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Show J . IBS BLURB JtkCrJLSL (COEi'KUEB AROMEAGE 1 COIB53J 1) that so and n,ystariousl,v appeared vanished on th8 bulletin board ? ? ? Bridge.. ..I thought that was a pas-time for intellectuals, (an intellectual, anyone who can walk into one of Miss Kerimans classes with confidence or understand one of Doan Bought onTs logic dissertations.) Speaking of dissertations, how about a fast one syllable translation of that German language sroup :hapel the week before the Holidays? it was great, it was interesting, but what happened? Hon spreche nada, nohow. I hear that John Brown and Sam .ioombs have a tent in the back room of the Chariot Club, while Glen Ashworth is carving a cave in the Crown We neednft go room. into all the assorted Westminster athletes ana playboys who are paying rent at the Super Suds.. While mingling with the rabble there the other night, I acccollidentally overheard a motley Most of ection of time tested jokes. them started out,It seems there was a girl got on a bus and....., well, well let that one go. If you want been going my unbiased opinion The last time I 04. since about heard it, it started out, it seem its there was a girl .getting into her Stanley Steamer.. Some nights ago Im driving a Ions to a record session on the listening radio when the announcer gave out v ith, Special request of A Hug sin and A1 Chaikin for Suzy, requestedby Jack Fowles. Jack denies everything and for some strange reason, so does Glen Ashworth. Incidentally the report cones in that Suzys party Now Years vas really a kid. Sorry I couldnt make it. Gene Montague and her sister flew homo from Mexico Saturday night,loav ing her folks down there to continue Pardon me while 1 their vacation. nibble a small dram of tequila . a-v- o ORCHIDS TBPARIMLHT congratulations , for Bartlett for her e chairman of the for the Mistletoe Hop, and to the throe gals who dreamed up and Moffput over the Virginia Ma at,. Fa nny 2a h ur ia s , a nd ry Eu ma r -alas. Also a small wilted daisy to Ralph Miller for getting a flat tire ton miles out of town with no spare. Was it lonesome waiting, Ralph ? Keep this copy of your Blurb, it Orchids and this issue, to swell job as Jane comm-ito- Do-Fl- op, is a first edition original. JDVWH A ES BAILEY SNAPPY! SERVICE 17th C0U2IETE I s. 11thE. & Cx LEANERS L DYERS 1597 S. 11 TH E. HJBHICATIO ii s BATTERIES CHECKER AKB CHARGED TIKE REBATES S v WE It ' u KEEP IT CLEAN, CHUM GASOIIli: " on WINTERIZE YOUR CAR COIITTETELYi &ONE By' EXPERTS STYLIZED SERVICE OF QUALITY |