Show arhim FIEND THE MURDERER IS SUPPOSED TO BE A YOUNG RUSSIAN naw YORK nov 12 the new york ot of today contains a cable from pariz pari i a translation ot of which la Is heie herewith given A few weeks ago while sItti sittia rf in the cate cafe de boulevard I 1 happened to took look in an english newspaper suddenly my interest was awakened by a 4 n otice notice stating that the corpse of a young girl bad been found in she khe had bad evidently been murdered ad added ded to this was the statement that a few days ago a murder had taken place on the same spot under similar circumstances which had caused great excitement cit ement among the lower classes ot of the population involuntarily this newspaper notice brought my ta back to the time of my stay in paris 3 ears ago at that time a series of atrocious murders marders had bad filled all paris with horror and indignation and spurred sparred the parisian police on to a feverish activity the fiendish deeds at that time he bad d an antonis astonishing hing similarity timi larity to the brutal murder the account of which I 1 had just read toe the horrid mutilation of the body in all cases was the same I 1 soon however forgot the tearful fearful coincidence and would not have thought of it more had noisome not some time alter ward the news of another horrible murder attracted my attention then again those fearful reminiscences came with force forceno for ceto to my mind andal remembered all tse the circumstances cum stances as they were impressed upon it fifteen years yeara before my memory did not retain the name of the in murderer rd who afterwards not through barough the ability of the police but more through an accident had bad been brought to trial but I 1 remember that the murderer did not pay with his bis life for the fiendish deed and the possibility lity that the same man had now regained nis his liberty shot into my head was the same mine man who was then called the savior of lost souls by the people still living and at liberty the conclusion was terribly logical that he bad begun this boody bloody activity now low on oil tue the other side of the channel so ho the first thing I 1 wanted to know was whether this man had bad regained his liberty in my inquiries I 1 found that his bis name was Ni nicholaus chelaus wassily and that he be bad left the russian city of in the department of cherban Cb Ch ersan where he had bad been imprisoned since the first of january of the year this does not however yet prove the identity of the savior of lost souls with the woman killer of but it is perhaps a clue which will awaken interest the world over the tollow follow ing facts are gathered from dili diligent ent res researches ear clies the acts of the palais de justice in parts paris and from the private lunatic asylum in bayonne Bayon nc in the year 1872 there was a movement in the orthodox church of russia against some sectarians sect arians which cause caused d a good deal of excitement some gome of the people who were menaced because of their religion tied lied from the country most of them w were ere peasants who without many pangs could take leave of their homes where suffering stared them in the face on all sides but Nichol nickolaus Nic bolaus sus wassily left a good home Hs parents were quite wealthy they had him well educated and had even sent him to the colle college e at odessa but nicholaus was a fanatic sectarian and he be soon assumed the role of leader among them the chief belief of his bis sect was in the renunciation nuncia tion of all earthly joylin order to secure immortal life in paradise Pa after death members of the sect whether male or female were strictly forbidden to have anything to do with the opposite sex wassily lied fled to paris he waa an excellent type of a russian he had bad a tall a regular manly physiognomy burning languishing eyes and a pale waxen like complexion he avoided all contact with his bis countrymen country men taking I 1 up a small lodging in the quarter tard where all aff the poor and miserable of paris live here he be soon became a riddle to la his neighbors he used to stay all day long in his room studying books at nightfall he went out ana wandered through the streets until the morning dawned helas he WAS often seen talking with abandoned women in the streets si and it soon became known that he followed a secret mission in so that voice of the people called him the savior of lost souls first tte ne tried mild persuasion in speaking to the poor lallen creatures by the light of the street lanterns he lectured them telling gt them to return to the path ot of virtue and give up their life of shame when mere words had no effect he went so far as to put premiums on virtue and save gave large sums to the co cottes on condition that they dommen commended dId a new 1 life ile some 0 of the women were realy touched by his earnestness and promised to follow b bia is advice he could oft often enbe be seen on the street corners preaching prea chias to gaudy nymphs who bitterly shed tears his mission did not seem to be crowned with success he often met on the streets girls who had taken a holy oath that they would sin nomore no more then there was a change he would ap approach goach a woman speaking to her in a kindly I 1 way and would follow her home then when alone with the helpless creature he be would takeout take out a butcher knife ku eelon her prostrate body and force her to take an oath not to solicit again lie ile seemed to b believe e lieve in these forced oaths oatha and always went away seemingly happy one evening ilabe the savior of lose souls as usual left his home in the rue de richelieu lie he met a young woman not with that impertinent smile which leaves nobody lobody in doubt about her vocation but in a decent way she crossed his path an elegant figure and beautiful eyes wassily y was armed against the glances of woman but this girls look seemed to make a deep impression on him he spoke to her she was was a lost one too but not with brutal force with kindness he be touched her so deeply that she told him the whole story of her life the story of a poor parentless ess girl ri through fate had bad been torn from ha happiness and splendor into a world of of misery and shame wassily for the first time I 1 in a his life tell in love with a women he procured a place in a business house for her and paid liberally for her support although he made her believe that she was supporting herself her sef for several weeks the girl who had some regard forber for her protector kept sra craight ight in the path of virtue but one day when Was wassilly siy visited her name home a thing he seldom did and then only when an old gg guardian ardian of hers was present he found that she was gone fone she ad left lef t a note to him in which she said that though thankful to him for all his kind kindness nees her life was n W too canni ant for her and she pre berred to ue lett alone wassily was in a fearful mood after this alawan he waa dered so restlessly through the streets as to awaken the attention of the constables eight weeks afterwards be disappeared at tile the same fawe made line li nethe the woman be had bail supported was found murdered in the quarter where she aad formerly led a life of shame two days atter afterwards wards I 1 in a quiet side street of the faubourg Fau Faub bourg st germain Ger maln ah the corpse of another murdered woman und three days afterwards a phryne of the quartier couf betard was butchered at night time all the murders were perpetrated in the same horrible way as those in 14 White chavel jewels and everything of value on the corpses remained untouched five more victims were found butchered in dis des pantheon between the boulevard la st micael and de chos pital then on the rue de lyon an attack was made on a girl who bad a chance to cry tor fer help before she was strangled A throns throng gathered the police arrived and the mur derer was captured it was nicholaus wassily the mob wanted to lynch him himbur but be was protected when his trial was ia progress his lawyer jules glammer Gl anmer claimed that his bis client was insane the ury decided that such was the case and wassily was sent back to russia after a short stay in the pr private vate asylum at bayonne from fir as ampol 01 he was released on january I 1 of this t s year ear T this 18 in short is the history I 1 unearthed e Is wasilly the el murderer denver news |