Show THE NEWMAN CHURCH SQUABBLE I 1 0 RECENTLY there was another stormy meeting of the trustees and bemb members ers of the congregational church in new york over which J 11 newman was pastor it was so uproarious uproarious that when chairman I 1 hopkins called for someone to be begin lu the proceedings proper with prayer no person present could be found who had the temerity to ask the bles bies blessing sinz of heaven upon the menagerie so the squabble ivenson went on without A vote by ballot showed a selection of five of the nine trustees on the ranney or oranti aati sati newman side of the controversy which finally settled the matter of his removal of which howe however ver yer he had felt assured before that being the reason of his departure for san francisco A mortgage on the church building has been foreclosed tore closed and tha the structure will ivill be put up at auction on the ath tay day lay of february the affairs of the association having resolved into chaos financially ai as well as in the matter of fellowship |