Show A PREMATURE announcement OuR article on the death of emperor william in yesterdays issue was premature the reason ol of this is apparent and the fact pardo pardonable nible so go fir far as the is ia concerned the son source rc e I 1 upon which we rely for foi information concerning events of great pith and moment as they transpire abroad the telegraph ts is responsible that means of communication comianni cation asserted distinctly that the venerable monarch passed to the beyond yesterday we could not do otherwise than believe the statement the error on OB the part of the is still more pardonable when it to Is considered that a great creat many german papers were equally premature in their announcement of the greal mans demise A statement comes to the abe effect that the journals loar nals who did so are 6 to be prosecuted although our disposition for or caution has been awakened we presume it may be safely stated now that the crupe emperor is no more unless a counter dispatch should arrive sh shortly it wa may be taken for granted in anted that kaiser wihelm entered upon his last sleep at hall past eight this morning the incident is the absorbing topic in fatherland which now palpitates tates with intense feeling much anxiety is entertained regarding probable developments of the future growing out of the changing of the head bead of the government |