Show 0 o ty BY 11 VMS V on zina AMERICAN cam oam Camp hampton on snake eiver bivers wyo 23 the presidents party reached thia this camp after traveling about eighteen miles milea along the foot hills between the shoshone Bho shone bhone and teton mountains the camp Is in named in honor of ben sen ator wade hampton who was expected to accompany the party its location Is grand grands anthe on the bluff of snake river and facing the center range of the teton mountains mount aina aing judge rollins Bho sho tand brought in his arst first antelope all kinds of game abound in the camp nearly all the party are engaged today in angling for trout the president and senator vest vast are outstripping the rest and for supremacy bac each h landed a two and a half pound trout from the bluff facing the camp their feats were witnessed by the entire entile command their catch for the day Is much larger than any during the trip at our last camp the temper of all the party was seriously tried by the extremes of weather experienced hot weather in the middle of the day a severe gale of chinook winds throughout the day and night accompanied companies companied compa nied ed with blinding clouds of dust ice iee formed one inch thick in the water buckets before the tents by morning today the weather is cle oie clealand clear olear arand and bracing and all the party are in excellent health and a spirits I 1 ir its tomor to mor rows row march will me take us to the southern boundary of yellowstone park rork camp strong wyo ter xia via bozeman montana 23 rev bev ellie call at five am a m woke us all from a refreshing sleeps sleep though the ide ice in our buckets this morning showed that three blankets had been none too many during darlng the night for our comfort half past bix eix found ail ali the tents struck and packed on the mules and the presidential party in the saddles our route today to day of 30 miles jay nearly northward over the hills of the shoshone Bho sho bhone shone mountains avoiding the marsh bottoms of snake biver river which are very treacherous it was a rough and rugged country covered for nearly three quarters of the distance traveled by dense tracts of burned and f fallen alien timber at noon was reached a sparsely timbered knoll which commanded a view of jackson lake with the snow covered rising from the hills in the background the scene was wild and grand and repaid defor noor our severe hot and dusty march in the early part of the day the omniscient reporter who claims to be with us ns and who has been purely a mythical personage since we left the railroad at green eiver bivers carefully and considerately located the secretary of war at fort Wash washakie washable akle ahle for an indefinite period after we started on our present trip across the mountains and as the secretary has never been absent it to is a matter of much curiosity as to how the inventive genius kenius of the re flo tinious local correspondent will to be able to restore him to us As a matter of fact mr lincoln has been one of the keenest daliy dally observers of the resources of the country through which we are passing and is constantly and pleasantly reminding us of his presence this evening we are camping at the crossing of snake river biver which was named last year by gen sheridan camp strong our oar tents are pitched on the banks of the stream in a grove of lofty pines trout are abundant and the party are taking advantage of their last opportunity for fishing before reaching the yel low stone the surroundings of this camp are so beautiful and the opportunity for sport so good that it is decided that we remain over here another day the president and other members of the party are in their usual good health and spirits cheyenne 22 the famous fe fence case ease was decided today to day in the district court by chief justice J B senor the case due has haa been the subject of much discussion among the stockmen stoc kmen here and by the inte into rion and law departments at washington the decision if upheld by the superior courts will affect in a radical manner stock raising in wyoming colorado utah idaho montana ArI arl arizona zonal new now meag mexico kansas kanbas and NF nebraska braska no decision has ever over been made on this question questions and judge senors opinion forms a precedent the case is that of the united states vs A en irb swan and othero others it la Is a bill in equity for to td a fence ence once which had unlawfully enclosed eleven sections beo seo tlona tiona of government lands and to restrain defendants from the erection ot of such buch other fences fenew on like unoccupied sections of the public doma domn inThis InThia was brought as a test case and was twice very elaborately elaborate jy argued by states district attorney for colorado for the united states and by corlett rosendale bosen Rosen daies dales of cheyenne for defendants the case has been under advisement for a month and with the result that the fences must be removed ST PAUL 24 21 the northern pa cinno railroad track was completed yesterday at 3 the ends of the tho track east baat and west being brought together as close cloae as desired for the exercises of the formal lat hat rail laying back from each end a few rods spurs were put pui in and the connection made by a switch run ning