Show BY TELE GRAPH PER WESTEEN WESTERN UNION lins linz rd E 1 1911 luly C A N denver desver 2 29 09 on reassembling this afternoon the convention took up the question of representation the committee on credentials in its report had announced 1041 delegates present with proper credentials but in view of the fact that some of the the counties in colorado were represented by a hundred or more delegates while others were represented by a much smaller number 9 the committee recommended as a matte matter rot of justice to all parts of the state that each county represented be allowed double the number of votes accredited to it at elie the late republican and democratic state conventions A delegate moved as an amendment that each delegate present be allowed one vote aa an angry discussion fo followed lowed ending in the adoption option a of the report the committee on peri perl permanent organization reported the name of ex gover nor james B grant for permanent challman chairman chai chal iman A minority report of the same committee recommended ex senater tabor tabon for permanent chairman then ensued a scene almost indescribable and certainly disgraceful there were yells hisses laughter shouting and mot motions ioris to adjourn sine die a perfect mob of crazy the chairman was wholly unable to control A delegate finally obtained recognition from froin the chair and in a powerful speech in the interest of harmony succeeded in bringing order out of the chaos in the interest of silver for the sake of colorado t he mo moved mosed vedas as a substitute for bothne both reports that gov B H eaton be made permanent chairman the motion was unanimously adopted the balance oi of the majority report was subsequently adopted A committee co on resolutions and memorials was appointed consisting of one from each county in colorado and one from each of the other states and territories represented in the convention on motion a committee of I 1 12 was appointed to consi consider er t the report upon the question of the form formation ion lon of a national silver j association the corn coin of delegates from each of the states represented in the convention ven tion adjourned till 10 tomorrow washington 29 after a lo 10 long iong til oll discussion it was agreed by a vote vot of f 22 to it 11 to submit to congress t the he draft of the bill defining defining the liability of common carriers on bills bails of lading prepared b by y the executive council instead of the bill favored by the new york board of trade the regulation of interstate inter state commerce was referred to a special committee authorized to report to the executive council at this session of the board if possible a bill embodying the necessary legislation upon the subject the question of promoting the in crease ot of american shipping was discussed for several hours and a resolution adopted commending commending ito to congress the enactment of house bill III ill no which provides that tile the postmaster general be authorized in his discretion to contract with american steamship companies for the conTe conveyance yance of mails malls at a rate not to exceed 1 per mile the amount to be paid in this manner not to exceed the sum received from ocean postage by the united states the board also referred the matter of american shipping to the executive council for further consideration with the request that the council counell examine the method adopted by the french government forthe for the encouragement of its mercantile marine the next matter taken up was the resolution of the new now york board recommending the abolishment of the ne certification of invoices by united states consuls at the port of ship shipment the resolution was defeated 9 to 18 adjourned until tomorrow to th morrow the following is understood to be the vote in detail upon the ratification of the treaty ayes aldrich allison bowen cameron of wisconsin chase conger cullom edmunds erye erve Frye hale harrison hawley hoar mai jonas jones of florida jones of nevada lapham mcmillan mahone manderson maxey miller of california morgan palmer pendleton pike I 1 piatt platt latt puch push sawyer sherman van wyck and wilson 32 nal nays vs bayard beck beek butler call camden cockrell coke colquitt garland gariand george gibson gorman Gro groome oine orne hampton harris jackson kenna lamar ransom saulsbury vance and vest 23 not two thirds the change of front upon the sherman amendment is explained thus several senators who favored the amendment but were opposed to the treaty voted against the amendment in coin coln committee cittee of the whole fea fearing ring its adoption would hel hei help heip p the treaty when the treaty was reported to th the senate and the vote recurred upon the sherman amendment some friends of the treaty who were opposed to the amendment amendment voted in the affirmative as a means of winning win in n 11 support to the treaty itself the ta failure in re of which was foretold by the votes in committee of the whole in response to the house resolution calling for information respecting rejecting ting the participation of the united states in tile the congo conference the president today to day sent to the house a report submitted by tile the secretary of state to the president the secretary says that some time must elapse