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Show mo STRICTLY that Alta boosts of Its Icyclo3 and officers. the melts Question: Lhleh fastest? lie undr mtanrl could bably tell yon, i'Abali'K Answer: IliT TY 15 t .T K T Lihi : ;,nov-c- . your no vr n t c knn ne bets chalk u; I . pro you 5 E til) ? gt e lave you noticed how often dOwAKl) Thin Is has had the oar lately? the situation: hr, one the car flight without asking : ) Snetken took his 3onn permission, vm forced to take away or! vt leros -- Say .rcC I a for any woman to wait. tire bod wc can!t say that for you dAhh mt such t fns t ac( a v'c should have ainted dances. fine tine at the ke'rc wondering if Tr' . t Hl.'VA-- ' Ms He last long Too II I I loro had one. C 11.11 ever found her Knrlish boov.(?) UL is Blnrhnon. for or .I ray a the known r.d ----- acter little fo1 , veil f'ro.i away back. fKI'IC has a, tine. he's a char- now pal who lows him everywhere and can bo seen Converse vai.ting outside between every oorlod. .all cute to see them together because " c J .C r :iff is el nos t an bir as rc GGKK, has been bef.rf ft0 say "A dor In an's best friend they don't talk!."1 (he rc 'r.c lines to f.rrcc heart' ly,) 'n Id years is i.Ey, Add all LA remarks. "bright1 I, rirht tine at the wronr )tm:k y:)u so t tr cut her nlrrhtly all arm r,d then there are tvo And 5. f:K3 s to try down to at least an pbono call a and hour when, half, lie socially o the time lln.it is 15 inn ton I ! I should ; Hfl rc Ac -- V on Ah'S T I X,T -- D.) - : 'AI&US and uhbE .KJljLT, til1 'UK, HJKTVY BATTY i'VYAA and tii yand 73 , CTfRl -- HARKS, and GhtE A I .LOhD, J.A1 ,7.fU3IEK A LICK K1QD and "lO.E" 8: OPOhliSS. !Au He RIhCI?!l heard that the coos were n I-etf- ACute couples seen "Getting cquainted" at our recent dance ware : n like. 1 but nevertheless they are nev. members of the ever crowing "Society of tovc iaVinpr", which has been branded by several other sources a 3 ''iiAtSiAi'TLvC I J r-.niu.- rot JI'-fT- uo've seen wolves out day but then there's ijRil'U And not to be outdone , is r s little brother v .)Hti have you net these two characters yet rlrlcs? ret rcquaintodl Vsh, 'Ash, friOROEM to v; you do, on dfth all the qnls. carry uoonn1-woman mind ?or is she your -rca 1 broad ml ndod. X vo've added JAkS S to our of talent In the rr'rl's dorm, list c discovered she just recently a is 'lanlnt Someth! nr new (and cute) has been CK ;V added to the "GOKIU-mhave no':.o 're sure none of yo ticed 34 C and LAHVT.T.hA together, - rhnt Today ve discovered (Till le) really looks troll last Krldey uirrht,. he's just beconinr a little TOT friendly lately, a U R-ynn- i point for MR Sbe t'povs her "way around TT'Cj:, already. .LAKY i |