Show TRADING ON HIS FACE TWO MEN WITH VERY LONG NOSES there lived in saco me many years ago a man named jerry coldridge who had an unearthly long nose tois extended proboscis obeis troubled him so that he be made a vow that when he be met a man who had bad a longer one he be would present him wito a silver half dollar with the proviso that the man who got the halt dollar was to do likewise when he be came across a man who was superior in this line to himself one day jerry went to portland and when he returned he was greeted with old Plowshare what have you turned up today to day dav 11 4 well il said jerry quivering with and joy 1 I 1 have seena seen A man in portland who had bad a longer nose than I 1 have impossible said his bis friends I 1 there another such nose on the face of the mattli 11 all right said jerry if you dont ont believe me I 1 will exhibit the documents documents to prove it at this lic he produced a receipt whitbread Illece received ived from jeremiah coldridge 50 cents in consideration of having a loner nobe than he has JAMES BALLARD that half dollar said jerry has zone ne to smyrna on a merchantman and ill 11 tell you how it happened I 1 went ta a hotel to thi get my dinner and as 1 I sat down at ml table I 1 saw a man sit ting opposite me afe who gazed at me with what I 1 took to be an insolent stare when I 1 got a godal look at him I 1 forgot my deformity and immediately reached rn my hand across the table and said baid shake neighbor I 1 believe I 1 owe you 50 cents 4 hows howls thata that says he well says 1 I 1 I 1 have made a vow that if I 1 ever met a man who had bad a longer nose than I 1 have I 1 would give him a half a dollar providing he would do the same when he be met a man whose noe discounted his bis abonce at once the ahe whole dining room was in an uproar of laught erand tha stranger said its a bargain pulling out his notebook beok he wrote the receipt and I 1 gave him a half dollar I 1 afterward learned that he be was captain of a packet ship outward bound for smyrna syria alter after this jerry bad peace about his long nose and the silver half dollar was taken by captain ballard to smyrna there it was turned over to an english mate of an east India indiaman mau bound through the suez canal to madras the englishman carried it for several years and finally landed in sia san francisco where lie he having a hard bard streak of luck enlisted in the united states regular army and went up among the indians near fort benton where he was made a prisoner after this being tortured in every conceivable way by the indians they cut on off his nose and set him at liberty he finally drifted to Bosto nand as he was walking one day on washington street who should he meet but jerry having heard from the capt apt ballard how he came in possession of the silver piece he recognized jerry Te leilo He ilo taid he be is your your name jerry coldridge my name said jerry I 1 am happy to meet you said the englishman allow me to return to you the bait bail dollar you loaned capt james ballard five yeara ao I 1 carried it around the world with ne never ver found a man with a nose as long as mine was but I 1 have as you see lost mine now and I 1 think the clinker be I 1 longs on to you JIN jerry ry and the english mate became fast friends and went into easiness business together and when you go g into a little store on dock square in boston you will see the funny spectacle of one of the partners with a nose as long as your hand and the of 0 her partner with no BO nose at all al mew york press |