Show SPRUNG knem KNEES IN HOME HORSES S dr jennings who is one of our very first veterinary surgeons says an exchange dlan dian gethus thus speaks speak as to the tho cause of this sins disease often hap happening penin C bohor to horses honses s es the trouble does docs not always alway result from an in injury of the leg or strain of the thi th tendons it is more often found in horses that have bad corns in choir met or troubled with disease than any other tho the anin animal it al raisin raising g his heels to prevent pressure upon tipon tiie tender parts bends the knee which bending becomes finally from the altered position of the limb a permanent deformity lor for mity horses with sprung k knees are unsafe for saddle purposes owing I 1 to their consequent liability to stumble respecting the tile treatment it my be said that six out of every ten sprung kneed horses will be found to have corns if these theeo be of recent growth there thore is a fair prospect of straightening the tile limbs by 1 removing the corns aa as directed under khe the bead head of that disease by the tho demov ing of these the tile heels are brought to the ground and the limb becomes straight under any other circumstances all treatment proves useless LCou country gentleman lesus nature A natural curl cuni curiosity is on exhibition at the pacific 0 fruit market of lusk co buch such as perhaps was never seen before in any count country rv it consists of a si single 1 0 bou bough g 11 not more inore than fifteen in inches cl es lo 10 long iong na which contains fifty good sized weil weli ve iio ila formed pears so thickly erow crow crowded d e d together as to touch and form a bundle much in the tile shape of A pineapple pine apple till the le bough was cut from a abrec tree in tho the orchard of bri brings Ho Hw haskell haskeil at marysville marksville Marys ville the pears are an of the variety annety known keown as file the louise bonne dc de jersey jeroy jer oy H K F flag colin conn drine DRINK dri amz to five gallons of cold water add one quart of sound corn and two quart of molasses molas ws put all intha into a keg heg we weli weil ll 11 and in two or three days lays it will be fit lit for tor use bung tight it may br be flavored with essence of spruce or lemon the corn will last to make nive five orsia br ewings if it becomes sour add more mere molas ses bea and water it is a II simple beer and is called very b good |