Show A utan UTAH f TE riu rin to iti ity I 1 1 l EXECUTIVE OFFICE F lace lach ss BS ait sit salt sait lake city J to all to w enona hona theae these presents may mag comes vre gre greeting WHEREAS wilk Wili MEAS tho tha th at ime and pia pla placa of holding the september term horcourt of court coart in ila alid and ar for nor judicial Jiam ct of this territory was fixed by pro i on the twenty tw enty beven seven seventh th day das ds of at august hugi Augi A D 1 1878 and dufy worded and rhe fhe reas feas a petition peti pati tion signed by leading members raena laera bars cf tho tha bar andi and endorsed d by the chief juanice Ju atice haa has been nilea filed in thes office asking that the aid said ald september torm term be held on oath tho II 11 lith th c day of september I 1 in ll 11 stead 0 the esth day of september now cowf therefore 1 I ell fl murray governor Governur of the territory of utah by virtue ot of the authority in me I 1 vested do hereby order and pro claim that the term of the third district hereto heretofore dord ford faed atea ati ii be held on the day of septem iber ba be held heid on tho lith day of se Septem bir r in the city of salt L liace a aud and to com coin meaco menco at the 10 loana loara n 4 X in yn te whereon whereof wiler of I 1 hayo h avo hereunto sob sot sot adt rny ray lind hand 1 andi anji agid caute d the great seal sea of tho the tco terri tern bip tory to 1 be anisef Do doneal neat nent at salt balt lake Lao city olty utah this 61 ash h day daj or september AD A D 1882 1682 EH eri ems S MURRAY ray 3 y seal Gd vornor vernor ae by iby the governor x r artnur ARTHUR artau r li Tz titomas Tito fomas tomAs arks arAs secretary of U tab tah terry li |