Show V 7 ja 13 F no that BROWNS IRON bi BITTERS will cure the worst case of dyspepsia a will insure a hearty appetite and increased digestion cures general debility andi and gives a new lease of life dispels nervous depression and row dow spin spirits ts restores an exhausted nursing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus cenance for her child strengthens the muscles andi and anda overcomes weakness wake falness ful ness and lack oi of energy keeps off all chills fevers f ver si and other malarial pois poison polson will infuse with nev new life the weakest invalid 37 walker st Wt baltimore imore dm nee for six six years I 1 have been a great sufferer from blood disease dys and became so debilitated that I 1 could not retain anything on my stomach in fact lifer had almost become a burden finally when hope had almost left me moe my y husband seeing BROWNS IRON iros BITTERS advertised in the paper induced me to give it a trial laper 1 am now taking the third bottle and have not felt so well in six six year leafs s as I 1 do at the present time tim mrs birs L 1 F BROWNS IRON inon BITTERS will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs 11 bracing up than any medicine made CHICAGO SCALE CO 1 2 ton wagn wagon scale 3 ton 50 4 ton 60 beam box included ib farmers scale seale 65 the cho III Attle detective H j oz cz to a pound dounda asa 3 FORGES TOOLS aa best dest Forga forge rada tags for aught vork sio IQ anvel and kit ot of tooh 10 anner bava nava tims time and nii nil motsy mousy iti ili ill jobos job blower BI owera ancas amob vew vices and mer other articles ta t price mst free |