Show THE legislature COUNCIL march 3 rpm pm I 1 message was received from the governor lO vernor notifying the council of his approval of C F 38 defining county boundary lines the house notified the council of its concurrence in amendments to C F 11 substitute defining the limits of the first and fourth judicial districts the tae council was notified of the pas sage aage by the house of 11 F 81 agricultural cuT tural college in cache county read by title and filed for second reading in due course taken up and read the second time by sections oo on motion of carlisle under on suspension e of the rules was read the thard third time and on motion of smoot passed an and g wa was q ordered enrolled woolley from the committee on appropriations reported on H F 73 geu gentril genc erfil ril appropriation bill recommending that certain appropriations for salaries in the bill contained already in it IL F 32 chieft has passed the council Counci i be stricken out and the bill be put upon apoi its passage the report of tue committee was adopted and the bill so passed its second reading on motion of woolley the bill was taken up oo on its ii s third reading and passed the house under suspension odthe rules the council was notified that the louse house had concurred la in the amendments to 11 II F 76 incorporating cities the council was notified that the house had passed H F 2 insolvency with amendment the council concurred in thie A amendment and the bill passed H F V 39 30 local option was then called for third reading marshall moved to strike out oat the enacting clause smoot hoped the motion would not prevail lie he thought tae people wanted it and should have it not that be had bad faith in its effectiveness his ex peri ence in provo was against it and he deeming it impracticable personally favored high license yet the ane people wanted it and should therefore havi it marshall considered it a mongrel bill his ward might vote against it 1 and the adjoining one favor it what could the chiy calv do adolt it woolley was opposed to the motion to kill the bill he thought there should be restrictions placed upon the liquor traffic and favored the right 1 ot I people to exclude saloons from their immediate neighborhoods and aad local option would bea benefit in outlying districts and towns young wanted it killed it gave nothing new the city councils now have the power to suppress saloons if they Ch choose Oluse if they do not the people wanting them suppressed should elect men who will do CIO this ibis howe opposed posed the bill for the reason he believed celi zeli eved it would not his prove the present situation situa Uon there had bad been a fight hire here tor for years and we had just got things taing sin in shape to control I 1 this matter in a great measure and it this bill passed the fight would bave bava to be fought allover all over again he deemed decked it impracticable carlisle opposed killing the bill he deprecated the presence of so 80 many open saloons enticing the yoeu to evil and fostering intemperance in in the prohibition had bad been tried in lugan logon and would have succeeded bat tor for a defect in the city charter burtra ane lime that trie tile saloons were closed then he was convinced that less liquor was drunk drank lu that city led aad even if some did indulge quietly it was betterson bet terao terso tuan than to have the liquor saloons wide open as a temptation to the bouta ile he favored a trial of the bill bryan said it he could prohibit liquor selling la in the notion nation the territory or even a single county be would do so but he would not tote rote for a law providing for these petty restrictions in small isolated districts woolley considered the argument of the last speaker inconsistent it it was a good thins to in a territory why I 1 not in a village I 1 IT age c or or precinct lie ile favored the bill because it enabled citizens to they would have saloons next door to their families or not if the bill did not work well it could be repealed the bill was finally killed by a vote of 6 to 5 carlisle and woolley tor for the passage of the bill and liff young n bryan Howe Murdock gad and olsen ri osing it H F 6 regulating warr marriage age was then called up and pending considers tion was ordered printed U H F 72 crimes against the public health was called for or second se condre read adi ing n ot read the third time under Bu suspension spens of the rules and passed at the council adjourned to meet at 10 a mt m tomorrow march ath 1888 the cancil C convened at 10 a m H P F 88 substitute providing for a revision of the record of marks and brands was wa read the first and aad second times ant and filed tor for third reading bryan presented a petition from the county court ot of juab county 0 baying raying tor for an appropriation of WOO 40 00 for a dugway and bridge in the southern part of the county referred to the committee on H F 65 the loan bill was called up for second reading read amended and filed tor for third reading moved that the rules be for any business that might come up carried marshall Mar reported that the law passed in 1882 authorized the issuance of 0 certificates to jurors et etc in civil and criminal cases but th that at ilie the legislature had ruled that 0 only aly scales in criminal cases should