Show LOCAL ang AND OTHER MATTERS MOM wima plays BM days DAYa damye DAILY SEPT SUL 8 changes of yest yester day the ibe commission made tho the following changes of appointments for county registrars millard alvin robison in place of john reily kolly rane kane john fine fife wart vart in n place of john steele morgan anthony peterson Pe terson tereon instead of ii P edholm A thieving thieving chinaman the watch and ahn chain u found an the per boxi 6 of fLing laing vong wong y arrested on a charge char ide ade ot stealing a fifty nifty dollar check and seven dollars from mr air B S cohn has been claimed by a lady stopping at the white house this chinaman appears ars to ba be consider ableon a thien thief f tk s going to england elder elden george 0 lamberti manager of bf the juvenile instructor publishing office la is called to take a mission to great britain he expects to leave for P that part attha world on the ditth of october he is busily engaged ar ranging his business affairs to his hia departure it will greatly greatti facilitate his bis arrangements if jf persons indebted for subscriptions to wali come forward ard aro and settle ui up fatal accident in bloh bich county vve we idam jeara from brother byron if allred alired of garden city kich klch co of a lamentable and fatal accident that cured secured ec hear that thit place last t monday september ath As med meil win N allred of garden city olty an and d family were on their way home homo from logan while traveling through the canyon the wagon wheel struck a stump A little nirl girl edith AL ailred allred waso wag th thrown out of the ve ve hicle A wheel passed over oven her body causing such fearful internal injuries that thit death ensued at a m the following day days tuesday the deceased decea red sed was aged i four years eight months and awen twenty ty foun four days daya ogden iron inon gna one of af our city founder fes Jes obtained one ore ton of the pig ig iron recently run nun out at shoog den works ana and an d after having havin converted jt it into various sr small casting tho the anger manager ni angen states that it IL works elcel nicely and ana evenly and is a more desirable iron ajro n for general consumption cola coia sump than the scotch pig big ordinarily used in this locality it la Is a splendid article articie for car wheelis wheels and nil all castings strength and toughness in act if it is produced in sufficient quantities to supply the tho local demand for pig ironist iron fron it will enable all ordinary castings to be made about one third lighter tuan at present made of the be scotch atch frob froh fron which la Is softer theold the bogden an dio lio iron ns s very similar E to the fron iron fr made bif in southern Utah some years ago anol andl resembles the charcoal iron generally and though not quite of an even character now future exper experience alence will vil doubtless doub lessy lessl enable i to be produced of a its ita toughness and tensile tem effle strength js jb shown by the fact that the ordinary scotch pig can be easily broken tip lip with it a twenty wenty pound rund sledge herbe gerfe as the ogden pig lg required gumaro numea ous oas bows bowd to fracture I 1 it k 11 1 eie tir t I 1 A singular incident tho the ogden gives an account of a ainge jar accident to aifred alfred E manning mannin 91 of hooper on tuesday lightle night nigh the tle he was on bil bri lii til hii away home from ogden 0 e with a load at flour among which w J 1 h was a quantity of powder a large num number ber of cartridges and other am while alone on the road about e tevera by home bome meane means which mr manning aija Is a profound mystery to him aimis a teni teri ter ten i explosion occurred the powder had hau become ignited gaud gand and in IE an instant the wagon was in hi one 66 sheet sheel of flame and manning was all ablaze he was prostrated pr on the ground groundnut but bat he barb saya he does not know whether he was jbrown from the wagon or whether he lumped camped out y he was stunned andar some so m time almost he succeeded by hard fighting in extinguishing the tire fira jn his clothes and escaped without much serious puny injury nury to hla hia person alfs flis hair and an d eyebrows nere were burnea burner vurner rs is also was wn his lir 9 face a little J the flour and everything ilsa lisa the wagon contained contain wed was entirely eold consumed the wagon box was burned up also nearly newly all the running ruin rtin bILS giar gear the horses became alarmed atha burs bursting out of the e z iohd started off at a furious rate rato toward home they dashed along until they the y reached the canal about two to and aud a half ev neme here they stopped for a short time aud and the yore jn the fi mhd ina lna part put of he a hig g gear ir which however was mined ami ani and felho pt 11 ll pieces nod was wag ca bier lejong Ls long jong the he road 7 j vv sd I 1 As a planning haly half had Is bucci entis ie covered recovered from hia hla stupor iio ilo ifo lie started in team it being dark ardd arid which road in id its iti fr lant it lad tidd had rth faren fasen geniale he wandered about in fil endeavoring to his way at daylight this morning mr air C cartis cartia urtis artis stoddard and mr hj B gwilliam found tho the team V and frag ment of ottha tho