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Show International Relations Club , For you vho are internationminded, and love to get into ally some real hot debates, there will be an International Relations on Club meeting February 87, at 7 : oO P.M. in the parlor of Foster Hall. The discussion will be on the strike situation in our counand what it will have to do try, with our prestige abroad. Valter assures us Miller, President, that it will be well worth our time spent in the meeting. , CRACKER . . , BARREL v . - . The 'lafct... meeting of- ,the Cracker Barrel (philosophy club) was held at Foster Hall on February 14. Suzie Bingham was the - hostess. Hot dogs, roasted in the fireplace coffee, coke, and ice cream were served. The tof)ic' for discussion "Has the educational system come up to what the veterans expected" Bob McCauley and John Hickman represented the veterans viewpoint. a For full evening s entertainment, that is, if you like to argue and eat, let it be known if 'future like to attend youd Cracker Barrel meetings. Maybe an "invite". youll get MUSICAL "Youth For THRILL Christ", presents Elizabeth Hayes Simpson as solo star this Saturday night, February 83. Place: the Immanuel Auditorium. Time: 7; 45. Mrs. BUMS RUSH Saturday, March 2nd, willstu-be the day that the faculty and dents of this esteemed institution will put aside their dignity and good clothes and join the bums rush at the gymnasium of Westminster College. students living in town have planned a hilarious evening of entertainment for everyone. decorations Refreshments, and games have been planned according to the theme'. must be clearly underIt stood by those planning to attend that none, students and faculty alike, will be admitted if lookor ing the least bit civilized The dignified. So find your oldest pair of and prepare yourself for levis the shabbiest party of the year. XL XL A. DANCE Jannie Johnson is head of the committee which proposes to give an informal dance for the Y.A.A. It will be held at Foster Hall on the 15th of March, with St. Patricks Day decorations and the couples are asked to wear something green, even if it is only a green bow. The committee nenbprs are as follows: Mary Ellen Manwill, Both Corbett, Louise Turner, Jean Betty Duval, Elsie Jarman, Vagener, Mary Kumarelas. Further announcements bo made Army later. Nurse: "Vhen the Japs raided -- I jumped into YAC: "You mean a us, Army it will a wolf hole.' fox-hol- e." Nurse: "There was a wolf when I jumped in in |