secretary of utah territory the bill was read the first time and aad on motion of marshall was called for second reading and subsequently for third reading rea diDt and passed the council was notified of the passage of 0 F 24 occupying claimants with slight technical amendments the bill was temporarily laid on tue toe table the amendments were subsequently concurred in and the bill passed at 9 30 p in a recess was taken lor f or 80 A communication was received from the house notifying the council of the adoption re of tie ioina revolution resolution legalizing the issue of the auditors warrants drawn in favor of the insane asylum the resol resolution uLlon wati was immediately passed by tye the council the council w wis ts notified not bed of the passage of H F 47 the substitute for allens aliens school bill without amendment woolley from the committee on appropriations reported on H F 93 general appropriations with amendments recommending it be put upon its passage the report of the committee was adopted and the bill read by sections iotis and passed the abe principal changes were the striking out ont of an appropriation of for in an addition to the insane asylum and an increase in the appropriations to the counties of emery sevier juab washington weber and cache the council was notified that the house had bad rejected H F 80 administering oattis oaths etc woolley at this juncture presented the president of we tue council with a memento ot of the kindly feelings of the council toward him for the kind consideration and dignified deportment manifested by him throughout the session of the legislature this coasts consisted t of a finely executed photographic group of the members of the council mounted in a massive gold frame president t smith expressed b his Is appreciation of the good feeling which prompted the act and said he be should ever cherish pleasant memories of the hours spent with the members of the council marshall being called upon by olsen for a speech said that when called upon so unexpectedly he be felt somewhat embarrassed he had bad come to this council somewhat prejudiced against the president of the council and doubtful of the ability which be bad since manifested he bad been very happily disappointed from froin his bis intercourse with toe the council he would cherish the most kindly recollect recollections i ono of t the e present session and especially of the resident president who had manifested a jaag judgment ent a dignity and impartiality that would ald have dome credit to the chair in one of the sovereign states the house notified noti flod the council of amendments to H P F GS 68 impounding animals the council concurred in toe the amendments and the bill so passed at 11 pm the council took a recess of 60 minutes for refreshment after recess H P 94 regulating the duties of county officers was taken up amended an and 1 I passed we the council refused to concur in house amendments to the general appropriation bill and a committee of conference was appointed consisting ot 31 marshall arshall carlisle and woolley Wo oiley march 9 the council continued in session all night bight with occasional recesses and some of 0 f the members looked tired this morning the C council oun C U w was as OR called lied to order at 11 am A communication was received from the governor announcing that he be had bad approved C F occupying claimants the governor also announced that he be had nominated arthur pratt for recorder of marks and brands H L A culmer calmer tor for territorial librarian and chris diehl for sealer of weights and measures Marshall chairman of the committee on conference on oa the general appropriation pria tion bill rea arted on oa H F 93 general appropriation that they had agreed that the council should rece de from its amendment amei Adment in striking out the item of for the insane asylum and had made minor changes in some som I 1 of the other appropriations moved that the report of the committee be rejected so far as the was VMS COD cerne cl carried marshall moved that thai 2250 be added to the bill as compensation for the private secretary of the governor and contingent expenses of A tho executive officer lor for the years 1883 ST carried the bill anen with the out and ana the 26 added A message was received received from ohp hona HODS announcing their non concur concar rence i i the last amendment to H F 93 A committee of conference confere ace was a appointed li pointed consisting of f marshall carlisle lle and smoot carlisle from the committee on conference to whom was refer referred red the difference on OB H F 93 general appropriation pria tion reported recommending that the council adhere to its amendment ap appropriating P r laniog 2250 0 tor for the executive 0 office fal e etu te the report was adopted and the the house ho U se notified the council was notified that the house had concurred in the council amend amendment to H F 93 appropriating 2950 2250 and had further amen amended ed the bill rv by for the purchase and fitting up of fort cameron cameren for an tosane insane asylum asylum carlisle opposed the proposed ap on the grounds abat it was insufficient for toe the purpose and more could nut not be appropriated without bonding the territory smoot favored it the additional room was needed the present wing ot of the asyl asylum uin unfortunately located at provo walk waa designed for 75 patients it now cont contained alcied there were 80 more patients throughout the territory needing care and they should be provided for the investment was a good one the fort cost several hundred hun Ired thousand dollars carlisle preferred appropriating for the care of those indigent patients rather than purchasing marshall thought fort gameron too far off H N room was needed it should be had bad by adding to the present building it we had to bond the territory in order to accomplish it the council refused to concur concur is the amendment the house notified the council tatt t they had amended and passed substitute lor for H F 45 denning defining the duties of county recorders the amendments were concurred in by the council conceit and the bill passed at 1 30 pm the house honse called for a conference committee on an the item pro viding for the purchase of fort cam cron for a sab territorial insane asylum granted smoots smoot woolley y and shurtliff bein being appointed by tl the ie chair A message was received from the governor notifying the council of his erusal to approve C F 35 anre fire es capes etc as its 8 provisions were substantially co covered vered by other legisla tion HOUSE I 1 match h 7 im 1883 A bill amending we ae stock law came caine up ap it repeals most ot of that act farnsworth moved indefinite postponement pon ement was opposed by b y richards Kic bards and mip supported ported by roge hoge the latter opposed the bill because it prohibits I 1 bits shipping ship I 1 cattle by rail at night which lute would he urged cause great inconvenience veni ence ce See emiller spoke in favor of the bill and king agai it richards made a cogent speech showing the objectionable character of the legislation repealed by the pending bill and urged the necessity tor for passing the latter jones favored the pending bill and thought that the present stock law was tar too severe and rigid stewart favored the present law and op posed opposed the pending bill the 1 lie motion to indefinitely postpone post one was wae lost and the COD consideration aaion or of the bill was continued and after a discussion of some amendments eff offered tred lit fit was re committed hatch asked leave to withdraw the report of the claims committee on the of 0 J averill AV trill granted council joint resolution providing for the payment of jurors civil certini cates for 1882 and esq 1883 was concurred to in by the house at the how house took a recess till p pm in |