tha wagon standing near manning Mann ineis store int nt hooper not the teamster abduct and fear ingae had net with a 81 fatal accident a party went in learch search of him A few miles out they found folind him weary and j jaded abed wending his hla way way slowly towards his hia home to which ir i I 1 badly injured land jand jt is lobred mat that one of them theatis as BO 80 seriously hurt that it will not recover manning sown own escape with EO ito little uttie injury to himself is alm aim almost O ost at his joss loss la ip something ing over oven from DAMY nally SEPT 0 9 iff yee missionaries assion arie arle s arric Arr wed wea ther B S abyssinia with witha altha company of mis ms alo aio narles di n board arrived at fit liverpool yesterday bo so a 4 dispatch from mr P A gibson gabson of new now Y york ork to brother ii john nuttall hardened onea oneS fihe te bounty County jad ja i prisoner hanx named ed glassner glassmer convicted of embezzlement was waa pardoned by tho the governor ien fen sentence tenca tenee was wat months imprisonment and a line fine of sixty dollar rf HC had served nearis nearly his full tern there baing being 1 only about one month mon th remaining jampee jumped the track this morning angas ingas as an engine and a number of C cars carb ars arb loaded with granite were turning the curve at the south on entrance tr ahbe anbe to the temple block one of the cars jumped the track and the engino engine got partially off rhe nhe line the jolt caused a numbs i of large jarge stone s to 16 be ahr thrown ow 31 from one of the carsto carb cars to the street 1 f 3 tand findeis princess louise lonise allie ilo inn gpo kua kha mua pua th princea erin Prin eeb lowise louise 1 lr s afo the pacific coart coast w will wiil ili III reich reach ogden ogdan on monday evening hug hud atop over in ahat tal till th i in e th they ay willads lei ivi ll 11 I 1 n 0 th thia is city at present but intend coming down lake late on the return trip about the latter iatter end of october dase of mental derangement the mex mer ald states stales that at a later laten hour houi wednesday on night the V simpson of hooper beset beser wi eber county cauntay lef left t her ber home at that pla pia qi nd up to 3 p m yesterday had hid hot been been or heard of althou although g lithe li the search for her bom been in bome some tinie t ima lma ago ogo during durig a spell of h 1 ra simpson mind became deranged since I 1 which chich yh chint chiat times her hem imagined he hii hu 1 ap and t tt the ivi ivl law a dill ra had bad gorni comento 0 rrt fhe fae bon boa son bilies she Yanc fes beb sham she bhe fa pur sued by tramps or other th levea levee at other times she thinks ache the hag has hilled killed quite a number of people or for which she supposes aj to be executed it appears to have been in one of these conditions of mind that she left the house on wednesday night to which she has not yet returned it la Is feared that she has bome some part of the great salt is drowned eshe ethe family llva liva aiho hoery very great greas diel diet distance rr from om that salt water ss deputy registrars uhe the been appointed and confirmed m to td those already published cna v t fr registrar debur If miton fiton t gob rob caba prad dt c hii eli M tiu ilu burn ero brojdon Cro idon precinct I 1 thomas hom walker ZT bak AkS istarki pan PAH t cht cbs 1 I mavill i 41 4 1 i ili thi 4 i 4 1 lit 1 g 5 0 budion bunion ue li J margem tr S bamer bater MIU mont precinct 7 B forshee za luct M lo lon fremont emont lr H J momi Mo Leilan lellan ap thurber precinct 0 Bunk erhoff B dmit jr i thereasa but hat laro luro taro counties ou ties lies not arranged cor for and bevier sevier in benco tytha tift tf cha che tha hel hei of bf the tho latler fabing aeda aport a special ed id by the com misson mison to go to that cl the ind mah mak e all necessary a appointments pabla irn and anu dei dew ar r ran rang ments J deputy R registrars and their offices Z the to dowing have p been designated as the times limes and places for fol registration of voiers in jp tiie tile s several evers I 1 I 1 precincts of this thia city the he kyork to begin bebin on athy ith iab c ano ap iveel wee c fird fryd precinct william deputy registrar office at his bre resi resl M denico derico on ThIra east Esst street fourth and afif fifth W west side of street hours houts for foz N tion ench each day the week from 10 am to 12 m and I 1 to 6 5 p m j second pr pye Pre cc harmel pratt deputy regis ar hours for tor regi each esy during the meeli 9 10 toia tola mana m and ana ato 6 pm tard crecine f jabsi 8 deputy registrar i office at sixteenth district school b hours for reg each day during duning 10 a am m to I 1 baij anda oa 05 Z pm fourth precinct n arthur pratt deputy registrar office at twentieth bostrict district school house hours forre for registration gi each day during the thawed weel weer beginning monday sept lith 0 a m and I 1 to 6 pm flyth fifth laberg JP ir little deputy registrar at city haij hall room no 17 hours for fon registration from gam wnm 9 am to 4 pm and from ito td the test oath wo publish the forms of oath s to tb be t by persons who register r next week in inard order er to harmonize thein them with ree rel recent int decisions of mb coni mission an additional tests test it will