Show BAD COW BOYS NOW HOW TWO CATTLE T hlll TABLES ON the southern utah times details particulars tic ulars of how two cowboys cow boys named respectively jack lorbes horbes and aud james hudson on the 1 12 th of december i drove nine head of cattle into frisco and an d endeavored to negotiate a sale saie s le with james the butcher at that place I 1 he rie refused to buy thinking th luin inin the cattle had been stolen and the cowboys cow boys drove away i deputy sheriff bom bow bowen en sus suspecting pectin 1 them went out and got them to drive L back under pretense of effecting a purchase and having discovered disco vered sered stolen cattle among their herd held the two men nien in custody they w were ere cre examined before justice theror of maford ford but through insufficient evidence were subsequently discharged and left for other parts leaving tile tiie cattle in frisco where the rightful right tid tiu owners one of them president murdock INI lyl of beaver soon claimed them thern oil on the tit uit nit robert francis one of the owners swore out a complaint against forbes and bludson and a warrant of arrest ivas as issued and placed in lii the hands handa of allicer sackett sac bac kett who accompanied compa nied by bob fraucis francis arted started t in lii pursuit of the cattle stealers steamers ste alers who wiio were M ere said sald to be at katchunis Ket chums chunis ran ranche clie cile W miles east of frisco both were heavily he avil avii y armed and had with them heavy chains and shackles they arrived at the ketchum Ketchu iu rancil i that and found the men there 1 as expected hudson fand and forbes Forb ess esi weme were unarmed and looked so ao innocent and i harln harin lebs lehs that sackett and francis cn eluded to postpone ulc argust until hier nier ninn tn the meantime intending to refresh themselves with a good square meal weal and a rest and in the morning quietly tio tie the boys to gether rether with their chains and shackles and drive with them back to frisco the next morning as the officers were proceeding to the corral to t a attend atte nd to their horses preparatory to returning imagine their surprise to hear the orde order orden r ring out on the clear morning doming i air I 1 throw up your hands I 1 at yrsa they could hardly believe their cars but on turning round there stood the two innocent cowboys cow boys one with a double barrelled shotgun and the other with a revolver aimed at them seeing no safe alternative the officers obeyed and after being disarmed were ordered back to frisco at double quick ilick the cowboys cow boys alloN allowed ved them kotave to have breakfast ana and lunch on the way and after taking their horses and everything they had followed them a few miles and an I 1 then left them to trudge a weary 40 45 miles the des ert en no without water they reached squires ranch on the foll ying ring ith ahter ahner much suffering the cowboys cow boys bays rode away on ori their horses and were ivere see seen n the following following monday fonday I 1 N evening by virgil compson and ana win mahoney about GO 60 miles southwest of ern enn friscoe scoto to whom they introduced thease themselves I 1 ves they were still riding sacketts Sac ketts horses and were heavily armed with their own and the weapons they took from the officers they tirey told mr compson that they in intended to remain about 1 and that they were ready to receive the whole of frisco if they wished to come out and take take them THURSDAYS DAILY JAN 10 E excommunication to it may concern on january ath 1884 john T leonard was cut off from the church of jesus christ of latter day saints for seduction JENs jentien jensen jent jeni len ien bisho bishop 1 R af M ilu ilc Y clerk cherk salina sevier county utah january ath sll sib issi acknowledgment NT the deseret hospital association tender to miss kate field their grateful acknowledgments led for tor her able abie ab lecture delivered in the social hall for the benefit of the hospital fund alsoto also aiso to general II 11 B clawson for the active interest he took in the arrangement arman arran kement of some of the principal details of the entertainment emmline Emm mise miNE B ivilla wills secy amputation imputation PROBABLE jt it is feared that the amputation of several toes on each foot will wiil be fondd found necessary in the case casc ofA ota of A 0 lamereaux of preston idaho now in loam an he is the youn yonn man who was so badly frozen on new now years eve wit while ile lle out leer deer huntin hunting paper several days ago dr ormsby 1 says the journal expresses the abo above c apprehension STILL AT IT A gentleman lust just down from hrom logan informs us its that yesterday 23 43 teams arrived in lil ogden Osden from loran loyan loaded with producer prot c I 1 to dispose of to tile hc merchants 0 of tibe tile i tile junction function city returning they would load up with oai oal coal procured from the 1 R G company Lom pany and thus the plucky work oes gocs on the weather in cache valley was nas n as mild and the roads pretty fair tim the harris narris BENEFIT A A benefit to thomas harrns harnis the affable and efficient doorkeeper door keeper at the salt lake theatre has been talked of for some time and ana we arc pleased to learn that the matter is fast as assuming sumin tangible shape and that the theatrical management and the fhe home dramatic club are interesting te themselves in his behalf the date set for the tile performance is wednesday next and the tile play selected the green lanes of england I 1 which v it created such a marked sensa bensa sensation tion last october PROVO the provo sex tons report for the six months ending dec 31 is as follows lung diseases 3 pneumonia 2 C childbed fever 1 convulsions 1 killed by accident 1 myinta 0 of the brain 1 shot by accident 1 cholera antum autum 9 1 I summer complaint 3 teething 1 1 strangulation 1 paralysis ara paralysis lysis 