be paid re he thought the appropriation was not exhausted and that till all should be paid referred to the committee on dalm claim and public accounts the council was notified that th at the house elouse concurred in the councils Council 8 amendments amend menta to H F 81 agricultural college bryan from the committee on public health lepor ed 0 F 29 to suppress animal diseases amended becom it be put upon Us passage the report was adopted and the bill filed for second reading at 11 recess was taken till 12 m mr youngs substitute for H F 40 and 49 substitute on fish and game was returned from the house with amendments amendment these were concurred in and the bill ret returned arned H F 77 7 establishing a deaf mute institution was passed under sue suspension balfre en of the rules ruled this is the bill remodeled at the mr marshall marshal tor for the committee on OB private corporations reported a sab substitute for H F 26 on the laws relating in g to private r vate corporations which was ad adopted opte pd and the bill sent seat to the house lne cue substitute makes railroads liable for full value of stock killed mr tuttle of the committee on agriculture culture reported favorably on 11 agriculture arI F 68 with slight amendments which were adopted mr ulen for the committee on enrollment roll ment reported the enrolling of C F 21 on ban banking klog and C F 27 fl licensing intoxicating liquors mr olsen olaen for the committee on claims and public accounts reported favorably on the territorial auditors recommendation to pay the jurors certificates for 1682 1882 and 1883 1888 recommended that the claim of W F cahoon be rejected adopted recess until 2 p pm in 2 rpm p M the governor notified the council of his bis approval of C F 37 licensing and re a the tb e manufacture and sale of it liquors also of his bis disapproval of ot C F 2 21 1 as the house has bag amended it to make jes jas T little amended hank bank examiner of the territory instead of the secretary of the territory the council amended C F 21 hy by removing the house amendment and sent the bill to the house A communication from the house announced a its passage of H R F no 89 providing tor for the payment of jurors witnesses phonographic reporters and cres crestina creat tinz lna and defini nic the dutle duties g 0 of f court commissioners filed tor for se second c 0 ad reading H F no 6 an act regulating mar passed under a suspension of the rules H R F no 83 on revision of the he reccord of marks and brands passed under onder a sn su pension ot of the rules olsen from the committee on OB enrollment reported enrolling the bill on insane asylum and its being sent to the governor Govera or for IT I T P 45 and C F 9 and C F 30 denning defining the duties of county recorders was filed for second read reading I 1 ng C F 29 to prevent infectious infections diseases amour animals was rejected on mr HOUSE march 6 1888 rpm p m the tedious reading dt df the ingolv ency bill was cut snort short by a motion to put it upon its passage which prevailed it pained by a vote aan ll 11 10 2 allen alien from the conference coral ee reported that the council V g recede becede from its amendments we te t M 1 providing for corporations to p prebi 1 cruelty to animals spencer from the nob fish a andu u d I 1 committee reported a blu to i ggs I 1 buce ace food fishes ashes into the waters at oil it appropriates bya be purpose ee to be drawn by A to 1 hi usser who la Is to distribute the dak i ordered printed s the report of at the committee n insane asane asylum came up 1 li 11 special pedal orders it states th that to 0 needed to pay existing luft edness edless purchase additional lim IQ I 1 and finish the baudhin b 81 and recommends that that tt matter of making an C by tile the house king moved to instruct the api appa fi tion committee to in insert in ate bill the sum of 0 JIK y i tl and made a speech in ia ta I 1 ti of his motion k th the e speaker stated that the altaic p bad already appropriated appropriates I 1 1 ines I tl ti it bad a right to b borrow orrow t loav me the current re revenue i r alark clark moved that the report bo bia 1 special order lor for tomorrow it 41 might be ascertained how the T arri 0 06 fc stood financially 11 thurman favored immediate V 1 made a speech in line L and in advocacy of a libe liberal pi for the asylum hoge opposed postponement moyle was in favor of a gene roias q to the asylum but bat bom I 1 ai to have definite I 1 information wa ll 11 resources of the territory baor he urged that the as f till tomorrow allen alien was surprised ed that hefti c were not prepare prepared to vote anthe on the queipo an re tion they had known ever since eltice session opened that the in asked for an appropriation an and dt 1 the assembly must pass upon 1 I question the motion to postpone was cu it ried aled ai the council truck struck out several severi lite from ti the xe appropriation bill aaa al house concurred I 1 it the bill to revise i he brand ab isi was read by sections and passed M te cl vote of 18 to 4 a from the livestock live stock to reported adversely on the 9 re to prevent the spread of disease sheep adopted to the council bill e liau 11 law was read and passed from the live stock m 1 mit r ted adversely on a IA balf prevent go the spread of disease 9 amak PC