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Show CRIUR CAMPUS Vol. Feb. 21 2 , No, 2c 1946 Vestninster College Rv! ?:or Sally Taylor Walter Killer Associate jjjltor Howard Snethen Business r Staff Venus lie oskoiivKs, Ber.rv Hull 3'? , Mary ICumurelas, Marve lla Frost one , Fi.yl 1 is Members: Cotrc-Kan- es , Mariece and John Hickman-Vhat is school? Itfs the students . with this wrong not tho school, but You who arc horo. offor polite refusals when asked to holp in different ways, you novor, or vory seldom shot; up at a social function. Then you turn around and shout from tho right house tops about tho lack cf goings on around here. I wonder why? Of all the reasons put for- as the cause of this attitprevailude, tho largest is this "Say tho nost,-yo- ll ing philosophy: ward the loudest, -- and work tho least,"- - a theory which is hold by a great majority of you, tho students; If any of you need any examples, horo arc several basketdid not come to tho ball, you whowho will not play; games; you social activities: those who complain about tho lack of then arc tho ones who are seldom or never there . to destroy-thitheory before it destroys us, must Do come from tho student body. not offor lame duck oxcusos when Tho movement s vou are asked to do something do Voluand do smilingly. it it, nteer, dont wait to two you would do these simple things, what could not bo done? Tho effect of your cooperation would bo endless, Walter Miller Wat.ne"W3, Springer, Elsie ileruail, Leah crawford Betty Detwoiler, Ten Joan F,yc;k. Pauline 3arkle, Bob McCauley, Gerrald Bailey, Clara If bo asked. THE. PASSING PARADE tho students of Although geology no doubt feci' that the course requires "More than they want to know about fossils", yet it is these generally known that "dug up objects, literally are of tremenout of the earth", dous significance to the science that sooks to unravel the history of the earth, Tho "controversy about fossils" arisos anew each year as tho uninitiated aro facod with tho question as to whothor they arc "froaks of nature" or-or actual remains of onco living ganisms. Tho story is told of an eighteenth contury geology teachardent collecter, who, being-aor of fossils, of ton took his students to a soft shale outcrop not fossils wero abundant. As a prank, ono student carved an animal on a bit of stone and loft for the noxt trip. VJhon tho it credulous collector found it add accepted it with enthusiasm, tho joke was continued until a largo collection was assembled. Tho so ho later described and published whore undor tho , title . "Lithographia soon af7urcoburgcnsis" ho found Hebrew letters and ter, oven his own name, ho realized he had been made tho butt of a mocking joko. After spending all ho had in attempting to buy up all these copies, ho died in poverty. inIronically adding insult to the his family republished jury, work after his death to soil as a curiosity and so to recoup thoir lost fortune When, |