Show locala lews s hl FROM FRIDAYS DAILY JM jar 11 ay av anle ABLE AGENT will wm abel esq eso agent for the rocky mountains of hie pile chicago milwaukee and st paul railway hallway is ii in this city where he will make his headquarters ile he is a rustler and means to create business for the road he be represents he appears able olbie to do it GONE TO germa genma GERMANY N Y mr jacob moritz of this city left for germany today to day to visit his old home hoine at ingen heim Kh enish bavaria from which he has been absent for eighteen years lle lie ex expects C ets ts to return early in may alay we wish r h the gentleman a pleasant voyage voya ge to and from his destination GOVERNORS gover GovEn nors RECEPTION the public reception given to governor E ell eil H 11 murray is in progress at the opera house at the hour of going to press the affair is taking place on the third floor in the front part of the building The Opera house band is in attendance speeches had not commenced at last accounts WE wie CON congratulate bratu tte ite this is the anniversary of the birthday of prest fresl dent Q cannon cannou the number of his friends f s is legion and with them we heartily join oln in wishing him long life and health to continue a career both brilliant and usef useful ul he being one of the ablest men in america none is truer or more worthy 0 of the confidence of his friends and the public HOME AGAIN agans sister eliza ellza R snow smith returned on tuesday from brigham city where she has been visiting at the home of her brother Apostle lorenzo snow who accompanied her back to this city it is understood that her time since early in November when she went up north has been occupied in tracing the snow fam ilys genealogy genealogical tree and arjang arranging inz ing matter for a record to be published ere long JAIL BIRDS there are now reposing within the shadowy precincts of the city jail twenty eight cases two of them women Four fourteen Ceen of the men were out ont this morning working on the road chicken charl chari charley ey one of the inmates in ates complains of sickness resulting ng from a licking which never took place lace and has been mercifully excused from rom labor for a few days ile he has sworn solemnly that he will die rather than work which makes his plea of sickness look a little weak ACCIDENT AT THE DEPOT this mornin morning as the train loaded with rock for the temple was leaving the utah central depot the car which was ahead of the engine collided with a horse which someone had tied to an electric light pole on the depot grounds very near the track the car was thrown off and the rock dumped out upon the ground examination of the horse showed that his hips had been broken the poor beast was relieved of his misery by being put to death LATEST FROM PLEASANT VALLEY A letter from superintendent wm wilk G sharp at the pleasant valley coal fields recently received states that things remain at the burnt utah central mine in about the same state as last reported mrs mclean wife of john mclean malean maz ean whop with his son perished in the flames is kerylow indeed d 9 refusing yel Tel using to take food and causing causin glear rear fear in the minds ot of her friends that tha ts she e will not survive her terrible be bereave re a V ment she is very anxious to have ha v e t the 6 mine searched for the bodies TELEPHONE tet TEL eplion F COMPANY A meeting of the board ot directors of thel the hocky toce loce mountain bell telephone company was held ill in th this s city yesterday ani and some changes were made in the officers of tile tiie incorporation the resh resignation nation of gf A J pattison as vice tice president and treasurer having havin been received a general geneel aib A 19 I 1 A n elected to george YS YE wallace was elected treasurer and L B moore secretary mr J J dickey still re remains president of the organization organisation orga niza tion i THOSE MOOSE 11 the publication in last evenings NEWS of an item relating to the killing of two tame donkeys in parleys canon cahon by a danish man min who mistook them for deer has probably led to the discovery oi of the owner ownen of the unfortunate animals A gentleman gentle xentie manof of this city stepped in this morning to make inquiries with a view to investigating the matter further he being of the opinion that the poor jacks or rather a jenny and her colt were the property of his brot brother hery hert likewise a resident of this city who brou brought ht the female which afterwards foaled coaled fo aleci from arizona some time ago ao a o and had the two in a pasture adjoining the city it is supposed they were taken out of the pasture and used as pack animals to park city by some one and then turned loose in the canton cannon where they met their unhappy fate rork FORK NOTTS NOTES correspondence from ashleys Ash leys pork fork states that the holidays passed off very