Show A GOOD neu UMU aifili AK ENGINE in this issue the threshing thle Thies shing hiag machine inra INTa chirib and arid canton monitor ensine engine are adv advertised there ia Is ho about both being most excellent pieces of bia hia ma thi chinery nery luebik noted holed for nor for ness of work bud and eabe eaga of ma r s nage nag merit mr ar geo go A abro avre of this thia cit CIL y an A t aa shipment nt of american cider mill and buffalo anif anil victor cane mills just received by bi H 33 chaw chaw craw aon eon ion kon A large largo percentage iu tife th e cost coat af pf fl these thebe goms ia is saved paved by ship shipping pink jn n car cr lots and mr cla CIA clawson v proposes jiving tho the the iho full bue bie benefit neilt of 0 this I acar bear benr this toia in en yo c get set ready r ady for alcida a or can cane mill lill barrels for elden eiden or vinegar eu ap pp it L ed d in anany ans any quantity r IS IN COAL coan I 1 per par tali fan j carload goo 41 inge pe i I 1 yard vard Y ardt j inoc itoc spring penson person uc 1709 t 00 oo can dpn er tan hy 2460 0 waso feyo lyn to nat nau pat yard 00 oo 00 ra iio per pet ton toa us od z A ya nya yva V fa 1 f wie wic e r JA ir fw f W W d 24 1 c I M gouldia antl enta I 1 A aten c noree nores power kegle eagle engine agn fin trucks purposes cr lcy ncy for which a ten horae horsa engine en la Is required it is first class in evey eve ove y particular being m manufactured by the tha eagie eagle au chiba ivores of Tr indian idian apolis write for foe and returns to H be B olav olam clawson bani sani BW aul aux T abbess ijohn W lawell eq orders for 20 of thesa ihme Thresh Thre shara arbi araj manufactured fay y tho J ccase ti mi co theeo thee proved jasir dinst year to be bo tho ulo beat best threshers Thre on an oar dar earth car ah f aud nua parties who thinh think of buy f ing tah edason season will ylli find itt it to their interest rosend to send their orders an anal once ess nis eis aa adit r department in n youa your valuable paper ja always ezrd by mp with great in I 1 value the information reee rece bundred hundred fold more guiran than the tha email emall amount laid paid for fop tho the paper I 1 ono one year ago you pu blushed from DC dr jahn bate bates rehi relax ting tho the w wonderful ha ira had llad alad a in curing spavin B with kandall spavin oure oune Cn raud rand aud and lits jila dd als ila 1 practice for foz versil overal human ai lure luie rits account of tira lira success ha bua bus mon 11 ahe inen jata lan lah gave mo xao great falth faith in its ec eacy and nal asi I 1 had boen been afflicted nop for yeara yeata a I 1 ilip bolat squad that I 1 conid could hardly bik lik at olt Almen timey pI I 1 procured pro cured cared a bt buit battle it il and und na aalt it b ilna llna cus ed na ino I 1 ash wish odar to it hoail to nil nii thado tha daar ss ua th ost wonder fc discovery the anliot c ed d inen nien as well aa na for the bobr hor for which it WAS ab b this this i enedy bo be of bie ble value to aba world write this letter 10 0 o express zay may thankfulness thankful ness to aru fen fan for fer oar mentioning it ib in your coi col dumns and to up ask k avor irr behalf of or my follow fellow melt mert who ste ate body thau that byon lyon id td maho maha known to aba world the great value cf ef kerf Keif dalls spavin a care fo for both niah man ba as ha tea 1 beast t youree t artt 1 u arnou arrom aidren pamra t Rohe jorl jori ZT N ay Y bupt le letu igal lial na r a m j t F 1 at borero it acta add for AE men dr chab chag ta T elitc heil bell gria N Y baye pay 1 1 I think it a grand resto restore of brain hrabi forca force or nervous energy if deo daod gw sw w graat great cetman cete cere an I 1 11 14 11 rob FOB fl neuralgia U R lii lil SC lumago lui lur imago BACKACHE JV U J C 0 UT I 1 SORENESS ortha T CHEST 0 J 7 SOM SOSE dat OAT i G M M M QUINSY pe N G S 1111 lill I 1 iti ill A ams AKS FROSTED WF FEET AND it ars ASS 33 ca S A airo aito SCALDS I 1 V mmae aull hiu IBM lle IL J TOOTH EAR N eib ein aso AKO HEADACHE bilhl WJ li joty zoty hau kau r iii all i dei der 1 f ull I 1 eini MINH P A axa aka kd no lne ino oa ca earth eitl STI on OM as ass ft sate SITE fabe cube SURE ancl anil cheat cheze ee external omal eail i A trial entail luv lut the til com patau ils ill cutly cutar ot ta t CF beats irs its and kud beery every ona cna with P plen pwen cra lva UTO I 1 hoap mcd and apos kosiur lare iare proof oz ita lda elala austad lAsCA tas taa taiS saad 1 3 AN ars ASS 11 dule CULE M 11 A geb gre amt xee ear SR GO Y U aft V ezi eai 0 f STRAY stray NOTICE iz IN mr ross poss possession M i r i one ono small smail bay HARE haru about 15 13 yeara years olds three white reet feet branded G H B on hab hand land resembling on iest left thigh ehe eha hag has a yearling colt coif if said not they wa will ii li 11 fy ha i sold bold sept auh lub fofos fair Ds trot P pinto ato washington co ia per perk 7 SCHOOL J aims asma aies i sal SA sart salt sar T dal DAM critte tho TUO sale aALE lie lye liB ALfair ir mars maps chare chars global blacic aoh ach noad liffie pats iRy its quarts quarta and bahon fo nack back da ack irra beard baboth cloth by ta taa yard arly ceu chu ayos Cy os ste noard board 1 erasers school el I 1 trustees teeb record call bella D la 1 thoa haa baa hoa id 1 pail pall razi glace 11 charts color charts and ard teachers Tea TeRe chera beral text cooks on n ile els the tha art cf f tea wea Teah ingi ln students ote ate flooks book dook F echola 1 anol and toor carriers M and nd ahi abi all afi the tho new mew school books by the coa Con vencen venLen at LOWEST WHOLES le PIll oes CES W ecna far for r rico arico rice Us list ew rw 60 w im N I 1 7 5 r ferm T r w y uty ury j p alela M 1 I 1 1 imas iwas 2 14 3 ome ONE T ton ron dby DRY G 0 r s y axa aito alx tui tul sTi ciss por vor L 1 31 ga f T oli nar WILL vill US T tit riu rau W DIU 0 U OF PAGES rages extensively ILLUS WITH FULL OF mali rali STYX styres annd AND PRICES ABOUT BE 20 AND aab WILL MAIL THE SAIM 02 or aj J eomie OF or c yoi roi POSTAGE 82 32 34 36 west st I eti STO 1 W M |