Show DEATH OF JUDGE blaue blace the telegraph brings us na the had bad tidings of the death of the veteran urist erlat jeremiah B S black his death will cause great regret throughout the united states and the people of utah will J join oin oln with tho the many thousands of mourners in their sorrow over the departure of a noble spirit from this mortal sphere jeremiah 8 black wat was born in the glades of somerset county in the tho state ol of pennsylvania on the loth of january 1810 he was admitted to the bar when scarcely of age and rose so eo rapidly in his profession that in 1842 1841 0 ho he was made judge of the judicial district where he had chiefly practiced and where nis nia eminent abilities were generally recognized in 1851 he was elected to the bench of the supreme court of pennsylvania and became the chief justice in lii 1851 bobas he was re reelected elected to that tion for which he was eminently fitted in 1857 he was appointed to the high and important onico of at torney general of the united state states and in 1860 he became secretary ol of state in the bachanan buchanan bucha Bacha nan aan administration remaining A in that place till its close when he lie went out of office and has not since been returned to any official position judge black ajack was wab a sound bound democrat and a thorough lawyer EUs wis opinions on all questions of constitutional law were received with great respect 14 even by his hla political ml opponents and had weight in every branch of the legal profession he was also an able writer and profound thinker on other than legal questions nia nis R celebrated controversy with robert ingersoll through the columns of the morth North American review which wab was reviewed at the time in this paper showed that he was well versed in ia christian polemics and able to crosa aweida to advantage with the moal most r professor 0 of skeptical fencing of modern times J adge bi oka able defence of the people of atit which has received some ridicule j out ut no attempt at refutation prowl proved that he was fearless as well as jast jat and talented and will stand through all time as proof of his tenacity to the cause of constitutional liberty and popular rights and his opposition to any encroachment croach ment of the national power upon local government and to despotism in any form or under any pee peet tence ence enca that he was a Christi christian ull uli at heart as well as in profession Is evident from the report of his latest moments on earth he had bad no fear of death for toc he trusted in the author of hla his being and his last baat words were a solemn prayer touching and ancl beautiful in its ita eloquence of expression sublime faith in dalty delty and affection ton fon his hla loved one left behind A great and good man has haa passed away one whose presence ou on earth was a blessing to his fellows and whose absence will leave a void very difficult to fill he lived to a good old age ages being upwards of seventy three and has gone to loin join the honorable departed rence reace te be to bia hla ashes and comfort rest upon the bosom of the bereaved I 1 |