be observed has been I 1 I 1 I 1 forsa borbi OF A AMAN mana mand T territory er aliory of utha as county bt T 1 I being duly affirmed ancs eay that I 1 am arn overl take bake and have hava resided d mo tifis territory of utah for six bix month andin ther precinct of oue one month mouth immediately tey preceding the date hereof and I 1 am urn a native barnor born or naturalized as the cae calomay omay emay be citizen cf the united states and I 1 kd d do 0 further so solemnly s swear wear tor for or affirm that lam not a bigamist non noc neoly polygamist that 1 I have not violated the laws of the united states jug log bigamy vr oz polygamy ehatt ado 0 O not live or cohabit with more than one woman in the marriage ri rela reia la tion tian nor does any te lation exist be tween my myself self seit and any woman which has been entered into or continued in violation of the said laws lawi of odthe ithe united states biting bigamy or polygamy subscribed and sworn to be before re me this day of registration off omm llor 5 precinct y ig r OP OF OATH FOSA WOMA 7 LV tsa L t sa V ar territory of utah county of CB fis I 1 baing 11 first rs t d duly u ly sworn or affirmed depose depose and say that I 1 am twenty one years of age and have resided in the territory ry of utah for six months and in the precinct of one month mouth imme immel mine 1 p preceding re ding the date hereof and am a n native bom or naturalized or the wires wife widow or daughter as the case may be of a native born or naturalized citizen of or the united states I 1 do further solemn solomn solemnly ly sweir i or affirm that I 1 am no not t a njg bigamist adist nor a polygamist that I 1 have not violated the tho laws of the united states prohibiting biting bigamy or polygamy gamy and I 1 am not the wife or a polygamist nor have I 1 entered into any relation with ai any man in violation of the laws lims of the united states concerning bigamy and polygamy subscribed and swum sworn to before me rae thib this day of 7 iss registration officer for precinct I 1 MONDAY S dally DAILY SEPT ir fort hall reservation dir mr air ainslie delegate to congress from idaho is nis nia making king hing efforts at washington to have tile the font port hall indian reservation opened to settlement by tho the whites his efforts are f aid ito q bid fair to prove successful I 1 por vor eor por indiana gb monn morning elder stophen stephen R X mark wh ilo 0 came home frona frum his field of labor on account or of berea Lerea bereavement in his family circle will leave for indiana to reu resume m e his hia labor in the rules lon ion tiry ry nield field vve we wish him suc sue success cess sndra Death Yesterday arg jane james wife of mr david jamea james died suddenly i at hr hor resi regi dence a la in the 70 war ward oa oar r sym pathy ia Is with the tho bereaved hiu fiu husband iland and fancily fa roily tha iha funeral services will b beheld beld geld at the ath yard ward school house horse at 3 p m t tomorrow to 0 morrow not hot r 0 so o yve yvo wo loarn loara that the words an m the fh arrIage marriage relation loii have out ortho of the oath that tha titi ia abbe to lye tie administered to applicants hor for registration fration this weeke week wonder how many can conscientiously take the oath in ita rn amended emended ended form oui ow r contemporary is mistake mistaken tino timo no buch such having beeh made those who have done certain things outside of the marriage relation are dhe not excluded by the oath iia ila SIA kloral Kl beral eral trickery we learn that in ogdan 0 oden odon don den the registrar Is refus reus ing to re regist register tr omen women vy lif by arrangement iberal litera Xi parly y a woman a non jion mormon marmon cperez led lii lil herself for registration and 0 on being realf ing lug refused 0 mado made application 1311 cation catlon lo 10 the first district court ostensibly to obtain a mandamus to compel the registration officer to register the was not to vigorously prosecute the case care the i suit la la in couise 6 argument of r ar g um ent eni j registration ration the work of registration gist glat gi rution ration has baa been proceeding quietly yin in the several precInct precincts of this his city to day the deputies have heen been carrying out some singular and arbitrary rulea ruiea of the county the effect of which la Is to put fut some somo eligible ell kli gIble voters of the peoples party to considerable unnecessary temporary trouble in carrying a appella u the commissioners Commissio ners nerv at half past two om the number re gist kist ered in the tho fifth prec precinct inot wab was over oven of abo whole number te re in the five precincts it would be eafe cafe to 0 o estimate that at ht laa las fourths belong to the peoples peopled party A lg carried vac Rac package kage t sour hour our days ngo ago the a mckage package of f rehi reil registration blanks for ugo uso la in summit cou con county vy it appears however that ledl not reach its ito ae destination the postmaster to whose whom office ilie ilia he parcel was addres L eor nives gives I 1 it as a I 1 hi op 0 0 n nhon nion lon ion that instead of beins being delivered it was wag gar par led aed d eastward ao 10 to omaha by lnla inia take tahe to remedy the matter the have b beat seat en t shOt another |