before the full documentary hist history to of the transaction can be laid bhore before congress confess but in view of the general interest interest taken in the subject he submits a preliminary report leaving the transmission lon ion or of papers to follow lie he then gives in detail the causes and motives of the participation of this govern in entin the berlin conference all of which are well known to the american public it being established the report proceeds that the conference was not to have plenipotentiary f functions unc une no special credentials were needed to enable kasson to attend as the delegate of this government he being alread already accredited as minister to the imperial I 1 court the instructions sent kasson were brief but precise as to the exclusion of questions of territorial jurisdiction by direction of the president mr henry sanford whose relation to the international association representing the free states of congo seemed to fit him for the work was appointed associate delegate on OD behalf of the united states his course tobe to be governur governed ol by the instructions sent kasson sanford not baingan being an officer office of this government was accredited by a letter addressed by the undersigned undersigner under signed to the minister of foreign affairs of germany as associate delegate thereso the resolution of the house calls for the text of the credentials or powers given representatives presenta tives of the united sates states and the letter crediting accredit ac in sanford will vill be transmitted with the rest of the correspondence i at an early day it was however mentioned that it confers no definite powers on him it merely recites the proposal of the imperial government that associate delegates having special knowledge of the condition of affairs in western africa and especially in the region of the congo should assist at the meetings of the conference and formally ac credits sanford as ns such associate delegate on behalf of the united states suase subsequently bently the report e ort says henry AT M stanley was wa ir invited cited by the conference itself to appear and give information touching the congo region as to which he is admitted to be the original and solo sole authority stanleys Stan leys name appears in the pro protocols tools of the proceedings as associate delegate of the united states but he was not accredited otherwise than by kassous Kass personal introduction neither sanford nor stanley have had a vote in the proceedings ce the voting had been by countries the delegations each voting as a unit As a fact the voting is quite a matter of form the latest dispatches received from Ki kasson asson secretary Freling huysen says being proceedings up to december 15 on which day the conference adjourned until january ath up to that lime time the department of state bas has had bad no reason to leel icel otherwise than satisfied with the discretion prudence and ability with which kasson has carried out the instructions given him besides limiting the position of the united states to one of commercial interest abed from the question of territorial control he has been attentive that no acton act on our part shall deviate from a consistent national policy polie birmingham ala 29 A special to the age from jonesboro Jone ala says A A most horrible murder was the kv killing ill lii last night near here of bennett parsons a respectable farmer 72 years of a age e between 9 0 and 10 pm according ors org to their story mrs parsons and he her r two daughters went to the stable for something and during their absence from the house they heard the tha report of a gun they paid little attention to it as it is not an exceptional occurrence and returning to the house retired they declare they did not find out parsons was shot until morning g when they found his body badly burned ori orf on the hearth in indis his room the coroners jury today to day rendered the following verdict Ber bennett mett parsons came to his death by being shot with a gun we believe in the hands of bf his wife we also believe his two daughters were accessory to the grime crime ST louis 1 29 2 the post dispatch prints an article this morning based on the statement ofa of a person whom it calls a well known local dynamiter to the effect that cunningham now under arrest in london in conecpion with the recent explosion at the tower is the same young man who two years ago lived liere here and who was written up lip at the time as an art explosive and infernal machine maker I 1 together with a full ful report of a scheme to blow up all the tile public buildings in london he was known as Al ithael J byrne ile he was a harness maker by trade and devoted his spare time and money to experimenting in explosives and making infernal in machines ile he also lived in chicago where he was known as james glib gilbert ert and in philadelphia where he went by the name namu of james cunningham he ile claimed to have havu been obliged to leave ireland because buse he was implicated inn 11 caterin in the murder of a landlord but this story was not much relied u upon on byais by his friends ile he was in denver deaver last last P august but since bince then has not been heard from cunningham the man charged with causing tie tae the explosion at the