Show HOW TO SPREAD THE TR PA rowan utah january 7 1884 editor deseret metes betes in a late paper I 1 noticed remarks one of our missionaries stating X 1 good p done by bythe the DESERET NEWS localities visited by E iders elders also ra a ro that means be raised to ena enat enak the tile NEWS to be sent abroad for eirp cirp cl lation this 1 I 1 think is a good piau plau if the saints S were vere 1 to mail their mo me mon n Is papers apers after reading them i fry sri their friends lends what a vast amount good may maybe mayhe be done ilan IIan many ydo do this b not lot enouf enough ji I 1 mail all ali mine milie op D aws alid ardd juvenile instruct instructs to six families in fobel foreign gm parts SO sox sop are Methodist sand some infidels AS i they thu seem to like them very well 0 sal sai said sald they were better than their ov or papers which is encouraging ta u cant fail to do good if not at onca once ss ft ter awhile like ilke bread cast upon 1 waters each mormon m paper pa er if missionary it shows up the taint aint home their virtue and industry indu t r y sit bit their principles lis its as expounded by y tj tal ablest elders I 1 the sectarians sect arians spend millions in c cu lating ther theli journals and tracts r claim great good from it that av w i s churches have been raised where when s missionaries narie narle s were preaching by agency and yet most of these tra t aad and religious journals are childish w r trashy papers issued from the th i mon men press afe aie are ai e able abie leand ab and contains contain sot argument and cannot fail fall to I 1 s to conviction to honest minds IS time therease there Ther eare are probably ten cholis i mormon famines families taking forroi papers after being renthey read they sho she de be mailed to their friends aiu W powe power owea i they t e will be for tor good I 1 we W lies lles ies tes da dailies es semi weeklies and se ser see anth ilg would average perhaps ai rap gap papers b rs jn ana s year to each family orle orie hundred un dr e t thousand bisand jabers papers per ya five hundred thousand missionary missi onari for people will read a paper when ff would not listen to a preacher jia jea the weakest can edli do this mite and andal t that cannot preach pt at all c can P powerful powei powel fui ful gospel sermons garmons by sent seni papers i and every faithful malli maili woman at a small cost of perhaps 0 cents per year in posta postage ge can do pit pet g I 1 and spread the gospel anlon anlou I 1 gentiles these five tive hundred hun reatho choul thorl missionaries in print with hun huada hundt of elders with uda ull verbal ansti ins eions will cause the gospel be sounded to all lands and the isle isie imlej the ocean pointing the w way a to alf zi hlll bill a covert covent of raiva ralva salvation tio n fro from i rance ranee and a iso spiritual 8 death dea th f j tours yours respect respectfully alil y A S uns nast |