Show iosi mia rina gain charter CHAPTER 1 I I 1 vos tr ten D b ck a yr afar nr aci acy with bdour bahous rever halver cc 11 my 1 1 ator 4 tor pronounced mo me cured I 1 lit tit I 1 vt cut ick lek agalio 1 with ter terrice ribe a pains irai itai cy iy nick rick and ide il fand aind I 1 got EO bad tad I 1 ouid could ia nut I 1 I 1 from lbs ibs to 1201 I 1 had beena been abo toeing boing tr far my liver but it 11 did me ua roud loud lid iid ild live lire dupre than turf e mouths I 1 bewan began to use I 1 hop rop rs directly my appetito ap petita re my rny pain pains ift ft me ine my enire system seemed renewed is ir by magic and after using bot ottlia tica I 1 nm am wa not only onty as sound as aa FL A eov bov erl eri erlin p rijn in but belah lore than I 1 did before to 11 II p biters I 1 owe my lire dublin anne fi 81 81 41 as fitzpatrick low how TO GET SICK yourself uy day mid wid eat too toa anch w 1 wl l I hont bont ex erelee work too hard res doctor ull all ail the time take all I 1 lie lle vila no ruins advertised and ana ani then yon will want to tg know kinow how to get well which is answered in three aivord take tale llop hop ferb fers 5 we dom doln pedro emperor of brazil 3 se lodl lodI ill lil american americ in apat flour large largely lr exported to balone Baione arone sal sni d iv coutts has tnt pe u world orld orid A R it i ali alfs s cy at of alton anada and or va burned ats ate abst afst t louis yester ester b ay 1 A I num dt 61 geals eeals haa V bean een cen in new york harbor since the last cold coid pen icv spell i abight A night school lias jias been open eri erl eci in slug sing to teach convicts how to read mr hir glymp plympton ondas jias lias made a large laik fortune by hl an invention of the roller skate 9 W queen victoria won all the c champion amelon i honors for cattle at smithfield lon london on tais tins year the emperor of china sleeps on a bedstead that has been in use for two et ct nt uries urles 4 woman in holland has confessed to sixteen murders committed within a few years 1 l the bursting of the huron milldam at wit houghten houe roue iten mich illch yesterday caused mused ahr death of six persons canadian credit abroad is affected ly by the failure of the dominion government to float a small loan S L ilaray a man with four wives ivas w as arrested in nottoway county va tum TUO rh pd with bigam bigamy ly arfi escorp Z ekach I 1 of college who is 83 has never been ill a day in his life he has few rivals A monument to the memo mamorv r V of mozart is about to be erected at vienna r lenna ienna a century after the lilae maestros death D J burke of shoal luver inver jackson county fla is the father of 1 M boys and four girls he married five times dr beatty coroner of lambton near toronto died suddenly while holding aa L 9 inquest on a murdered woman I 1 i |