nind around the remaining gap at the hour mentioned the first train went over being one of the construction trains followed almost immediately by one of the trains which had been running west to the end of the track from helena the last 50 miles of track have been put down in leas that 20 days daye beating the time set by the engineer here which was saturday at 3 the telegraph particulars tic ulars received this morang moring are that nine miles and three hundred feet of track were vere laid yesterday to the ninish finish at 3 or at the rato of 12 or 13 miles for hallday full fuli day with the opening of the road a large jarge amount of freight is ex pecked to be handled already several beveral through shipments have been arranged for the first being a train 0 of 30 carb cars ot of wheat for tor which the cars were ordered yesterday the shipment will come through to st paaul eaul it will be the first through train over the road it is to be followed closely by shipments of bullion and salmon ban isan FRANCis 00 24 the inauguration of the foundation of the garfield monument under the auspices of the grand masonic lodge of california assisted by the grand encampment of knights templar of the united states took place to bayat day at noon at the golden gate park over one hundred thousand persons witnessed the ceremonies 24 members of the northwestern asforia tion convened today to day at lake min netonia ne tonka but on account of the absence of several prominent members no business was done and the meeting adjourned until today to day the question to be considered Js Is the pacific coast busi bubl business nees in connection with the northern pacific railway hallway carrollton ills 24 wm pope attempted to obtain a reconciliation with his wife near woodville but his advances were repelled he then shot her and himself wenis WELLS me mea 24 further details of the drowning accident show a party arty of fifteen or twenty belt left baldhead Bard baldhead head oliff cliff house rouses yesterday at 9 am and drove to beach where they arrived about 11 and entered the surf the undertow under tow and surf were running strong and there was a heavy sea and although warned of their danger in venturing venturing too far nearly the whole party were swept out by the undertow 3 and four drowned four others were rescued in a critical at last accounts were doing well the rest of the party reached shore eafe ly rev mr little of washington BC D as in rescuing his wife and child but his son eddie drowned full euli list of the victims greenough thayer worth north cam bride mass miss emma gould andover mass miss kittle bafford safford and eddie little washington D U search is ie being made for t the e bodies but without success chicago 21 A dollarville Doll arville michigan special says that town of about inhabitants and headquarters of the american lumber company was wa nearly destroyed by fire yesterday twenty of the principal buildings were destroyed two children are reported burned to death loss less new york 21 andrew androw bauger sauger and carlo stein workmen in hue brewe brewery ryson on sixteenth street today to day entered a large wasti wash tub to do some work ignorant of their presence the engineer beet the ma chinery in motion tand sand and life was mer liter ally pounded out of sauger stein was taken out and sent to the hoe hoi pital st louis ai boal dispatch gallatin special the jury that la is trying the case ot of the state vs va frank frauk james jamea spent the night ja in charge of thu tho sheri sheriff lr it was much discussed qt at tho hot bot botellio elvio ad tho grik 04 Q to h geize guize genelly rally uirt dirt elem enem mat mst cl a yot tor diet of guilty Is out of the question A hung jury is ia probable and acquittal possible promptly ut at 8 this morning court conven convened eds edg witnesses being excluded from the court room the attendance was not so BO large as yesterday A number of ladles occupied seats on the stage judge goodman announced the counsel would be allowed an hour in which to present the case to the jury mr wallace for the mate read the indictment and then told the story ot the winston robbery and the manner of the death of mao mac millan milian who was shot through the bead as he looked into the door of the smoking car the three men in the smoking car 5 were frank and jessie james and wood elite nite he said the men who took posses elon eion of the engine were dick liddell iddell and clarence nite rite the speaker shadowed foreshadower fore the testimony of the state locating the gang gaug in clay and bay counties and establishing their presence in the vicinity 0 winston on the day of the robbery defense waived the right of pre pro sensation ben sen tation of their case and the taking of testimony commenced the fint witness was john D penu penn of colac iowa a stone ma son who was in the compary of macmillan at pet tuu tue time of hibi hus death he related how he and four othe others B including macmillian boarded the car at winston how three men came in the car at winston with re solvers in each hand how macmillan was killed hilled as aa ho he jumped up to look jook through the window and the circumstances of the rob iob robbery bery on cross crosb examination he be admitted that he be could not identify either of