1 old age 2 f worms 1 stillborn 1 inflammation of f the bowels hovels bo vels veis 1 4 consumption 1 dropsy 1 heart disease 2 11 typhoid typhoid fever 1 not reported 1 total 28 two of the above number wore ivore brought from other gettle gettie settlements ments for interment ter ment jons jonn GILES sexton CO noldi nce kcf GAME the ogden merald herald says that oil olf tuesday ay eveni c euing ening D two fellows oil on board the southbound south boua boun IJ C train took in of more wealth than wit to the tune of yv 3 oil on the tile plea piea of to defray tati transportation por eapen expenses ies for cattle after they got kot the money the precious pair jumped off the car and headed back for OK 0 den the victim however had the train stopped at once and lie followed the men succeeded in securing the assistance of tile the police and had th the c fellows arrested they are now in n limbo tin work arl ari on the jyerald new ill lii phelps comer is i bein beine energetically pushed ahead the w walls walis lyls itis are arc completed to the third story atory inclusive and the tile laying of the roof and thil finishing shing of the interior will speedily spee illy follow the structure has lias an cast frontage of feet and is 30 feet in M edth it is built of cream colored brick with itha ltha a rock foundation iron fron columns column s and stone stony sills billa on the thu east cast pallia wall wail Is a tablet with the flu fiu fluris res gysi yand laud and on t cower cooer trot facing southeast south east cast a similar one n ith the word I 1 Il lerald herald iu in conspicuous letters lettera besides the three upper stories stornes there I 1 h a commodious basement the nera bera verald herald id will bo be upstairs up ups tairo and a portion of the thue building when finished let for stores storis etc our contemporary Is showing commendable energy we are glad orits of its prosperity elymm hymeneal HYi ENEAL EAL the tile ceremony which united in holy matrimony ma matrimony trimon n mr horace G whitney and miss manmon marion beatle beatie oas wash wag performed at 10 this morning in by president joseph F smith the young youn couple are well weli known residents of this city the groom being the son of horace K whitney esq and the bride the daughter of colonel ir II S beatle beatie A reception will be given at the residence d ence of the latter in the twelfth ward this eveni evening ngn we warmly congratulate our young friends on their union may their loy joy be lilethe like ilke the sunlight which beamed down so brightly upon their wedding day and their th e ir lives as pure as the snow which ch reflected its radiance from mountain mounta inand and vale JUVE instructor the latest issue of this valuable magazine has the th following interesting table of cont contents ants Ila lia hawaiian wallan wailan native illustrated harmony harny rno rdo ny of genesis and geology byj 11 II IV deseret S S union meeting topics of the times by the editor prize pietr poetry ry passing away by J 11 II IV night scenes in a great city cit by kennon chapter for the little littie litif ones lord nelson joy to the world music by T C gri griggs s scaling the sepulchre illustrated prize article tiie tile the persecutions oi of the saints hv by edwin P parry history of th the church interesting incidents learn to say s 1 ants no noi talking shapes sh a es 1 our 0 ur thoughts thou editorial thoughts s anecdote c of buelling duelling Du elling the instructor is always a welcome visitor and should go everywhere tim THE DANISH manh MANs deer DEEK the following though almost incredible is told as a positive fact A ii week ago last saturday at a whose name we will suppress residing in parleys canon about a antl mile mlle and a half below bishop hardys S p place ia cc was vas out rumma rummaging ginz around when avile n lle he discovered ahat what he supposed to be a couple of deer in the brush some distance below his house ile he at once repaired to his abode gt got 0 an axe and returning to the place where where the two animals were browsing pitched in and made short work of them both ile he then proceeded to cut off their heads and legs and haill halil hailing ng a passing assing team asked the driver to haul them X in up to his house the driver after taking a look at the e d dead ead cad creatures snIck snickered ereT whipped up and passed on evidently on the point of bursting with suppressed merriment another teamster wa was solicited in like manlier mantler same result finally a third person a neighbor of the t he axe wielding nimrod rod came by and on being greeted greate y a similar request glan gian glanced cedat at the two carcasses and in a tone ot of horror exclaimed why man alive jackasses jac kasses 1 ivl ivi kniatt vats ats clat elat dat I 1 I 1 I 1 cried the dane lane jackasses Jac kasses 11 repeated his neighbor Y Youve killed some blodys tame donkeys youre in for it indignantly cried the tile descendant of the sea kings kiep I 1 dems moose look a dem cars what I 1 am looking at said the horri lied nned neighbor pretty lon ion I 1 admit but it strikes me yours aint afat much sho shorter artt r and on he went not knowing knowin which sentiment of the two which struggled strolled within him for mastery to give way to disgust or amusement ML nt but Da Dani danl sliman silman was not to be put putdown down no one need to tell him he had ad slaughtered anything short of a couple of line moose and seeing that he on no one to assist til lil m he straightway shouldered one of his h is b bleeding I 1 ceding booty and hobbled off home with it whether he lie was convinced of his mistake eventually or whether he persisted in it so far as to eat his long eared victims weare we are not able to say the two tivo jacks immolated immo on the altar of his ignorance are I 1 supposed to have been estr esir estr a ays ys as no in that neighborhood came cameto to clain claim them ithem |