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Show s. s. w. Have you ever stooped hew lucky vci a 'e think just the opportunities for uoaticr that are available tc in this grand have that it wi31 taka food, clothing, medicines, and the best cure of all will be good faith on our part and sincerity in our efforts. money, but oven more c. than F. to to eel you Studort Service Fund is one of the mcs effective media for giving this needed aid. It is concerned with the needy student of the helping war-tocountries by having us send packages to these people. This is not just a general fund where you send things to a clearing house and they are then disThe tributed to the people. method of the World .Student Service Fund is to give the nemos and addresses of the students to those who wish to send things or or both, In just to correspond, that way you can be sure that you1 11 have a more personal contact, Really, you'd bea surthe effect of single prise! at bar cf chocolate cr of soap on the people in those lands. They give pleasure beyond our ability to comprehend. So come on, now, lets all give these students the sort of apprechelp v;o ourselves would iate undo r similar c ond i 1 1 c n s , Those of you who desire mere detailed information may inquire at the office of the Dean. The World rn think of the condition of the educational systems in the countries which wore taken over and Ye know occupied by the Nazis, that one of the first things they did was to burn i.il the books and tolliterature that preached any or erance of race, creed, color whatsoever , other than that of the The ns:ct thing was to Aryans, take over all of the schools and universities and sys tenet leal ly loot then of all the things of value and go murder or imprison most of the faculty and instructbe ors whose teachings night dangerous in any respect to the despots and their henchmen. They then instituted their own teachings of hatred and intolerance, us bocks their own propaganda-fille- d and their own and literature, methods of the educating . people that they would be better fisted to further the a ins of the totalitarian s. The actual fighting is ail over now, it is true, hue there so still riest. remains to be won the. ai- to overwhelming struggle bring these swashed countries back to near tnis the noT-aaloy- . muss undo all Nazi Regime took we To do that which five years The peoand no re to accomplish countries must bo ple of these so that they can rere-educ- ated This task build their lands will take the combined efforts of all of us. It will take not only Bob McCauley STUDENT COUNCIL In the last meeting of the Student Council, it was decided that in the future all clubs or groups must present their petition and foe parties go the Council nave it voted upon. no need of this vas evident the by the? rise of parties at to school , Its purpose is pretho vent duplication of dates by Please several organizations. which out these petitions fill Dean s may be obtained in tho some Office , and give them to officer of the Student Council Tho Council meets. Ovory other Wednesday at 12:15 in Ferry Hall, O |