the three men as they wore mashel addis adds wolcott Wolo ott engineer of the train the second wit vit witness nesb nebb relaxed how bow a couple of masked robbers jobbers jumped on the train and forced him to obey their orders at the muzzle of revolvers frank stamper baggage man told his experience during the robbery how he was pulled from the car by the leg and threatened with their revolvers ivern ivene vers verg charles murray united states express agent on ehe ebe train related gowhe bow how be was forced to tb open the safe by two men in mask matke armed with revolvers two physicians then testified as to the nature ot uhe the mounds causing Mc mcmillans death this concluded the testimony of the state so co far as the killing was concerned court then adjourned until when evidence will be adduced tending to connect frank james with the killing Gov Crittenden arrived this morning and is an attentive auditor in court the most intense excitement was caused doused about noon when judge irving and harfield davis the two gentlemen who were warned a day or two ago to bo be careful in giving hiving testimony against frank james made their appearance each received the following letter ST LOUIS april 23 to harfield davis and wex mex li irving gallatin mo mor gents dents I 1 your evidence against frank james will bo be watched by tried and true friends of the hero no one but the writer and one other know how near gov crittenden came to biting the dust in april 1882 on the he sunday afternoon that he rode in the reclining chair car from Jefre jefferson oky city to st bt louie loule this pistol was cocked twice and only policy volley prevented excuse frank james he be has hundreds of friends who will ne verbee leversee never bee see him sacrificed rif and will come to his aid at the proper time if you ard arg are wise you will be careful signed A K p K the letter addressed to davis was written in red ink in a free bold hand band and was enclosed in an en delope of the hotel monte ban san an conlo the postmark Is a wabash postal car and it was waa evidently mailed at union depot the letter to irving is written in black ink and encio enclosed ed ina lna in a plain envelope jamesb jameses attorneys denounce the author of the letters kansas city 24 mrs sarah hite testified as follows in the james trial she bhe wm was given breathless tilen ence oa by the audience she bald baid when I 1 married george nite hite hitlin I 1 in kentucky ho he had seven children four boys clarence john george and wood in march marchi issi 1881 de fetid feild nt came to our homb with dick Ij indell lindell end jesse janic all armed twy toy back ne nelst t acting M I 1 WW feas ht the jadw aladow rith ith itu fiting fitins la in hands looking outside I 1 did not see frank after the of april mr hites rites first wife was frank jamesl james aunt bunt 2 defense declined to cross examine witness bilas silas kentucky testified that he knew jesse james in march 1881 JESSO introduced frank as his brother thinks liddell was present arter after further testimony of minor importance court adjourned until morning journals gallatin Gallat ln Bp special ecial the event of tomorrow to morrow will be the test testimony of dick liddell LIdd ell eil upon whom the state mainly relies for its case this man has assumed all of the in formers role the plan of the defense will be to impeach dieks dicks testimony as unworthy of credence by reason of his having been convicted of infamous crimes your corres ondene has learned facts in lid della ellla history which seem to have been forgotten it will be bbown shown that he be served a term in the mis scurf penitentiary for horse stealing af was sentenced by the mount vernon court in 1874 for tor or three years and came out under the three fourths rule various opinions are held concern ing the testimony given to day the james sympathizers say that the state bm has thua thus far failed to make a single pingle point while the other alde ride the testimony an the beginning diming be of a chain of evidence which cannot be broken by mee the de deremee rense renEe governor crittenden chittenden gnit chit vas waa present in court roam today to day days he will return to jeffa jefferson erson erbon city sunday on his way here this morning he met charlie ford who introduced himself to the governor and said the pretended interview held hold with him in which he was made to say that governor crittenden offered him a reward for killing jesso jetse james jamea was false and he intended to publish a statement to that effect tomorrow to morrow the governor never saw charlie till this morning it will lil bo be kemem boxed according to the interview referred to thab that bob yord ford conducted the negotiation with the governor galveston texas 23 A mema meda laredo special details a row culminating ja in a shotgun early this morn ing in which B young was wounded by george milton a man named hill with young received a severe neeli wound a drummer and a prominent citizen standing by had their clothing perforated but hub es ea uninjured carrollton III lii 24 wm nm pope attempted to obtain a reconciliation with his wife near woodville but his advances were repelled he then shot her and himself washington 24 the critic says bays the american rapid telegraph company today |