tower has been photographed and copies sent to new Y york ork and paris for tor the purpose of identification ALBANY 29 what appeared to be a sensational paragraph was printed in the journal this evening it was to the effect that president elect Clevela cleveland tid fid was visited last night by ex speaker randall in response to a letter of invitation vi sent him at washington immediately after his arrival arnival here nere er e harr hair dall doll was riven eriven to clevelan Clev elands d 8 t temporary ampo abode where the two men had a conference lasting several hours this morning the talk was ren renewed elved and at its conclusion randall kandall returned to new york speaker carlisle is also mentioned as having been invited by cleveland and Is expected to arrive saturday da morning mornin col D I 1 SJ lamont Lain ont private private secretary of the president elect corroborates the statement that randall was here and in consultation with the president elect and that carlisle is expected but beyond that be was extremely reticent rumor humor has it that the president elect is not satisfied with the way things are going on in congress and wants randall and carlisle to adopt haopt some fresh and vigorous policy of 01 course nobody has his the smallest particle of information asto as to what took place between cleveland and randall ran Ean dall dail but it is the general bellet belief that nothing in the line of cabinet appointments was mentioned JERSEY CITY 9 SO 30 A railroad accident lias has occurred with aitho 7 70 p passengers as on board it is remarkable that many dany were not killed outright the rear brak brakeman eman epan broke the upper windows of the q rear boac coach an and helped P out the passengers nen ers the over overturned turne stoves iset yet fire lire to tot the wreck in several places but it was extinguished by the efforts of the brakemen and the rescued passengers the long branch express carne came along afew a few minutes after tile the disaster but by the danger signal A special especial train was sent out but from jersey city and brought back the passengers from the trains t jersey city N J 30 tiie tile the philadelphia express on an the readia heading railroad was wrecked at greenville this ills morning some lives are reported lost the thie train consisted of four coaches well filled with passengers the accident occurred between danforth avenue station and the cemetery bridge the tile train was running rapidly when a wheel of the forward coach broke and the car was derailed it ran into a coal train and was upset and the other three cars were wrecked the accident was witnessed by a mounted policeman who telephoned the facts to police headquarters various hospitals have dispatched surgeons and ambulances to the scene up to the present time 25 wounded persons have been removed irom from the wreck many more have yet to be extricated NEW YORK 30 failures the last seven days for the US 17 17 9 canada 37 total as com eom compared parea with a total of last week and the week previous there is a decrease I 1 in every s section ce of the country though failures in the west and gouth south are still very numerous DENVER colo 30 30 in the national silver convention this morning the committee on resolutions presented majority and minority reports the first advocates the in of the tile bland act to its limit thus securing g the coinage of four million silver dollars monthly the minority leport favors free and unlimited coinage it is not likely that either of these reports will vill be adopted as presented the reports are now under discussion i washington SO 30 when the national board of trade resumed its session today to day baythe the proposition from the portland oregon board of trade reciting the necessity for improvement of the Colum columbia blA bia was taken up and senator dolph offered the following resolved that the necessities of commerce demand the speedy removal ot of the obstructions to navigation in the columbia river and we recommend to congress that sufficient appropriation be made to secure secure the completion of the improvements already commenced upon the river and bar at the earliest practicable time consistent with the economical expenditure ot of the appropriation Jo Senator dolph proceeded to set forth the importance of the proposed improvement pro e ment to the northwest the improvement pro em t of the columbia river should not be charged to oregon it was not a local project but hut ut a plan for rendering navigable a river that drained vou square miles the valuable products products exported from its valley ag aggregated 19 legated 05 last jear year mr dunham seconded the resolution lie ile said it would be well if the board could convince members of congress that the people were not in sympathy with the ideas of economy the people P ople opie were not so solicitous in regard question of money moncy we 0 hear ear car a g great deal about the rate of ta taxation tion zat nat being ein eln too hi high hili li and that thal it should be reduced ll 11 lie lle N did not bisp b ij blip blie ahro is p in reducing ing taxation to such at ali all extent that it would run into niggardly economy lie he did not believe ia it tile tiie appropriation ot of money where there was way no necessity for it or where |