Show ROYAL 92 71 A KI P OVID VR L absolutely pure this powder never varies A marvel ol of pur purity str eurth h and aud wholesomeness more economical than the ordinary kinds and can not t be sold iaconi in competition petition with the multitude of low test short aluna alura or phosphate powders som sold I 1 ct C t cam cau co log 6 wan all ail street new york PA darkers dammers R K U n t S armia BA thebert the best and most roost economical hair bair dressing and made from materials that are aro ben bea fridal to the hair and scalp Parl pari cers lers hair balam bahl is highly cs teemed everywhere for its excellence and superior clelin cleanliness it never falls to nestore restore tha the youthful color and d lustre to eray gray CM 7 ox or abed med wed bairos r 1 run fur and is warrant vi to remove dan dab and the scalp y eoe and 01 ol 1 kt at deah doah la in drogi ra ai G I 1 nn E I 1 v riu ris s 11 0 U 0 6 N I 1 C A superlative health ani aai strength restorer Ra toree torte it if yma yea tou you are a mechanic or fannen fanner worn out with overwork or a inathe mother run down by family camily or household duties try TONIC toxic it if you am are a lawyer minister or business man eki ekl ex hausted by mental strain or anxious cares do not take if isyou you have consumption dyspepsia rheulina cism ggs dis kidney bidne or urinary complaints or if you are n troubled id wll wil with any diso disorder idez ider of the lungs stomach bowels blood or nerves xou you can be ced cured by pave pare ens eks GINGER TONIC itis itu the greatest blood purifier and the tha best add atil surett surest cough cm cura ever used if you xou are arc wasting away from fic mae age disi dissipation pation ot 01 any an y disease or weakness and n d require require a stimulant take az nger TONIC toxic at once it i will twill invigorate and build you up froin from the first dose but will never intoxicate it it off has saved saved hundreds of hyes ilyes it may save yours colts et york rork toc ud on ons one dollar time at iu in medicine med mod kines gleat garat sating satina emano emang SIZE R R MM its rich and lasting fragrance has made this delightful h r U perfume exceedingly popular there is nothing like liko it insist upon ha having vinz vine Co Lormis and look for signature signa turc turn of or beany w ar cef on evry evey bottle bottie any druggist or dealer in ia pen per par y can supply you a sand sizes LARGE lange SAVING is csc stze etze tze 17 UM AM A M TT 11 NOW I 1 although much Is said about the importance of a blood purifying medicine it may be possible that the subject has never seriously claimed your attention think of it now almost every person has some form of scrofulous poison latent in his veins when this develops in scrofulous sores ulcers or eruptions or in the form of rheumatism or organic diseases the suffering that ensues is terrible hence the gratitude of those who di discover scover scorer as thousands yearly do chat chit ayers sarsaparilla will iu thoroughly eradicate this evil from the tha system As well expect life without air hir as health without pure blood cleanse the blood with AYS aya PY i i eli ty ail ril I 1 vi 41 W Us HOME COMFORT after a rainy nide bide a country physician tells what he thinks of some people 1 I wish to gra gna gracious cious clouS some tome poole would learn leam when they need a doctor and when they dont doat exclaimed doctor E i as ha be entered his hla house in a cosy little uttie villace in the interior of the th state of new now york yonko after a te dious night ride of many milea I 1 I 1 have hava been down among the mountains to see a man who the messenger baid said was very sick and not likely to live till morning unless he ha bad immediate help and found him suffering from a rather rathar sharp attack ot of colic which his family might havo bavo neff reff relieved eted ered in ten minutes it if they had hod a grain of sense bense and two or three simple remedies in the house but no they must remain ignorant as pigs and aud when the least ache or pain takes them send bend for a doctor whether they ever pay him or not why doctor what kind of simple rome dis dieb as you call them thom do tou you expect reolla to keep in the house asked hta hla wife as she poured him a cup ot of hot tea ten intas in this case answered the doctor gilr if they had bad only put a BENSONS POROUS PLASTER on the th emang mans emana would ouid hace bace been all right in an hom hour and L aved saved me a dreary ride in all ali ordinary complaints it cures