cattle for the reason that a better i A b was pending pe in the council aft adopter in H P F 82 def deflating laing the da dat batles I 1 les at county recorders was read la in I 1 tl TI filed died for third abird reading 0 nl the report of the con conference conferee feren cc kittee on amendments to the aylo spy AV an bill was considered and adopted tn H F 89 providing for the daymen of 1 of jurors witnesses and for poo cow B commissioners was considered am G amended i at the house houe adjourned tw p pi march 7 march 7 10 pa V opening exercises co cc the fish and game com mitiA raf I 1 ported favorably on the Counci councile lb ta T r relating elating to fish and game it task loakes wl the penalty tor for using giant more severe and protects quatt li OK i w tour four years the vote on OB striking out the p provision rak allowing campers in III the mon moan talus to kill male deer during ceriale mouths months was a ties tie and the voted la in favor of striking out tell premium on junketing I 1 the bill prohibits hunters from 9 boott side of this territory from of and shipping it away hoge said 1110 ti re reason a therefore was that colorado dt d hunters were killing deer in utah cog tbt at 1 l bill provides tor for a tash and game cook 13 missioner in each county appo appointive vs at by the county court asked if it was humane and just to make the law apply to 71 indians alien thought it was the bill passed by a vote of 19 to L 1 4 moyle movie from the committee on en cation reported a bill conforming wl the governors suggestions N a deaf mute institute the bu building idin fr w must be erected upon the Un university iverel ty grounds and or so much there of as may be necessary is appropriated or an aa an anneal a net privation pria tion lot of WO OOOO for the main maintenon of the institute is made i L the vote ote on making the bill special spec order lor for tomorrow w was a s a tie and U abe speaker voted against postpone postponement men and consideration of it was coutino several amendments to reduce afa amount of the appropriation were put moyle and roge hoge were the only aw w who favored hatch moved to make the ame amount 1 I at Oar carried ried farnsworth said enough to ered erect di I 1 suitable buildings should be ale abed d 0 otherwise ther wise not more than falb F I 1 wu vw needed and moved to reconsider te king said eaid the latter sum was elout c and thought possibly the govern F might be induced to reconsider his at ac tion against the purchase 0 of tk r hooper residence for tr the motion to reconsider was cl car I 1 ried aud and the question of the amen amount pt was again before the house farns farna wort and king favored carfi tons ious amounts were voted U pop but til tb I 1 house honse again fixed upon i hatch batch moved to make the aa MW 1 appropriation to for maintenance A instead of carried U ate N wu the original mover of for buil buildt ing 1129 A communication from mayor arro tron itron i trong tendered the tenth ward quare for fair buildings tinder certin restrictions and conditions laboue which was stipulated the arec ion of suitable structures at a cost coat of abot t less than biowell moved to refer the comma lc i atlon cation to the agil agricultural cultural committee ith instructions to draw a bill to beet uie the conditions of the tender thurman thought the assembly had bad ad jd out oat about enough money and acht to pause those hoge and favored the potion tion and an appropriation tor for fair oyle said that by appropriating appropriation 9 1000 for fair buildings the territory uld old get more than that amount bailhe ai the city he claim of J Z stewart for 1880 amount of a witness certificate ad d by him and that of H G lau tor for were favorably re ted led upon by hatch chairman of it committee churman Ibur maa of the judiciary committee arted arted favorably the bill adzin the jit orial secre tees fees ailef filed oyle boyle introduced a bill to provide the election of the officers of the M society by the assembly id d ae e jury bill waa amended and aad bed ed unanimously cess till 2 pm 2 pm p ni he e governor approved the equall OD bill a nd the ono one in relation to insurance ins us arance urance companies c e elections committee reported bably upon the liquor bill ke e bill in relation to county re lera era defining def laing their duties etc was 1 by sections debate abate took place on the provision OX it optional with county re lers era whether or not they make out oat facts acta of title on application eer offered an amendment to make aleatory liga tory upon recorders to furnish acts ing boneff hoge and mclaughlin roved oved the amendment holding hold icil it roper oper to compel recorders to fur abstracts unless they might se to do so the bill passed by namous vote from the claims committee tn mended the appropriation 61 to 0 A M musser as compensation te for five A 7 years as fish commis er r 4 ge moved to make the amount ee lost the report was adopted eh from the same committee reel red on the claim of G B R belnap ft ff of weber county recommend at be appropriated to him bim tor for dance on OB the first district court aport was withdrawn withdraw on a teen tech defect ie house concurred in the council dment to the banking bill making cretara ecret cre tary ary of the territory |