Show TRIP TO THE NATIONAL PARK pane A rasty PARTY erom UTAH HAVE nave AX AW TOUR couk brother junius F wells weila editor and proprietor of the contributor S returned yesterday from a five weeks tour toun of the rocky bocky mountain mountains about the head waters of the great rivers flowing to the pacific pad bo and the gulf of mexico the party consisted of apostle moses thatcher pres pros wm 13 preston Pr eston eaton elders W H R ap I 1 perly lucius luclus farr bishops amos wright and M ij greenwell moses thatcher jr ars oacar greenwell and james brown indian from the malad farm the trip was made through idaho to beaver canyon thence to the yellowstone nation park where over a week was spent viewing the wonders of that wonderland eiland from the mammoth springs at the northern extremity of the park the party proceeded down the yellowstone Yellows tono eiver biver for several days and visited the crow indian on the saam day that the senate benato committee of indian Af affairs faire consisting of senators logan dawes cameron and others reached there opportunity was afforded to practically study the system of agencies and learn the methods pursued by the govern ament in its treatment of the red inen juen the crow indians indiana are ate a fine large race of men with faces that indicate 1 the possession sion slon ot at much intelligence and bodies that are sinewy and powerful there are about of them on the reservation which occupies over three million acres of Rood grazing country in southern montana I 1 the object of the above committees visit was w as to secure the relin nelin a large portion of the reservation but the council hold by them it is understood i was very unsatisfactory resulting in the refusal of the indiana to consent the party proceeded by the bear tooth toot hand and heart mountains skirting shirting along the shoshone Bho shone range to the wind biver niver indian agency where wale Wass washakie hahie hahle and the shoshone indi indians 8 aro nrc located they had a avery very pleasant interview with the second and third chiefs and other leading men of the tribe Wash washakie akle nule being away at the time to owl mountains the presidential party had been to fort Wash washakie akie akle the week before and the indians were still in their holiday attire with which they were decorated for that occasion A short distance thib this side of the agency at the north fork of the popo alge aige biver river at a blacksmith shop where the party stopped to have some horse horbe shoes bet set a rough pine coffin was being made by the wagon maker for the notorious gbill hickman who died in a log cabin near by where he had been living for tor two or three years jeang the hunting and fishing wa was excellent in the many streams and rivers crossed on the route the tho mountain climbing wand annd camping in theolen the open air ha given all health and strength and they return rested and invigorated from the tho tour brother wells left the darty barty camped in the hills chills about south pass athey they will vill reach logan in about a week and took stage land and train homo home in time to close clogs the present volume of the contributor and malke make arrangements for issuing volume five which commences with the october number in it Ita a senies serles of articles descriptive of the geyser and otherl wonders of the yellow stone park and ot of the tho indians and their lite ilfe on oa the reservations will be presented written by elder moses loees thatcher Tb atcher and the edit orthey il laving having made extensive notes ot 0 the various objects and incidents of interest t on th the a journey |