Show SCHOOL government AT one of the recent sessions of the salt lake county teachers association the subject of school government was discussed the published minutes of the proceedings were brief and a commensurate idea of the debate and the views expressed could not well be formed iti if they be taken for a base it ap appeared p eared however so far as we could inter that extreme views were ad in favor of the adoption of both the and inductive processes fortunately the happy medium had its votaries vot aries we believe and hope because of the importance of the subject thattie last class referred to preponderated the teacher who is deficient in government has mistaken his bis calling and after he be has exhausted all ali the processes known to the school room room land is atiat unsuccessful he be should at once seek some other profession salon for which he is better adapted by nature in this connection as well oe ne stated flatly that he be who advocates and resorts solely to the process will never succeed anis is notably the case in this community where the children as a rule are brave independent and self willed these being abeln conspicuous constituents of the generality of pupils any appeals to their fears are so many attempts upon a practically nonexistent non uon existent element of their composition therefore failure is written upon that process when u unmixed ll 11 with the inductive method a and n the same word is inscribed upon the e career of the teacher who persists in its application it is not hel held dhere here that children should be treated and handled in the schoolroom school room or elsewhere in a similar way to what people of mature years should be they sho shoal alJ J however be governed from the same general base which applies to humanity of all ages not only should wholesome rules be established but appeals should be made to their affections to their honor mud and their intelligence as well as to their cearto fear to induce antl uce the scholars to con form to them the purely purel coercive plan wilt will never the desired off act no one is tit fit for or the position of teacher who does no nos because it if thus defective ne e will be unable to co inspire that sentiment in the pupils toward himself the reasonableness of this proposition is apparent when the self evident tact fact i iia considered that children will much more mere readily obey and receive instruction from those for baom they have an affectionate regard thant they will yield their will to one for whom they have no personal personal onal liking punishment applied plied Ners by bv one who is unloved renders the recipient more defiant rather than more submissive when chastisement is administered after the reason tor for it is made clear cleaf by one who loves the victim v ic tim of it and th that tender sentiment is reciprocal the pupil in that condition and thus treated is wounded in his feelings a as 8 well as corporally and will ordinary ordin ordinarily arl 1 seek to regain his bis place in the estimation of the teacher As an illustration of what we have been trying to elucidate there is a school in this county where disorder some ume time ago largely prevailed the teacher was A great believer judging from his methods in the efficacy of alie purely method his extraordinary punishments had no effect whatever in bringing about a better condition our understanding is that it became worse instead ot of better today da that same school is according to information information conveyed to us one of the most orderly in IB this part of the territory what caused the transformation A change of teachers which bro brought kight a different system of government 0 one based on appeals to the love honor and intelligence of the pupils ll 11 combined with punishment when ft it is absolutely re required A further result of a beneficial character feces sary follows the children make much more rapid progress pros ress in their studies which they learn TK love the desire to please teacher whom they hold bold in affectionate esteem and regard bein being a potent mental stimulus |