pleasantly and quietly no drunkenness or anything thin to disturb the deace bence family and social pa gatherings the rings being belig the order of the lay day three weddings took place last week being miles from the nearest railway station the people are not yet troubled ed with much of modern civilization and its attending evils A large gathering of friends took place last week anif and not one present used either tea or coffee the Y M aa M 1 I association was reorganized organized or anizel last sunday sunday night with the following officers jeremiah hatch jun president peter petersen and and joseph II 11 gardiner HG ardiner counselors F FP P hadlock Had fock secretary J 11 gardiner corresponding secretary C F B Lib rib libhart hart bart treasurer david johnson librarian meetings are well attended and they expect to do doa a good mood work in mutual improvement two weeks ago the bishop was present and gave a splendid discourse calculated to inspire the hearts of the young men with zeal in the work threshing is nearly done one more week will ninish finish it the doneau full fuli 11 amount threshed Is not yet known four machines have been running that of william reynolds has threshed between and bushels very little snow as yet the weather keeps clear but very cold it was lot loo degrees below zero on oa nelv mew new years morn morning I in n health of the people generally good they receive the mall mail twice a week jacob workman has built a large hall which was much needed by the abile p A SELF sery confessed SPY alady of our acquaintance prominent in the community stepped in this morning and in the course of conversation stated that she was in to see a neighbor the other day when she found there an intelligent tell igent looking person erson of her own sex passing herment herself off to the inmates of the house us as a peddler but who on being questioned clisly by our informant admitted that she was a spy in quest of information concerning mormon society and had chosen this method of obtaining it for what purpose she desired the information she did not say our friend was led to question the genuineness of her claims as a peddler on account of her intelligent appearance and her small stock in trade the latter consisting of buttons and a few other trifling articles why persons in search of facts should choose choose such methods of acquiring them in a community where every facility is afforded and even willingly offered to visitors irom from other places to become acquainted with the ways and works of mormonism and its advocates we are at a loss to understand unless it be on the score of ignorance of our true position which in view of the slanders circulated far and wide concerning us 8 is not at all surprising surprising ini the wo woman rin an said she had only been here ere two weeks it would be as well to look out for her and while treating her with all fairness and giving ant any information that could be legitimate y v sought after avoid at the same time grat grut gratifying ay ing any propensity for meddling in private family affairs which would seem to be the actuating motive in this instance FROM DAILY DAMY JN JAN J N 12 SEEDS RECEIVED by courtesy of i hon john T caine calne the NEWS I 1 as S in receipt of specimens of seeds of various kinds from the department of agriculture at washington A S organization ORGAN american fork 10 r can boast of one of the most thriving t rl organizations yet created under d the auspices of mutual improvement ine lne M ent the youn mens mend association are incorporated as a company and have nearly completed let iet edthe the erection of a building to be used for social and educational purposes the structure is of adobe with a rock foundation and Is built in tile the shape of aTt attil li lower part of the letter being an auditorium and the upper or cross cross part a stage the entire length 14 1 04 feet the auditorium Is feet feel and has bas ba 4 a gallery at the end the asta stay U ao 29 leet feet above the floor the stage is 34 feet by 5 57 1 underneath the stade stage Is a basement well lighted by windows the root Is on sand and Is being covered with tin by david james of this city the cost of the building willbern will bein be in the neighborhood of it is intended for parties theatrical entertainments and the niec meetings tings of the association and will contain in the basement where meetings ings will swill be usually held a library and reading room the young mens association numbers between 60 and 70 0 members they carry out strictly tile the instructions of the general conjoint meetings are held with the Y L 31 1 I A occasionally they have recently purchased a lot of preceptors Precept ors with a view to forming classes lor for the study of the gospel under the formula therein inlaid laid down mr ammon mercer of american eor For fork kaow now row in the city isona is oun onn our informant s |