Show WEBER COUNTY ITEMS PUMI SUMMARY MARY uary OF LATE EVENTS eril erli fri eri FROM l tvr OUR REGULAR correspondent 4 OGDEN OGDIN CITY utah january 19 1885 editors deseret new nel 1 winter has set in here in earnest eor for a week past we have been visited with SNOW stor STORMS rs which appear to have filled the mountain gorges and ravines with the beautiful and have covered the landscape below witha with la lovely mantle of the same kind we have about 16 inches of snow on the level every day but more especially evening and away into the night the music of the sleigh bells rings out upon the crisp bracing atmosphere as the dashing steeds and elegant chariots filled with merry beaux and sweethearts glide with rap rapidity city over earths bosom covered with its ita snowy coating everybody Is taking advantage of the opportunities tuni ties thus afforded to enjoy this healthy recreation the snow at this time would have been much deeper than it is had nou dot one or hwo two thaws caused a large quantity to dissolve and find its way to the small streams and thence to ane rivers last night about tour four inches more fell and this mornin morning the hearts of the sleigh riders were e gladdened by the sight of this new Na natures winding sheet in which our common mother is enveloped I 1 regret that I 1 cannot report improvement pro in COMM CONINI RECIAL matteis matters mattens MATTERS in thi city the complaints of dull hard times among business men have become monotonous and there does not adt appear inny any linin immediate ed late prospector prospect of matters in this thib direction becoming much better A great reat number of the laboring classes are out of employment ment tand andas al s a consequence expert ence much inconvenience but still as a community we have many things to be grateful grated ua for among which Is the gratify gratifying int fact faut that none of our people ge are suffering for tor the lack of food there is plenty in the country and those who have abundance administer liberally to those of their brethren who have been less fortunate than themselves hence the poor have been supplied with BREAD meat nuel FUEL L also with articles of clothing bedding etc to comfort and warm them during this inclement weather the frost hitherto has not been so deep and continuous as it was a year ago so there has not been as great an ic ice e harvest as there was this time last year still a considerable amount of the uhe congealed water has been cathe gathe gathered I 1 e and gud stowed away for use when th the e heated term shall come on saturday and sunday the weber stake QUARTERLY conference was held in the tabernacle which I 1 was well crowded with people from here and remote parts of the county the reports of the bishops of the various wards were good and cheering notwithstanding the numerous drawbacks the people have encountered during the year issi 1881 there is bot hot much ciuch sickness in the stake the people are not very despondent and all adverse ae legislation isolation and diacri discriminating MI enactments against and attempts to prosecute them in the free i e bof their RELIGIOUS convictions 01 only onis ily liy tend to make malce them more united for their common defense to stand by their their convictions and to honor by a steadfast adherence to them they do not feel excited about these mao matters they pursue pursur the even eyen e en tenor of the way minding their own business and putting themselves on the defensive against any encroachment on their rights and privileges from others president george Q cannon and apostle F D richards gave some very excellent and appropriate instructions to the latter day saints during he Conference stimulating them to continued diligence in and fidelity to the caule cause of god reminding them of the provi dences of the almighty in the protection in the past and assur assuring 1 1 u them that ills liis arm will be stretched stretch ea out still to sustain them in the future if they will be true to themselves in carr carrying in 1 out ills his codus counsels els eis and obeying his I 1 s 11 laws lawm W the various institutions of the church were represented as being in excellent condition and full forkla working I 1 order all of which deserve especial mention though it may be brief it will be conceded by parents and guardians of this people that we cannot pla pia place ce too high an estimate on OUR OUK OWN SUNDAY SCHOOLS loois winch ich are accomplishing so in much uch per j manent good among tile the juveniles of 01 this community the report of the stake Su superintendent eli ell showed not only onix an increase of attendance at the sunday schools during hio hip the last lat three months but great improvement pro in the methods and in means eans of instruction in these valuable institutions tut ions and also aiso that the best talent that can be found in the various wards of the county is employed to instruct the children and imbue their ivun young minds with a reverence aud and love iove lov iov e for tue TUB SUPREME BEING to in the very fundamental principles of the gosp gospel eland and teach them how hoy to obtain a knowl knowledge efge efte of their redeemer whyile lived s suffered and died on the eross there are 25 of these sabbath institutions in this stake 19 pf af which were reported at the conference sor for ence the re report port stated that in the 19 there was a membership of six schools were not reported but their theli growth may be judged from the fact that there were se arcely scarcely meni members ers enrolled in the 25 schools three months since yesterday there was reported male and female officers ceis cels and land teachers in the schools a total of W all these ladles ladies and gentlemen are punctual energetic and take great delight in their labors labora of love in teaching the juvenile members of the community the true way of life there is inthe in the territory a membership of rr from rn forty five thousand to FIFTY THOUSAND attending our sunday schools which with primary associations are power ful auxiliaries in preparing them for higher studies and fitting them for the detles duties of life and honorable positions in society THE MENS MUTUAL improvement ME NT associations were reported by superintendent E II 11 anderson there are twenty one associations in the county with a total membership of the average attendance at their meetings is very good hood and the interest evinced by the young oung men in the work of improving fang their intellectual status is highly hl gh ly commendable they bavo havo excellent well selected libraries in all the branc branch h associations and the young men of israel devote their time to study and intellectual culture instead of as formerly spending it in frivolous pastime PRECEPTOR CLASSES have for some time past been iii in operation in a number of ot the associations and yesterday superintendent anderson adopted measures with the for the organization of a class in every association in the stake the result ot whose workings will without doubt be highly beneficial to the tha students stu denus denis I 1 look upon upon these associations as e embryo m theological co og ca co colleges ewes from rom nom w which I 1 will graduate ra aate more eminent divines than have ave emanated abated hitherto I 1 from any of the sch schools is of modern christendom for while the systems and ethics of the latter teach men to worship a nonentity the theological sciences taught in the former will make men ac acquainted zb aisted with the true and living G god 0 teach them how to approach and ultimately to attain to an eternal association with him superintendent anderson takes a deep interest in and labors constantly to promote the continued growth of these valuable institutions the young ladies ladles are not a whit behind the young gentlemen in their improvement p pro rove in ent associations and in cultivating vi every virtue that will fit them to grace the various positions in life they may be called to fill I 1 must not close this communication without paying pay lag a tribute of respect to the LADIES RELIEF SOCIETIES itis it is almost impossible to overes overestimate h the value of these societies the members of which are friends indeed and ministers of mercy they are constantly engaged ed in visiting the sick relieving lieving ieving the necessities of the indigent and reaching those sufferers whom the sterner sex can scarcely gain access to chev are untiring in their zeal and work with assiduity at whatever their hands find to do none know better how to value nor more fully appreciate their services and efficient assistance than the bishops of the wards they are arc helps in government and save the tho bishops much time toil and an anxiety WEBER |