Show LIST OF LETTERS D DETAINING E unclaimed in the post office a at t ilu salt lake ct city cito 1 I territory of utah the ath day of october lea leg 1864 which if not called for fore november ath ta will be sent to the tho dena dead letter office GENTS LIST bist acord V S kon lon long g AS 1 c aitken james lythgoe 9 zo T thomas h alexander john VV L alien allen james Mar marshall henry anderson P mason nells neils archer J L mercer C II 11 atwood dwight mills it barriale Barri alm aim chas D moss will sni bager eager 0 owen moreland andrew barlow yeary weary henry myers joseph basye wesly mcauliffe thos F henner benner daniel 13 F MeAl llster R W biair blair H mccormick jalcs brinton david Mc Ic Garver win brooks james jamea 9 3 mcintosh C G Hrad bourn james mcgahan megahan james hur bur hurchell hell chell robt nowell oliver bur kurko kurke f ce miguel obrien U C catter davis 2 pale robt 11 christain Christ aln ain P A packer isa isaab ao 2 co connel Connol lv jas 11 parrott rott 1 D V conley john jolin E perkins ferkins akins wm win A cosgrove patrich patrick pete rete petersen ran niels peter 2 cotteral wm win edw edo crockett james A pratt james cutler john C prichett dixson dikson FM F M reynolds N X B donalson john ra R IU a walter waiter 11 drake fitch J nicy ricy james edwards C J I 1 tock hock W wm i i i 13 E emery john II 11 rogers jas jai foster john Itou ilou sille crayton fuller francis W 1 sauer hauer gustave gu stave C 01 1112 2 II 11 T s over pett rett gray a nay ray Y E shults C 3 green nephi slaughter cbs ahns s G reen bery F S sa s1 apt y S I 1 P harker hiarker joseph smith emith irm ivin R heard N 8 smith geo goo 0 holland john holmes 8 11 sprout andrew hocking win IE stevens ste ens james NV hope hopee E stone gilbert 11 horton norton orto olto 11 franis franls steele john irvino irvine jolin john troyl troy V james jolin john S tilston cea I 1 2 J jenson renson jacob uler rier IT tj johnson m I 1 rie rio P B john vivion janie james 31 it knolton notton waters james i 2 lam iam bambrick brier brick G W welch wech 4 A lemon james W Wini arus atus elar Elai samuel nuel letson jared Jo joseph epli letcher richard luchard a C 8 lee S sam am woot vt finiff 1 IV ie lee rollin rouin wright thomas it lAwe lowendahl adahl ADIES LADIES Ii LIST barron gus gussie lie ste hughes Car carmalla carmellet Carm millet llla xi benbow mrs james martha brazier win martin aa M casper sinah sirah hann ann morgan mrs aa A carlsen iter ester lter murphy sarah saran doty mary jano jany shollow maria fee ellza eliza J tompson ella beef V liettie hettle waller walier alker olive 11 gordon annie annle webb vt stub bb hannah nannah goddard margret williss mrs alistra Al intra f 1 P ia asking for tiye flip i are and gl lve ive date dite T ll 11 H ite ill ilc PM G S L city ott la IC I C I 1 |