Show imai OF P PREs PEES lat ift oi bolie loile the tho uit pres brigham boling oun and ana company loft left great salt SM lake city oily to visit our jour southern settlements ho was ab beit belt us twenty nine days anatra and aud traveled and soo miles s of twelve rw elve eive george A smith wilford john taylor ezra ezira T nellson lorenzo loronzo snow and irana lin D richards joined the tile company in great sait salt bake city 7 orson hyde at sevier river bridge amasa lyman at fillmore and on the return erastus snow joined the company at round valley there was no formal organization in in traveling for every person seemed to know hh fils place and duty and not a single 0 murmur of discontent dis conte lit un happiness hap happi happl pines ness nesa s or fault findan finding occurred to the tile continued peace that prevailed during the tile journey thirty seven beven settlements were visited and nine meetings held in which discourses were delivered the teachings were rich in counsel and good sound instruction which if observed will bring to the saints spiritual ani aal and temporal salvation and were impressed upon every honest heart by an unusual unction ot of the tiie holy spirit greatly edifying f ing the tile saints and strengthening efiem them in their most holy faith the receptions given to the president and his company evidenced the tile universal confidence and good feeling of bf the tile 11 people ople opie towards the constituted constitute Zi authorities thorl ties of the church tho tho the presidents visit was made a time of jubilee feasting and rejoicing the schools were out headed by their teachers and children gave their joyous bows of welcome asye aasve as we passed young men and maidens said haid 1111 elcome welcome president brigham young and company the tho stalwart farmer mechanic and lumberman ceased for a time their labor to join in the general rejoicing and merry making and the veterans ve bared their thel r silve silvered slivered re heads in token of welcome companies of horsemen and bands of music with colors nying hying and in some instances platoons of beautiful girls dressed in white met the company to escort them into info the tiie cities and bid them welcome at nephi C H 11 bryan bishop bishope a wagon and team was fitted out for the brass band of that place who courteously tendered their services to the president and company during the trip it would be no easy task tash to say too much in in praise of the brethren composing that band land for they were ready on all occasions to awaken their beautiful strains and both min man and beast were comforted and spirited inspirited in by the sweet influences of their music the brass band of nephi formed an important item in the presidents trip and they will be held in in grateful remembrance the land I 1 where the water was naught and the soil barren is now a land of nourishing flourishing cities where whore frost desola tion and sterility characterized regions now productive farms thrifty orchards and fragrant flower borders bordens flourish the company were rego regg regaled aled with ine inc melons lons ions peaches apples and other fruits of this lately barren section wheat and corn in abundance are produced on the rini of the great basin wherever the saints have settled god has lum healed the waters and blessed the land it was sa said sald a I 1 id anciently the wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose it shall blossom abundantly and rejoice even with joy and swig shig ilg ing the glory of lebanon shall ige be given unto it the excellency of carm carmel el and sharon they shall see the glory of the lord and the tile excellency of our god at this his has been verified before our eyes when tho the company descended to the tile settlements south ot of the tile rim rim bim the they feasted upon the fruit of the vine the cofton cotton plant was exposing its fiber to the busy fingers of the tiie gatherer and every person seemed alive in the work of improvement and self preservation may the heavenly Impress impressions fohs lohs received during the presidents trip south in september 1864 never be effaced 1 from the minus minds of the participants part c an ta 0 D WATT cel cei reporter ort r |