at once all diseases are elf eif eliminate from the tho system by what may mar bo be roughly called expulsion or extraction or by a union of the two af ses beb dens Ders belton belson onla plaster promotes both bolh itin it incites annd arnd itts the tho torpid organs to act and se ronda eonda its bealing heading cou kte khe 30 ma riad niad pores ot of the tho skin AU AH othey oher ty patera oblige the patient to wait waft they give him chopo for tomorrow to morrow monrow ben Den bensons sons bons plaster gives gires him help today to day which la is better do jou you ou think buy the andi anel keep it in the house price 25 cents cente seabury scabury ajohnson johnson pharmaceutical chemists new york aur 15 aw odst w UTAH ERY tue tub abe AME STILL AT AN THE OLD ir 11 stand and thoss who desire their ft families nilles supplied with margetta ale aie and mn can do so 10 on oli short notice nolice stock block IS a good and free from adulteration or and hm has no equal in utah for toning up the system and alting giving a good appetite and Is lis highly recommended by the th medical fraternity tern ity BS by telephone will win re belvel prompt attention I 1 estate estave of it EL HR REMINGTON 0 T THE G guns ara ana the tet it in the market roi rot DIL sole bole 1 1 3 0 1 2 tte et r ivers hyers cherry herit pectoral peo Pec no other complaints are so insidious inte attack as those affecting the throat and adl kim him 1 none so trifled with by the majority ot of stu itu roa ers the normn ordinary ry cough or cold perhaps from a trifling or 0 kosure asure os ure is often but the beginning of 14 fain sickness eneany 1 well veli proven its efficacy ina in a forty yean yeam aa it ith throat and lung diseases and elodit Eh odit taken in all cases without delay A terrible cough cured 11 in IBM I 1 took a severe cold which afdem my rny lungs I 1 had a terrible cough and add ut iam night ight after night without sleep the doda docta gave me up I 1 tried ayers AVERS cilen cliEn yr tonal TOBAL which rell neli eTed eved my lungs ihm ibm lai lal sleep and afforded me the rest n for or the recovery of my strength jr I continued use of the pectoral a ann nent cure was vas effected I 1 am now d S j old hale haie and hearty and am saUil edns cherby CHERRY sated bated me fairn FAinn noh loh noW rockingham vt july 15 1882 croup A mothers others lir tributes Tribu teb tek 11 anile Vh ile lle in the country last winter my lia iia boy three years yeara old was taken ill with croup it seemed as if he would die df from gr lation one of the family suggested the th M of ayers AVERS CHERRY ohenry PEC PECTORAL torad tobal a bottie bottig bottler I 1 huleu was vas was always kept in the house house til ax was triba in indall and frequent doses nt art to lo our d delight e 11 9 1 t to in yes esk esa uban khan half an hour 04 little patient was ealm talf fly ahe dot d tor said t that h at the bg 6 saved sated oun tun ved ted L 1 my li bitte da darlings lings life ilfe can tow tou wonder it a oun our gratitude g y a sincerely yours sours mrs mra EMMA enma GED geden geder sven iren west st new kew york may hiar ie a I 1 sa I 1 have sized aters AYERS in my family for several yeu yee adf do not hesitate to pronounce it the remedy for coughs and colds tried A AJ J cam cas la lake ke crystal minn march 13 lse ise I 1 suffered sulf ered for eight years from Broach his bis and after trying many mant remedies with no ne noc clesi coss I 1 was cured mayg mayk by t the e use of AYERs ayer i PECTORAL JO JOSEPH joserh ser SEP ai waldes walde V byhalia MISS april 5 1882 1 I cannot say enough in praise ol of cherry rEC pec pectoral toral TOnAL deile deife believing ting as ai I 1 do that but ton roc its Us use I 1 should long iong since Bince hare harg trie irle troia item jaaes E brals brims rale raie palestine sUne texas april yo no case caso of an tion of the tho or lungs exists which greatly by the we uise of ayers and it win will at aleays aliis ils cure eure when the daam a not already beyond the conaw PREPARED AM D bsh lo au a U druggists c we hate hat 8 now liow on exhibition in our wholesale and retail Clot clothing hing bing dom dem deffa vt s s the finest ruest ana and most mom complete completo tine line of i N ile lip er MY I 1 S YOV ino iho JnO poin COIN to schoolman soho Scho school olma and childrens clothing ever brought to this market baket ra 0 C L I 1 0 which will bo be sold soia at caces to suit everybody B 0 vt CLOTHING A SPECIALTY calo caio and our stock 0 o H S sla sia eldredge supt sueto f rt |